An Iranian military fighter plane flies past an oil tanker duringnaval manoeuvres in the Gulf and Sea of Oman April 5, 2006. REUTERS/FarsNews/File Photo
2006年4月5日,一架伊朗军机在海湾和阿曼海的海军演习中飞越一艘油轮 路透社/法尔斯新闻/档案照片
The Trump administration claims that all of its efforts for liberalimprovement of Middle East have been ruined by Iran. U.S. President DonaldTrump has said that America has paid with money and blood only to be rewardedwith abuse from the Ayatollahs. How correct is this notion?
The Middle East in general-and west of Asia in particular-is knownfor its mosaic of identities and political structure. Complications, intereststhat have been interfered with, and values are boiling in the pot of globalreligions. Jews, Christians, Muslims (Shia and Sunni) and various otherdependent and independent religions and cults-besides diverse ethnic identitieslike Arabs, Persians, Turks, and Kurds-are shaping western Asia, which isunique in the world.
Each of these groups have their own identity and interests, whichtend to collide, but sometimes they match up. For centuries this region wasdivided between Ottoman Empire and Persian Empire. After the presence of theTurks and Persians diminished and the European maritime powers era commenced, theregion began to collapse; Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands andRussia each had a share of that cake.
After World War I, a new map of region presented. After World WarII and the withdrawal of the Europeans, the United States replaced them andencountered the Soviet Union. Although the structure of the nations andidentities remained fixed (except in the case of Israel), various networks ofpowers throughout the last century have come and gone and failed. But oneescalating factor did appear to be consistent: chaos.
There has been an increasing trend of tension in the region sincethe 1940s, which is when the United States began trying to control the variouscrises, such as Iran's oil fire, its coup, the Arab-Israeli War, the revolutionin Oman, Turkey's frequent coups, Afghanistan occupation by USSR forces, theIslamic Revolution in Iran, the hostage crisis, and then war in Iraq,Afghanistan, and the endless enmity between Israel and Palestinians and soforth. The United States has paid for a lot but gained little in return. It isnotable that Obama decided, for the most part, to leave the region due to itscontinuous frustrating challenges. That decision delivered the region's affairsto proxies.
Iran is the one country that seems to have repeatedly interferedwith America's interest. Most of America's strategies describe Iran by as anaxis of evil or a country that needs to be contained. In recent years, most ofAmerica's operations west of Asia have served Iran's interest and given it theupper hand. For example, removing Saddam Hussein and giving Shia groups accessto power were gifts that brought Iran's allies to power. The war in Afghanistanyielded a similar result. Defeating Taliban opened another field in Iran topenetrate. In both these cases Iran could establish ties with defeated forcesand use them against the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. Four decades of theIslamic Revolution, however, have altered Iran's political landscape. Now ithas more realistic actors which can benefit from all capacities in foreign andregional policy against its main enemy: America.
Iran could establish a strong state internally and enhance itsinfluence in the region, which was vacuumed by U.S. operations. The most recentcase is in Syria, which is where the United States, Russia, Europeans, Arabs,Turks and Iranians were fighting against the Islamic State. The Islamic State'sbreakdown was the biggest achievement of the Syrian government, an ally ofIran. After the defeat of the Islamic State, both the United States and Israelclaim that Iran could redirect released territories to fight against Westernforces in Syria.
Thus, the security dilemma that is shaping west Asia cannot beeasily and cheaply solved. To make matters more complicated, the United Statesis trying to draw closer its Saudi Arabia ally and get support for its aerialwar in Yemen?and perhaps even get it to help form a frontline with Israelagainst Iran. Yemen is another case where Iran has advantage in the region. Thecurrent coordination between Russia, Turkey, and Iran in Syria is anotherobvious failure of U.S. strategies in the region.
It now seems that will not be easy to push Iran out of certainconquered fields. All in all, the mosaic of identities and interests in westernAsia continues to conflict with one another and the chaos is increasing.Iranians were historically good diplomats and brave soldiers in the MiddleEast. Today, the United States understands that its money and blood have servedIran in many ways.
Aliakbar Kiani has a doctorate in international relations. He is auniversity lecturer in Iran. He formerly served as international-affairs expertfor Iran's president. He frequently writes on Iranian international politics.
Aliakbar Kiani拥有国际关系博士学位,是伊朗的大学讲师。他曾担任伊朗总统的国际事务专家,并经常写伊朗的国际政治。
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