YouTube视频:哪些天才堪称中国历史上最聪明的五个人? [美国媒体]



China's5,000 years of history expands to a vast amount of people who's knowledgecontributed well to society. These people can include emperors of dynasties,extreme war strategists, and many others. Today we bring 5 brilliant people ofancient China.


1. Blinded
AlasKongming was a dreamer wasting his potentials on reviving the dead carcass ofHan Dynasty. That and he was wasted on Liu Shan.


2. Bee Thao
10 个月前
SimaYi....he paved the way for the unification of China by his grandson SimaYan....check out "The Advisors Alliance"....a new historical dramadedicated solely about him.It brilliantly show a more realistic portrayal Ofthe Sima clan unlike most of the other movies, drama and video games thatalways portray Sima Yi as more of a villain character in my opinion


3. Kong Chan
whatabout Sun Tzu, who was the author of the famous "Art of War", whosemilitary strategies are even adopted by military of multiple countries inmodern era, such as the USA ?


4. Pek Joo Seng
TheRomance of the three kingdoms is an edited novel, the actual history is quitedifferent from the novel that most of us read


7. LinkLovesCrawfish
10 个月前
ZhugeLiang is seriously over rated guys HISTORICALLY Zhou Yu was far superior withZhuge Liang only providing the Eastern Wu forces with land support Zhou Yu iscredited with the victory over CAO CAO in overcame 16 to 1 odds all Zhuge Lingdid was literally pretend to change the direction of the wind which we all knownow is impossible... unless your HARP lol anyways my point being
ZhouYu helped Sun Ce establish the basis of what would become Eastern Wu
Andit was Zhou Yu who defeated Cao Cao at the battle of ChiBi
Theguy was brilliant at almost everything he did historically and only villainizedin a biased historic Chinese novel


8. Dylan A. Kent
Thanksfor this video and your selection of Chen Dynasty for a channel name. It will bring you GREAT SUCCESS! This is important because we don't learnenough about Ancient China in American schools (sometimes we don't learnanything at all) and it had a tremendous influence through inventions and tradewith the rest of the world. You alsoreminded me that I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I would sitdown and read the entire Romance of the Three Kingdoms books. I am ordering Volume 1 now.


9. Anthony Hendra
5 个月前
chinesehistory in regards of the 3 kingdom is concentrated in strategic drama, whilstin reality there were so many other kingdoms at the time. the way thesebrilliant talents depicted were too bottom lined. their hardship and enduranceis more valuable.


10. 456 qsn
9 个月前(修改过)
ZhuGeliang was not smart at all. It is just a novel story. Sometime he was very stupid. In fact, Cao Cao was much smarter thanZhu. Because of Chinese feudal-imperialpower idea, historically people determine that Cao Cao is a bad guy and Liu Biis a good guy; therefore, Zhu Geliang should be smart. Historically the educated people made a lotof stories as “fact” to fool the uneducated people.


11. Rorschachqp
2 个月前
Thebook that Zhang Liang receives from Huang Shi Gong is that of Tai Gong. Jiang Ziya, aka Jiang Tai Gong, is that sameTai Gong.


12. Alvin Fua
In myopinion, most brilliant is Sima Yi (Sima Zhong da). Romance of Three Kingdomsis written by Luo GuanZhong ( he is descendent of Shu Han official). Therefore,his story often praised Shu Han. Sima Yi set the motion for conquest of othertwo states- Shu Han and Wu. He seize power in Wei , then his sons madegrandsons of Cao Cao puppets before his grandson, Sima Yan become Emperor of unitifiedChina...


13. Ellen Henry
Ienjoy hearing these stories. I think that adaptation must be part of ChineseDNA . Even losing a war they absorbed and overcame their oppressors becomingeven stronger. It's amazinghistory. I became interested many yearsago when the first delegation after many many years came to visit the US andstudy how a nation so young could advance so quickly.


14. alus nova
8 个月前
Inthe north, Sima Yi
Inthe West, Zhuge Liang
Inthe south Lu su
Alongwith Pang Tong


17. Arief Santoso
2 个月前
whata shame in three kingdom era many great strategist can be listed but mostlydied early for example pang tong and guo jia and Xu shu being kidnapped by Weiarmy and never bloom such a shame


18. Michelle Kinders
Thank you somuch for having Chen Dynasty. When I was younger, I remember going to Memphis, TN to see Great Emperors of China traveling exhibit. I really lo'ed seeing how they compared withwhat was going on in China with the rest of the world at the same time. unfortunately it seems as though theeducation of Asian countries is very lacking in the U.S.


19. Anthony Range
1 个月前
ILOVE "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms"! "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms2" was the first strategy computer game I ever played, back in 1989 on theN.E.S.. I used to always pick Ma Teng as My ruler, with Zhou Yu as My mainGeneral. I sooo want to play R.O.T.T.K.s again, after watching this video. Ifonly I had My old N.E.S. and game still.


20. Gar Bb
Doyou have a video going in to detail how ancient China rule over its land? Likemilitary politics? I've always love eastern culture. love your videos thanksfor educating


21. قصر أحلى ليلة للاحتفالات
I amfrom Sudan and
I becameaddicted to this breathtaking history
Ilearned a lot, China has a great history
and Ithink sima should be on the list too


22. Audrey Sung
1 个月前(修改过)
LiuBowen(刘伯温)and Guiguzi(鬼谷子) should be on the list! People alwayssaid that the former one was the reincarnation(转世) ofZhu geliang(诸葛亮) , and the latter one was a legendaryman who believed to be the founder of Zonghengjia(纵横家).Inadditional, Guiguzi was the teacher ofmany famous historical figure such as Zhang Yi(张仪), SuQin(苏秦), Sun Bin(孙膑)and PangJuan(庞涓), who influenced Chinese history.


23. Yipi Yayo
Areyou Chinese? the pronunciation of Chinese name is wrong and some of the factsyou mentioned actually deviates from the actual history recordings. Although itdoesn't change your opinion of thesmartest Chinese, but the names really got me triggered.
e.g.Jiang Jiya -> pronouced as Jiang but you read as Zhang.
Zhou-> which is a province in China.
WoLong -> 卧龙 -〉sleeping or lying down, not crouching =.=how would a dragon crouch?


24. ssjs8868
Isuggest everyone to read Romance of the 3 kingdoms. they have it in manylanguages, but the most accurate transaction is the Japanese version if youdon't read Chinese. for English, try to find the older print. if you want towatch it, YouTube has it. the 1994 version is the best one. also pay attentionto the theme song


25. Daniel Yang
DudeHua Tuo did not treat Cao Cao. You probably got that information from theRomance of Three Kingdom, guess what, Romance of Three Kingdom is fictional. Soyeah Hua Tuo died in 208 BCE, and he did not treat Cao Cao and Guan Yu. he isnot a character during three Kingdom


25.1 Swayam Vadoliya
11 个月前
Hewas thrown into prison becasue cao cao thought he was poisoning him.


26. Jessie Tricia
Hmm,I agree about Zhuge Liang being very smart, but he wasn't even close to beingthe greatest strategist of the time. That would be either Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, GuoJia, Jia Xu, Sima Yi, or Fa Zheng. Zhuge was more of an administrator whodevised Shu's brilliant administration system. Most of his strategicaccomplishments are fictional stuff in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

我认为诸葛亮确实非常聪明。但是他还不是那个时代最伟大的战略家。那个时代最伟大的战略家应该是周瑜,吕蒙,郭嘉,贾诩,司马懿或者是法正。诸葛亮更像是一个行政人员, 他设计了非常出色的管理体系。很多有关于他的故事都是《三国演义》里面虚构出来的。

27. Bill Ionaireben
Lee,Chung-Feng would rank way up there; 55-56 correct predictions in order withanother 4-5 left. I consider 56 fulfilled because it describes drone warfare,though the predictions are all the future of China; and drone warfare is mainlyassociated with USA.


28. Hope Vang
Ifthe most smartest humans were acturally the smartest humans then they wouldhelp establish world peace and so much more. They could of also prevent us fromhaving having droughts, and there wouldbe no war. But we are only human.


29. 死亡皇帝
7 个月前
Doesn'tmatter how smart Kongming (Zhuge Liang) was, he against God's will many timeand he knew his death caused by that, ya he was super Genius back in the 3kingdoms Dynasties. i like Hua Tuo and his medical techniques, too bad CaoCao.....


30. alex Lo
IfZhuge Liang were the smartest among others He should capable of Unite China.But reality it's not. Gua Jia, the early advisor to Cao cao is beleived to be smarter than him. But Hedied young.When Cao Cao was overall defeated at the Red Cliff battle, He shout to the sky " Gua Jia, Had youbeen existed I'd never be defeated in sorrow like this ".


31. Engineer 314
(Commentingthis before watching the video)
IfKongming/Zuge Liang isn't in this list, I'm disliking. His wit is tooincredible to miss. YES! NUMBERONE! Top Quality. Also interesting how one of the two people Zhege Liangcompares himself to, Guan Zhong, is in here as well. Imagine what happens ifZhuge Liang's mind gets resurrected today.


32. Philip Li
Zhu Geliangis a straight shooter, always attacking properly and carefully. He had too muchon his shoulders and could not afford to lose many troops since his 200,000troops were all that the kingdom has. Simayi once mentioned Zhu Geliang issecond to none in country management, but cannot lead an army.


32.1 Akise Aru
10 个月前
Henever commanded more than 100.000. And Zhuge Liang can't compare himself toSima Yi because he wasn't a good military commander.


33. ky99999999
zhugeliangis actually not as intelligent in the real history as in the story is. but zhouyu is the most intelligent one, he is literally the smartest guy in chinesehistory, but he died at a young age. also jiang wei (zhugeliang's disciple) isvery brilliant too


33.1 Ashengard
ZhouYu (Gongjin) was a brilliant general and strategist but he was no match for thesleeping dragon. Even on his deathbed he lamented for being born in a timewhere somebody like Zhuge Liang exists.


33.2 Ashengard
SoniaJin The novel reflects the reality more or less. Don't want to take anythingfrom Gongjin, he was brilliant but he wasn't Zhuge Liang. Zhuge's achievementsas an inventor, diplomat, philosopher, commander and strategist, as well hisloyalty and humanity makes him one of the most exceptional persons in the humanhistory.


33.6 Ng Jian Hong
lmao,ZhuGeLiang might not as intelligent as described in novel. But where do you getthe idea that ZhouYu is the smartest guy? When comes to intelligent, either innovel or real history, plenty of Wei's officer can slap ZhouYu's face realhard.


33.7 HyugaNeji462
You'recorrect, Zhuge Liang was not as intelligent as the stories want you to believe.He was an outstanding civil official, but a horrendous military strategist andcommander. Nor was he responsible for many if not all of his supposed inventions.Historical records clearly state all of this information. He was thwarted timeand again by the real brilliant mind of the age, Sima Yi. A lot of what you canread is Chen Shou's Records of the Three Kingdoms related to Shu areexaggerated and untrustworthy as he was an official for Shu and had very clearbias toward his home state.


34. Ivan Chen
Ithink Cao Cao should be on this list, prior the Zhuge Laing era. The way he gotto the top was brilliant itself. He literally started from a peasant to runninghis own kingdom and leaving a huge legacy in Wei with much talent.


34.1 Lance Lee
4 个月前(修改过)
IvanChen No, he was not. Cao Cao is actually born from a prominent family, wherehis ancestors had served as high as one of the San Gong ( literally translatedin english as Three Duke, which is the three highest ranks one can get in HanDynasty ). In the Han Dynasty, there was no civil examination unlike in thelater Chinese dynasty, instead, people get to work in the government through aRecommendation System which is basically controlled by the powerful family ofthe high-ups, and Cao Cao is one of those that get recommended to be an civilservant because of his fame and family influence. In conclusion, he is no wayclose to a peasant, fyi.

