我在北京的一家商店里拍下了这张照片 [美国媒体]


Took this picture in a shop in Beijing... in real life.


So it means, "Dont rob me, rape me instead?"


I don't think that's what the Mandarin is meant to say, but its what they've translated it to in English, yeah.


That is what it's meant to say. In fact, if you google 劫财没有劫色配合, you can see it's a popular saying/joke.
Edit: To translate it slightly better "You can have my body, but can't have my money."

更好的翻译是这样的:You can have my body, but can't have my money(你可以占有我的肉体,但不能夺走我的金钱)

Google Translate says "There is no robbery in the robbery"


Basically, in old "wuxia" stories, when thugs conduct robberies they'd say something along the lines of "we'd rob your belongings if you are rich and we'd rape you if you look pretty (a very rough translation)"
Then moving onto modern China, dating for the well-educated people are getting difficult as the ideas often clash with an old view (find a mate asap, get married when you becoming of age). As a result of this, many people find dating/meeting someone they like extremely difficult to a point that people joke it's easier to get robbed than get a "mate".
So this joke was born. It's one of the things that doesn't translate very well directly into English but it's not meant to be a sinister saying.


Not really... A woman forced with a gun to her head can still cooperate to reduce the pain and risk. But I would nevertheless consider it rape.


Interestingly there was a case ruling a similar deed as not rape in Germany. (I have no name, date or location to search for it, and wouldn't know good search terms. Take with grain of salt, but this story triggered my first response.)
A woman was abducted by her ex-boyfriend, dragged into a car and he told her he would rape her anal real hard. Not sure if he threatened to kill her as well. She talked him down to "normal" sex, and she wouldn't fight back.
Afterwards, when the case went to court, the guy was not convicted for rape because she "consented". So, while I disagree with "funniest" and also with the legal verdict, your assessment appears to have some legal merit :-(


Can I be raped and robbed at the same time please?


Only because you asked so nicely!


Look at all those entitled white people laughing at bad English yet they can’t speak a single word of Mandarin.
Double standards.



