China Dreams of America Alone
As the prospect of a U.S.-China economic confrontation grows more likely by the day, Beijing takes comfort in the ongoing tensions between the United States and its allies that flared anew during President Donald Trump’s recent trip to Europe. American efforts to push back against China’s mercantilist practices will falter without the support of key allies—above all Europe —where frustration with the Trump administration today outweighs serious concerns about Beijing’s economic behavior. If current frictions endure, Beijing is likely to believe—not wrongly—that it can isolate the United States from its allies, rebalance trading relationships, and ride out temporary economic disruption.
Danny 8 hr ago
Keep Dreaming!
honkhonk 2 hr ago
The whole world owes China money, that's another reason why China has the upper hand. China has lend money to USA, many countries in Africa, south America, and EU also.
honkhonk 2 hr ago
Many countries in the world really dislike USA right now. China, however, is making friends and businesses with the world, especially in Africa and south America.
Mingo 5 hr ago
Trump made American alone.
Dan 6 hr ago
We in China dream that US will be part of Mexico.
Robert 2 hr ago
Trump is making that dream come true.
Tony 7 hr ago
For 40 year, I didn't hear anybody talking about China's economic behavior except its magic growth. Now all of a sudden you are accusing China's economic behavior? Come on, don't be jealous on China's growth and try to curtail it, like you did/do to Russia.
CaptainKKK 6 hr ago
US treat allies as slaves or worse.
Marty 1 hr ago
Sadly the USA didn't do this RIGHT. IF we really want to reign in CHINESE trade hegemony we need to engage our ALLIES in that battle. Tariffs and global trade war is not what we could have or should have done policy wise, but it is what DUMPSTER has chosen to do. We all have to wait and see what happens. The RIGHT APPROACH would have been to work with our allies on a global EMBARGO of CHINESE goods & services. With tariffs they simply go through 3rd parties and get the goods at LESSER cost than what than they would with the TARIFF. It would have been far more difficult if the world UNITED against CHINESE trade hegemony and enforced EMBARGO...sadly that didn't happen and we're going it alone. Equally sad is the COST to each and every one of us that will result from this short-sighted trade policy. We may prevail, but it will be very, very costly.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...