In a very short time, we human beings haveseeded our corner of the universe with all kinds of signs of our existence. Wehave flung hundreds of satellites into the sky, cloaking the Earth intechnology. We sent spacecraft to swing by planets and moons, to orbit them, toroam their surfaces. A few years ago, we reached the invisible line between theend of our solar system and the beginning of everything else, and then piercedit, hurtling into the darkness beyond.
This last achievement, humanity’s escapefrom the solar system, was certainly astonishing, a testament to humaningenuity and engineering. But it was much easier than what we’re trying to donext.
The reason has to do with orbitalmechanics, the study of how natural forces influence the motions of rockets,satellites, and other space-bound technology. Falling into the sun might seemeffortless since the star’s gravity is always tugging at everything in thesolar system, including Earth. But Earth—along with all the other planets andtheir moons—is also orbiting the sun at great speed, which prevents it fromsuccumbing to the sun’s pull.
This arrangement is great if you’d like toavoid falling into the sun yourself, but it’s rather inconvenient if you wantto launch something there.
“To get to Mars, you only need to increase slightly your orbitalspeed. If you need to get to the sun, you basically have to completely slowdown your current momentum,” says Yanping Guo, the mission-design andnavigation manager for the Parker Solar Probe. Based at the Johns HopkinsApplied Physics Laboratory, Guo has been working on the probe for about 17years.
Probes bound for deep-space destinationslike Mars can piggyback off Earth’s momentum to fly faster. For a spacecraft tolaunch toward the sun, on the other hand, it must accelerate to nearly matchthe Earth’s velocity—in the opposite direction. With the planet’s motionessentially canceled out, the spacecraft can surrender to the sun’s gravity andbegin to fall toward it. But this is almost impossible with current rockettechnology, so spacecraft have to get some help, in the form of slingshotmaneuvers off other planets, called gravity assists.
Spacecraft usually use gravity assists totravel deeper into the solar system; in 2007, the Pluto-bound New Horizonsspacecraft approached Jupiter, dipped into the massive planet’s immense gravity,and then bolted away, moving faster than it approached.
This time, the Parker Solar Probe willexperience seven gravity assists from Venus in order to draw closer to thecenter of the solar system. With each pass, the spacecraft will shed some ofEarth’s motion.
The team behind the solar probe initiallyimagined the spacecraft would get this gravitational boost from Jupiter, theking of gravity assists thanks to its massive size and corresponding gravity.Parker would have needed to swing past Jupiter only twice. The sun “is the mostchallenging destination to reach in the entire solar system without a gravityassist,” Guo says. “Any available launch vehicle—even near-future, the mostpowerful—it won’t be able to shoot a spacecraft to get to the sun. You must usegravity, and not just a general gravity assist—you have to use the mostpowerful gravity assist.”
Such a long detour would have required theParker Solar Probe to run on nuclear power. But about a decade ago, nasa toldthe Parker team it couldn’t build its spacecraft to operate that way. Engineershad to completely rethink their planned trajectory: Solar-powered spacecraft,they believed at the time, would be too far from the sun to function nearJupiter. (Things eventually changed, but not soon enough for Parker; thesolar-powered Juno reached Jupiter in 2016 and has been orbiting happily eversince.)
The Parker team studied its options andsettled on Venus. In some ways, the new trajectory works out well. WithJupiter, the probe would have come closer to the sun, but it would have madeonly two passes. With Venus, the Parker Solar Probe will make 24 passes overits lifetime. The probe will spend more time sampling new territory around thesun and, scientists hope, provide answers to some outstanding questions aboutour star.
nasa has previously launched severalsatellite missions toward the sun, but the field of heliophysics—the study ofthe sun’s effects on the solar system—remains quite new. The Parker Solar Probewill fly through one of the most mysterious regions of the sun: the corona, theouter layer of hot plasma stretching millions of miles from the surface, orphotosphere. Unlike the photosphere, the corona is visible to the naked eyeonly during a solar eclipse, like the kind that swept across the United Stateslast year.
Scientists don’t know why the corona is sohot; temperatures there can exceed 1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit (1 million degreesCelsius), while the photosphere remains at a comparatively cool 10,000 degreesFahrenheit (6,000 degrees Celsius). Nor do they know how exactly it generatesconstant streams of charged particles that unfurl across the entire solarsystem like tentacles, a phenomenon known as the solar wind.
Scientists have spent 60 years thinkingabout the solar wind. Specifically, Eugene Parker, the American astrophysicistfor whom the nasa mission is named, first described the dynamics of solar windin 1958. “It was something most people couldn’t seem to swallow. They expressedstern disbelief,” Parker told Rebecca Boyle in Air & Space magazine thissummer.
Safe from the sun’s glare, the probe’sscientific instruments will operate at a balmy 78 degrees Fahrenheit (26degrees Celsius).
The Parker mission is scheduled to end in2025. After it pings home a final time, the spacecraft will, over the course ofmany years, succumb to the sun’s gravity. There, beyond the pull of anythingelse, Parker will dip closer and closer to our star. Under the scorchingconditions, it will crumble first into pieces, and then into dust. Years afterlearning to leave the solar system, humanity will have finally managed to plungeright into the heart of it.
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