China's empire of money is reshaping lives across new silk road
China is building a very 21st century empire-one where trade and debt lead the way, not armadas and boots on the ground.
If President Xi Jinping's ambitions become a reality, Beijing will cement its position at the center of a new world economic order spanning more than half the globe. Already, China has extended its influence far beyond that of the Tang Dynasty's golden age more than a millennium ago.
The most tangible manifestation of Xi's designs is the new Silk Road he first proposed in 2013. The enterprise morphed into the "Belt and Road" initiative, a mix of foreign policy, economic strategy, and charm offensive that, nurtured by a torrent of Chinese money, is rebalancing global political and economic alliances.
Timur 1 day ago
The old adage: Build roads and get rich. A consumer market in the making, not weapons.
FormerSinoexpat 1 day ago
Chinese colonialism
CH 1 day ago
Literally the Chinese saw the foolishness of the old western doctrine of "I came, I saw & I conquered" which is clearly a blatant bullying way. So they amended it to "I came, I saw & I either traded or bought". It takes no brainer to see which is the better option.
ThirdEye 1 day ago
China's "Belt-and-Road" is far superior to US' "Bombs-and-Rockets".
C.P. 1 day ago
The difference between the American Empire and the Chinese Empire is that the former relies on the military power which is hateful, but the latter relies on the business power which is peaceful.
Tom Cruz 1 day ago
China believes if you do nice things, in the long run, nice things will pay you back. It is a win win formula to enrich people's life, both your own and your neighbors. Hard for western cultures to comprehend. You seldom see their culture finger pointing others, calling names, make up stories like here. Bloomberg is no friends of China, they have extensive networks of Asian analysts doing detailed research and they understand China better than RAND corporation. US is going down on her own, she has no one to blame but self.
factswelcome 1 day ago
"China put its money where others wouldn't." -Marcus Bensasson The West should stop whining and starting investing in places where they have ignored for centuries. No One Is Stopping YOU.
Abhaya 1 day ago
China is building a whole new market for them selves so that the US and the west cannot destroy their economy . Trump will just pump his chest but there is nothing he can do .
Vivien 11 hr ago
The majority of Chinese monies are coming from America, US, Canada, EU, Japan, and small Asian countries. Now they use those monies to buy lands, sea ports, airports, mountains, mines, from other small countries, and they will occupy for 99 years or more. It is a very bad and secret way to steal, rob and invade small countries. They already invaded, occupied, robbed these countries Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, Urumqi, Sichuan. Don't let them fool you, don't take money first and lose your lands later. Open your eyes and learn.
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