长期(5年以上)待在中国的小伙伴们:你为什么会在中国待这么长时间?你有预料到自己会待这么长时间吗?有啥感受或悔恨吗? [美国媒体]



Long termers (5 years+) - How did you end up spending so long in China? Did you expect to spend such

长期(5年以上)待在中国的小伙伴们:你为什么会在中国待这么长时间?你有预料到自己会待这么长时间吗?有啥感受或悔恨吗? 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


–]wtiam 37 指标 1 天前
I was fairly young when I came here, and the longer I stayed the more things developed here - work, career, friends, etc. and back home it was the opposite. Friends got married and moved with their lives, others went abroad, some ties were lost, career wasn't focused in there and so on.


I still visit home regulary, as my family is there, but there isn't much else. I'll go there to retire though.


[–]SpinBuck 33 指标 23小时前
Almost 6 years in Beijing.


Told friends and family back home it would only be a year. After that, kept saying one more year.


I never felt an urge to leave. Made friends, have a good job, just generally having a great time. Even still. My life is just very comfortable and enjoyable. If it ain't broken, don't fix it kind of mentality.


Recently though, I've realized it's hard to make roots here. You get a crew, then they go back home. Repeat that every 1.5 years. Real estate is way overpriced. Career advancement is difficult after a certain point.


No regrets. I cherish my years here. It's been a dense a 5 years. So many opportunities I wouldve never even dreamed of taken advantage of in Missouri. It's been so much fun. But it's time to go and start thinking of adult things.


[–]Phatnev 17 指标 21小时前
Agreed. I'm 5 years in, finally met the right girl, I'm currently saving up some scratch and waiting see where she can transfer to and then move on together. Been an amazing 5 years but at 30 it's getting a bit tedious making and remaking friends so often.


[–]Doughymidget 8 指标 18小时前
I just got out. 30 years old, 5 years in China. I hit the same but got lucky with a job I could take home. I’m excited and nervous. On my last day in the China office my boss told me I was just in time. He said I can still do it, but another year or two and you get stuck.


[–]Phatnev 3 指标 8小时前
Good for you man, glad you got what you wanted. I really wouldn't be upset at being stuck but I'd like the option to go back. I'm lucky in that my gf has a much better career than I do and works for a huge international corporation so I'm pretty sure we'll be fine if we wanna leave in the future.


[–]takeitchillish 27 指标 22小时前
I have no foreign friends left here in China because they have all gone home, I also do not feel motivated to go out to bars or events to socialize to make friends who stay friends only for a year or so either. It is exhausting, especially for an introvert.


[–]Rudager 10 指标 21小时前
I understand you completely, and I too am from Missouri. I've been here 6 years and it was supposed to only be 1. I save more money than I ever have, and have a pretty good time most of the time. The troubling part for me is that most of my good friends have take off. I'm pretty lonely now and the new foreigners I see/meet in my city are pretty lame. It's very cliquey here and everyone talks shit on everyone else.


I am torn. Part of me loves my life here, the time off and traveling, the good times, the saving money. Another part of me is getting sick and tired of everything and I'm really thinking of going home in the near future. I feel like I need to think about 30 years down the road. Healthcare, a family, etc.



[–]SpinBuck 6 指标 20小时前 
I lived in a smaller city while I was studying the language. Could never live there long-term bc of the expat culture.


You think you'll move back to Missouri (raised in KC btw)? After being here for so long I def want to live somewhere bigger and more international


[–]Rudager 6 指标 20小时前 
I'll probably move wherever a job is. I grew up in Warrensburg and my folks live in Lee's summit now. I have a much different look at small town life after living in China for 6 years. I love the idea of peace and quiet. That said I'm sure the mid-missouri redneck culture would drive me insane. Ideally I'd like to move to a D1 college town like Columbia or Lawrence.

我大概会搬到我工作的地方去。我在瓦伦斯堡长大,我的父母现在住在利斯萨米特。在中国住了6年后,我对小城镇有了与之前不同的看法。我喜欢安静平和生活的这种概念。也就是说,密苏里中部的乡村文化完全会整疯我。理想状况下,我想搬到像哥伦比亚或者劳伦斯这种顶级(Division 1)的大学城。

You're right about the expat culture. It's totally ridiculous here these days and I can hardly stand it. It's not what I came to China for. I've been thinking of heading to Shanghai next year if I don't head home. I've been playing some gigs in Shanghai lately and it's been a lot of fun. Shanghai is certainly not China. It's something different...


[–]takeitchillish 16 指标 22小时前* 
Sometimes I regret it and wonder how life would be if I had stayed and not gone to China. Who knows. A couple of more years and I am done will just come visiting China every year instead. You can never become a part of the Chinese society I rather go home to my home country and yet again become a part of the society and a feeling of belonging at least not a feeling of alienation by being shouted at as the laowai all the time. In my home country no one raises an eye if you are not white or cares if you are a foreigner you are treated as an individual like everyone else in 99% of the cases. China is way more stressful compared to home and I am starting to feel done with the stress. China is suited to stay in for a year or two then move on (more in Shanghai which is a more suitable city for foreigners if you earn good money).


[–]derrickcopeUnited States 23 指标 1 天前 
25+ here started my own company and got married.


[–]usaprc 5 指标 22小时前 
Nice! What kind of company?


[–]derrickcopeUnited States 13 指标 21小时前 
Fitness instructor training. The fitness market has really grown over the last 20yrs since we started.


[–]usaprc 6 指标 21小时前 
That’s awesome—I had been looking for an English-speaking fitness trainer at nearby gyms for a long time before I eventually just gave up and did it on my own. Definitely a market out there for sure!

很棒惹 —— 我一直在附近的健身馆找会说英语的健身教练,后面我放弃了,只能靠自己练。这绝对有市场!

[–]derrickcopeUnited States 3 指标 21小时前 
We certify Pilates instructors so it is a bit of a niche market.


[–]coachbradb 2 指标 16小时前 
Nice move. I noticed that while I was over there. Lots of fitness places opening up. Well done.



[–]shenzhenren 9 指标 23小时前 
Got involved in an industry where I can learn skills and have room for advancement. Pay is decent and job is chill. No regrets so far.


[–]usaprc 3 指标 22小时前 
Awesome! Good to know people can find long term success here. Mind vaguely sharing which industry you’re involved in?


[–]bigwangbowskiUnited States 25 指标 21小时前 
I'm stuck here. Every day I long for the sweet embrace of death.


[–]Pubbin 9 指标 20小时前 
I ask myself this very same question often nowadays which has finally and unequivocally led me to the conclusion that it is time to go back home. For me it was an escape. The economy back home was still pretty shit back then (2012); family drama combined with a disillusionment of American culture led me here. The time simply flew by and suddenly I'm staring back in the mirror at someone who's been here almost 6 years.


Definitely agree with my fellow introverts that constantly trying to make new friends finally bonding closely with them only to watch them disappear again is absurdly exhausting and I now know I will never ever be happy or fully accepted here. However being away has also given me a newfound appreciation for the freedoms I take for granted back home in a way that would have been impossible had I not moved. I've also traveled more here in this time than probably all of my friends combined back home met tons of amazing people and learned a lot. Some regrets but mostly none!


[–]cuteshooter 2 指标 14小时前 
Yes that's the timefrx. Have more lived experience than most on this board so China has been more like gravy or dessert. I'm full now. Taking action we'll see if it leads to a graceful exit.


[–]jpp01Australia 8 指标 18小时前 
Next year will mark 10 years.


Came over for the usual “1 or 2 years” thing and met my wife. We started a company then another. I worked 3 jobs and did the business for a couple years. We bought a house had a kid.


If we weren’t making really good money then I would have moved back a few years ago. But as much as I think it’d be more comfortable back home we are saving as much as we can. Plan on buying a house next year back home and moving back by the end of 2019 or the start of 2020.


It’s mostly been a good time 90% of my friends are Chinese and have had the same group give or take for the past 8 years. Even had a couple Chinese friends move to Australia before me.


Thing is living costs have gone up drastically since I first came here. And if you want to live a comparatively comfortable middle-class life here then it’s going to cost about the same as home. Often actually more. So as much as we’ve been saving money and making a good living it’s coming to an end. I won’t be sending my kid to a school here. And I can sell my apartment for almost triple what I paid for it in 2012 so I’d be mad not to.


Was mostly a nice ride while it lasted.



[–]cuteshooter 19 指标 21小时前* 
This same question was posed a few days ago.
The first 3 or 4 years are good. Then that's it.
Also maybe China these days feels like a disco at 3:45am.
It's almost closing time.


[–]Ben1969 5 指标 21小时前 
That's how it feels and after 4am it gets even worse.


[–]Rampaging_BunnyUnited States 4 指标 15小时前 
Ugh shhhhhh. We’ve been saying that for years and the party doesn’t stop. China markets will continue to grow despite any negative bs you think you know


[–]nickdangernickdanger 0 指标 8小时前 
China will take over world do you know it?


[–]bananameltdown 6 指标 1 天前 
Came here early 2000's and never got stuck in a dead-end job. Career stuff kept me going. Last 5 years or so my wife and I both make a lot of money and anywhere can be pretty good when you're making enough.


No regrets things have worked out well but I have never got to a point where I really like living in China. Maybe better to say it depends on the day.
Finally tapping out though. Off: to brighter pastures in more developed parts of Asia.


[–]jcancelmo 2 指标 18小时前 
Which industry do you work in?


[–]bananameltdown 3 指标 18小时前 
Education then moved into finance.


[–]AlakasamGreat Britain 3 指标 18小时前 
Thats interesting if you dont mind me asking what finance stuff did you do?


[–]bananameltdown 3 指标 18小时前 
Private equity. Started with investing in education projects but now it's about 50/50 between that and general investment funds.


[–]SailTheWorldWithMe 6 指标 21小时前 
7 years in. Long story short: Money.


[–]ObviousExpert 4 指标 17小时前 
Coincidentally my dear mother just called me and said that a random Chinese woman she'd met said foreigners who'd worked in China for five years were entitled to a pension and that I should check it out. It was news to me is it total nonsense?


[–]marmakoideEuropean unx 4 指标 13小时前 
Got married and got a good job I didn't want to leave. I didn't have limits in mind initially I though I could give myself a chance at taking roots in China as I didn't have issues with that and didn't see barriers either.


It was all good and fine for a while. However lots of the things people love to rant about here started to grind me. Small bothers piled up fast. Eventually I coudn't see a future for me here especially with kids. Unless I was willing to live in a small bubble living to pay a debt to buy a shitty overvalued flat in an area I would not like and I would never really own and have a very sextive memory and judgement I would hit a wall crash and burn. So I left.


[–]WhereTheHotWaterAt 15 指标 1 天前 
“Any feelings or regrets?”
After 5+ years definitively they don't feel feelings anymore lmbo


[–]methodcomic 7 指标 22小时前 
Just passed five years. Family has grown my social circle has continually improved and developed. Income has gone up each year my parents even moved out here. No real reason to leave for now life is good


[–]coachbradb 3 指标 16小时前 
I lived there for 6 years but had only planned on living there for one year. I made some business contacts and ended up owning my own English training center got married had a baby etc. I made pretty good money too. Lived in a 3 story condo that actually had an oven and a garden on the roof.
If I did not have kids I would still be there today.
So basically the answer is that the longer you live in a place the deeper your roots go.


[–]Tartan_Commando 4 指标 21小时前 
16 years in Shanghai. I thought I'd stay for a year but... things happened. I tried to make a move back in 2008 but the financial crisis meant nobody was hiring in my industry. There always seem to be reasons to stay - a new job expecting a kid kid starting a new school.


Staying here has got me into a career that I enjoy and helped me progress faster than I would have elsewhere. It has been very beneficial financially partly due to the aforementioned career and also that my wife and I bought a house 8 years ago. I don't think I regret it but I do recognise that most of the benefits have been financial and there have been costs in other areas of life.


I go through phases of "I hate this place I need to get out" and "it's not so bad maybe stay a little longer and save up some more" but the sun is shining today and the air is not so bad.


[–]me-i-am 3 指标 15小时前 
After 21 years I find it hilarious that "5+ years" is considered long-term....?!?


[–]nickdangernickdanger 1 指标 8小时前 
Yeah you're like the guy who has a life sentence comparing yourself with those who will some day be elligible for parole. Hysterical


[–]alkrasnovIsrael 4 指标 23小时前 
Same situation as most other people here - Been here 6 years or so in a job that keeps developing and allows me to do more things that interest me.


[–]alpha3305 1 指标 13 分钟前 
almost 5 years. Tapping out: limited opportunities in the beginning and almost nothing now unless I want to run around the middle provinces with low wages. Got married and having 1st child. Moving onto the EU help them restructure and get a more stable life for my family.


[–]Clamjacob 1 指标 8 分钟前* 
You guys have said in so many words how I feel.
Good bye friends. Hello friends. Good bye friends. Hello friends.
I'm buying local now but sometimes you just need a regular hot-dog not a 火腿肠。
Edit : No homo

编辑:不是同性恋。      (翻译人员:热狗这么简单的,你不会自己做?= = )
