中国在高调宣传H-20隐形轰炸机的同时,还调侃了诺斯洛普•格鲁门公司 [美国媒体]


China Teases Its H-20 Stealth Bomber and TrollsNorthrop Grumman At The Same Time


The clip from China'sstate-run aviation consortium shows what looks to be a flying wing typeaircraft under a sheet.


The state-run Aviation IndustryCorporation of China, or AVIC, may have given a first look at the long-rumoredH-20 stealth bomber in a promotional video that apes Northrop Grumman’s famousSuperbowl ad teasing what is now known as the B-21 Raider. The clip, whichhighlights the consortium’s various civil and military products, as well asthose from its subsidiaries, has a number of other significant nods to thecountry’s strategic aviation capabilities, past and present.


China Defense Online posted a copy of the video,which combines file footage with slick computer-generated graphics, online onMay 8, 2018. Though the presentation has AVIC branding only, it is specificallya celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Xi'an AircraftIndustrial Corporation, or XAC, which the Chinese government founded in 1958.XAC is reportedly responsible for the development of the H-20 and is also theprimary firm behind the Y-20 airlifter, the country’s largest domesticallydesigned aircraft.


Now, it's important to note that AVIC is nostranger to putting together lavish video presentations to mark majoranniversaries in Chinese military aviation. But hidden at the very end of thejust over five-minute long video is the brief view of what appears to be aflying-wing style aircraft under a sheet with the text "The Next..."in English. The clip never specifically mentions the H-20 and doesn’t give anydetails about the aircraft, but it seems very likely that this was at leastmeant to represent the ongoing project. 

而最值得关注的是,AVIC对于运用大量的视频展示来庆祝中国军用航空重大纪念日并不陌生,但隐藏在时长五分钟视频最后的片段展示了一架藏在蒙布下的飞翼飞机,上面还有一行英文字样“The Next…”。视频并没有特别提到H-20,也没有给出有关该机的任何细节,但很有可能意图展示某个正在进行的项目。

This is exactly how Northrop Grumman teased theB-21 on national television in the United States during Superbowl XLIX in2015.To date, there have been no official pictures of the Raider and only verylimited concept art of that aircraft.


Below is the Northrop Grumman commercial, which firstaired during the Super Bowl in 2015.


Some have even suggested that the two clips areso close that the Chinese one may, in fact, be a heavily edited rip-off ofNorthrop Grumman's ad itself and not part of the official AVIC video at all. Itis definitely possible that China Defense Online added its own teaser to theend.


However, a side-by-side comparison of the twoclips shows that they are very distinct in many of the details. The timing isstill slightly curious, though. The AVIC video began making the rounds shortlyafter James Drew, a reporter for Aviation Week, made a cryptic post on Twitterthat many thought might lead to the first actual images of the B-21.

然而,将这两个视频并排比较后发现,很多细节截然不同。不过,发布视频的时机确实有点怪。航空周刊的记者James Drew在推特上发表了一篇神秘文章不久之后,AVIC的视频开始上线播放,导致许多人认为这可能是B-21的第一个真实影像。

A side-by-side comparison of the two clips.


We now know that Drew's teaser tweet was a prankand he actually ended up announcing that he will be joining Northrop GrummanMission Systems as Manager of Global Media, but his Tweet had already set off astorm of speculation online. This included one post from a Chinese militaryforum that was clearly meant to troll the announcement with a screenshot of theapparent AVIC reveal.

我们现在知道,Drew的推特是个恶作剧,他最后宣布自己将加盟诺斯罗普格鲁曼的Mission Systems,成为其环球媒体经理人,但他的推特已经在网上引发了大规模的各种猜测,其中包括一个来自中国军事论坛的帖子,显然是为了用AVIC的视频截图来戏弄他人。

Whatever the exact origins of the H-20 segmentare, according to a basic machine translation of the short China Defense Onlinestory accompanying the video, its title is “Great Power Takeoff.” The bomberwould certainly fit that description and presenting it in this way is clearlydesigned to demonstrate that China is capable of matching its westerncompetitors. 

无论H-20片段的确切来源为何,对中国国防在线视频中的文字机翻后是“Great Power Takeoff”(伟大力量的起飞)。轰炸机确实符合这一词语的描述,而且用这种方式进行展示,显然是为了表明中国有能力与其西方竞争对手相匹敌。

There have similarly been no confirmed photos orconcept art at all of the H-20—though there are numerous fan-made renderings ofwhat it might look like—despite XAC having reportedly been actively at work onthe aircraft since the early 2000s. The 603rd Aircraft Design Institute is alsolinked to the project, which by most reliable accounts is crafting an aircraftbroadly similar to Northrop Grumman’s B-2 Spirit stealth bomber.


According to Airforces Monthly, reliable reportssuggest the H-20’s basic design was largely frozen by 2011 and that XAC hasbuilt a number of subscale models, likely for aerodynamic and radar crosssection uations, among other testing activities. Publicly availableinformation suggests that base requirements called for an aircraft capable ofcarrying at least 10 tons of weaponry to an unrefueled range of 5,000 miles.


This image, reportedly from China CentralTelevision, is one of many floating around the internet claiming to show theH-20, but does not appear to be real.


Its primary armament would likely be the CJ-10Kair-launched land attack cruise missile, also known as the KD-20, which cancarry either a conventional or nuclear payload and reportedly has a range ofmore than 930 miles. China has also shown examples of what may be a variant ofthe subsonic CJ-10 with low-observable characteristics itself.


The combination of the H-20 with a stealthierweapon would significantly improve the survivability of both the launchplatform and the likelihood of the weapon successfully reaching its target.Previous reports have pointed to a future Chinese doctrine of having bombersfly right to the edge of a potential opponent’s airspace – the most likelypossible adversary being the United States – before launching a missilebarrage.


The platform could serve as more than just acruise missile truck, though. For regional conflicts, especially againstpotential opponents such as India, it could be important to be able to piercethrough air defenses to conduct conventional strikes on various criticaltargets such as airfields, command and control sites, and critical air defensenodes. This could help clear the path for follow-on missions using non-stealthyaircraft during more sustained operations.


All of this together would represent asignificant jump in capability for the Chinese, who presently rely on upgradedH-6 bombers, derived from the Soviet-era Tu-16 Badger. Though more capable thanthe original design and now able to carry a variety of increasingly long-rangestand-off weapons, including potentially air-launched ballistic missiles, thoseaircraft simply cannot project power far from China’s borders. Future versionswith aerial refueling capability will allow them to fly missions further intothe Pacific region, but the already dated design will only become morevulnerable to enemy aircraft and air defenses as time goes on.


The video below shows China's H-6Ks during alarge-scale training exercise in 2015.


“A medium-range bomber can't essentially fix thePLA air force's shortcomings in terms of strategic strike and strategicdeterrence,” China Daily, an official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party,reported in 2015, citing Chinese defense technology magazine AerospaceKnowledge. “Thus the air force does need an intercontinental strategic bombercapable of penetrating an enemy's air defenses.”


Beyond likely teasing the forthcoming H-20aircraft, whatever it might look like in the end, “Great Power Takeoff” has anumber of other details that also strongly indicate China’s desire to expandits strategic aviation capabilities. The video itself starts with the originalH-6 bomber, which was the first Chinese military aircraft to drop a nuclearbomb at the Lop Nur test site in 1965. The clip includes archival video and acomputerized rendering of that event.

除了披露即将面世的H-20轰炸机外,“Great Power Takeoff”中还有其他一些细节,表明中国强烈期望扩大其战略空运能力。视频首先以H-6轰炸机开始,该机是中国1965年投掷核弹的第一架军用飞机。这一段还包括了档案视频和计算机CG动画。

A computer rendering of an H-6A dropping anuclear bomb over Lop Nur in 1965 from the AVIC video.


At another point in the video, starting at 3:25in the runtime, you see a trio of older H-6 bombers flying through poor weatherbefore shooting up into the sky. They appear to burn up as if they are leavingthe atmosphere, but instead their skin peels away revealing the improved H-6K.


These aircraft carry either stand-off landattack or anti-ship missiles under their wings and YJ-12 supersonic anti-shipmissiles in their bomb bays. These latter weapons are the air-launched versionof the anti-ship weapons China just reportedly installed on some of itsman-made outposts in the South China Sea and represent a credible threat toopposing warships. The H-6K reportedly forms an important part of Chineseanti-access and area-denial capabilities in the region.


A computer rending of an H-6K bomber firinga YJ-12 anti-ship missile from the AVIC video.


The video also ends with a much longer look atthe Y-20 cargo aircraft that XAC has been working on since the mid-2000s.Visually similar to Boeing’s C-17 Globemaster III, this aircraft couldeventually give the Chinese military all-new strategic airlift capabilitiesthat would also improve its ability to rapidly project power at greaterdistances. At present, the design remains limited by the lack of suitablypowerful domestically-produced high-bypass turbofan engines to power it.


But so significant is the Y-20 to the PLA’splans, that XAC reportedly slowed the H-20 bomber program to refocus resourcesinto the cargo plane. Only after work on the initial airlifter prototypewrapped up in late 2012 did the company return to the H-20 in earnest.


A rendering of the Y-20 airlifter from theAVIC video.


Whatever delays might have occurred with theH-20 program specifically, the country’s various state-run institutions andindustrial enterprises have clearly been hard at work in the meantime on otheradvanced air combat technologies. These include other low observable militaryaircraft such as the J-20 fighter jet, to help reduce the gap in parity withthe United States in particular. Just in the last 18 months, we have seen newimagery and information slip out concerning new stealth unmanned combat airvehicles and drone swarms, hypersonic and anti-satellite weapons,electromagnetic railguns, advanced sensors, and more.


Unveiling the H-20 would be clearly in line withthis apparent push, not only to modernize the Chinese military, but topotentially surge ahead of regional and international competitors and theirrespective capabilities. We might not have to wait much longer before finallycatching a real glimpse of the new bomber.


Moonbat74 · 2h
Mmm. Interesting comments below. Remind me again why the USA and China wouldwant to face off in a large scale conflict? Who would benefit, and how?


Both are immensely powerful, wealthy countries with educated populations andvery well endowed with natural resources. They don't share a border or reallyneed each others stuff (cheap crap notwithstanding). Both have their 'empires'and minions, of varying quality. Why would they piss on each other's parade???They have no 'competition' in this regard. Russia is all bluster, Europe is ahand-wringing basket-case, India is in the perpetual development slow-lane, theMiddle East is consuming it's own corpse and Africa and South America...pfffft.


More sensible to just split the profits.


Phil Verhey · 2h
So many computer renderings 😁😂


LDB80 · 16h
That must be one massive sheet.....


Moonbat74 @LDB80 · 1h
Yep - a bull-sheet....


Hermininator · 20h +6
Looks like there are a lot of morons on this forum. When a country has built upa strong industrial base and when there's seemingly infinite amount of money tospend, it will become natural to innovate and create. China's industrial outputis bigger than US and Japan combined and the amount of money in China is justmind boggling. I went there 3 years ago, so I know. Most of the comments herereflect thinking of a man who formed his opinion in the cold war era and hasbeen brainwashed by western media and has the critical thinking ability of a 3year old. Those who accuses China of copying or stealing have no part in makingthis country (United States) great, have no part in making any of these greatwar machines. Those who actually made these great war machines have an innaterespect for their counterparts in other countries, friends or foe. Those peoplehave the right and justification to make accusations, but they aren't. Butmorons who have no parts in making these machines are somehow feeling the urgeand anger to shout and scream, quite ironic.


For those who know nothing, Boeing wouldn't have survived as a company in itsearly days if not for the commercial success of a plane designed by a Chineseengineer Thejet propulsion lab was co-founded by a Chinese scientist. So the Chinese havethe brains to create wonders. It was the politics that was holding them back,once that tether is gone, their creativity will flow freely.

那些啥都不知道的货色,看看波音吧,要不是中国工程师设计的飞机在商业上取得成功的话,波音早就没了。   喷气推进实验室也是由中国科学家共同建立的。所以,中国人完全有创造奇迹的大脑。只不过是政治阻碍了他们,一旦约束消失,他们的创造力就会自由发挥。

afoijoaijfpw4of @Hermininator · 19h +1
You are so so so right. The usa has some astoundingly arrogant and ignorantpeople, i know from my own family. We are very likely to get seriously bitchslapped if and when a shooting war starts with the chinese. We are socomplacent as a nation, and like you said, its rooted in the informational andthinking skills of 3 year olds in adult bodies. 
I love my nation but i fear for it recently.


TKAllDay @afoijoaijfpw4of · 14h +1
You're overdoing it.  China has advanced a great deal in a shortperiod of time, and I agree it can be frustrating to see people write them offso casually or dismiss their efforts as simply stealing andcopying.  However, to say they're anywhere near the US in a shootingwar is pure hyperbole.  Most of their high priority strategicprograms are still in their infancies (stealth, carriers), and the ones thataren't are still at least a generation behind their US counterparts by theirown admission (submarines, destroyers).  You could definitely arguethey have advanced to the point where attacking the Chinese mainland would betoo costly to make it worthwhile politically, but to assume more than that is amistake in my opinion.


For arguments sake, lets say every single technology they are pursuing pans outsuccessfully.  Rim-driven pump jets for their submarines, stealthtech for their airpower, rail guns for their surface fleet, etc.,etc.  Then let us also assume they are able to mass produceeverything without loss of quality or breaking their economy.  Evenif all that occurs, the one thing they don't have and cannot acquire prior to ahypothetical shooting war is experience.  Asking their military tofield all of these new technologies and co-ordinate them all for the first timein a combat situation while being shot at by the world's only superpower is atall order indeed.


chairman LMAO @Hermininator · 19h +2
Ah. So all the dirt, poverty, utterly dystopian living and working conditionsthat I've seen myself must have been some kind of peculiar chinese decorativeillusion. Thanks for clarifying.


kira zeno @chairman LMAO · 18h +1
you haven't been to the poor area of your city?


Glitchrr36 @kira zeno · 15h +2
I've been in the shittier parts of Ft. Worth, and it is nowhere near as bad assome of the pictures from China.


Bucket of Water @Glitchrr36 · 13h
Not sure if joking or not but here goes.  They've got a population ofover a billion people.  Are you seriously expecting them to be freeof even a single impoverished area?


percynjpn @Glitchrr36 · 9h +1
I've been to China three times, and I assure you many places there are probablyworse than the pictures you've seen. Hong Kong is pretty nice though, FWIW.


John Smith · 21h +2
It's a shame it'll be an inferior knockoff of the B-2 much like everything elseChina produces. Next...


JS Dreyer @John Smith · 9h
The question isn't "Is it as good as the West?" but rather, "Isit good enough?"  Especially if they're able to build 100 ormore.


Bill · 23h +1
We see again the copying of American technology. This is proof that manyAmericans are traitors. These vermin are stealing plans and selling them to theCommunists and don't care about what they are doing. From quiet submarinepropellers sold to The Reds by Toshiba to every landmark discovery America has developed,Americans are selling out America. The chickens will come home to roost someday and HELL will demand payment. Please everyone, NEVER vote for a Democrat.The Repubs are bad enough, but the Demorats are Monsters who want to destroyus.


Bleeb · 1d +6
The whole of their recent military aviation developments have been straight upcopies of US designs. But as i've said before...they can copy the look butunlikely they can copy capability.


What I had hoped for was that the B-21 would look nothing like we expect so asto surprise everyone. So as to also send China down a development rabbit holewhile we move in a different direction. But i'm probably probablylooks very much like what we expect it will (like the first itteration of theB-2 before they changed the mission requirements).


kira zeno @Bleeb · 23h +2
The Chinese only cares about it being "good enough" They would becontent if they did get a B2 clone.  You would complain that theplane is a clone regardless of configuration... 2 wings and a cockpit? omgthose copycats


Bleeb @kira zeno · 22h +3
Yeah ok. omg...those copycats who legit hacked into US defense suppliernetworks and stole mountains of IP data. 


Regardless...I think you completely missed the point of what I was saying aboutthe B-2/B-21. Probably just language barrier. Whatev.


kira zeno @Bleeb · 22h +3
Don't you think american cia and nsa is also doing the same with hacking china?It's just that american tech is number 1 so people copy..


Kelly · 1d +2
Americans are financing China's stealth bomber (and basically the wholemilitary) and are gutting their own economy in the process, through theiraddiction to buying cheap Chinese goods.


You can't "make America great again" by buying cheap Chinese goods.Your money can be spent making China great again or making America great again.If you choose America, you will need to vote with your money, and buy Americanproducts even when they cost more.


kira zeno @Kelly · 23h
Most goods produce and ship from China are own by Americans or Non Chinesecompanies. That chinese manufactur widget you see at Walmart? So white americandude prob went to walmart to get them to sell it from his company.


California Bob @Kelly · 22h +8
Let's put the blame where it's deserved:  Our "... addiction tobuying cheap Chinese goods" was fostered by American companies trying tosqueeze every penny out of their payrolls so their execs got their bonuses;i.e. capitalism.


Luckylubby @California Bob · 19h
In my opinion, things are a bit more complex than you're letting on. Thosecheap Chinese goods translate into more money in the pockets of consumers, orhigher value for the same amount of consumption. The story isn't exactly thatexecutives decided to screw over their workers because they're Mr. Burns.Consumers really like lower prices, and given the choice between paying more orless, rational people pay less. So what did rational companies do faced withconsumers' demands? They found ways to make things cheaper. The story you'retelling starts with executives, but I think it's more accurate to start fromthe bottom up with consumer demand. 


If that's the case, we'll see how patriotic everyone is when they starteffectively paying a "buy America" sales tax to support someinefficient American manufacturers. There has to be other policy solutions thanturning back the clock. Americans can compete. They can develop new skills andmove up the income ladder. If some struggle, government should be there toprovide assistance and help them find new work that is lucrative andworthwhile. This is an uncomfortable process at times. Effective governmentleadership should help cut a channel forward without leaving anyone behind. Butthis is nothing new; these things define capitalism and we have crushed it atcapitalism. We crushed it so hard, we even had enough money that we helped makeChina rich too. That's an achievement and something worth being a little proudof.


Glitchrr36 @Kelly · 15h
Simply put, you can't make the levels and kind of stuff they do in China in theUS any more. Workers want to be paid enough that they can afford to live in anapartment or house, not in the company barracks. Can't do that and keep pricesrock bottom.


superglide · 1d +7
The only thing the Chinese have ever invented is the cheap Chinese knock off.


PIF @superglide · 1d +5
Yep. Other than the the most notable: paper making, gunpowder, printing (woodblock and movable), and the compass; there are a host of other inventionscovering mechanics, hydraulics and mathematics applied to horology, metallurgy,astronomy, agriculture, engineering, music theory, craftsmanship, navalarchitecture and warfare.
But nothing really important.


superglide @PIF · 1d +9
I'm talking in the last century jackass. Not before you and your patheticcondescending opinion showed up. Can you name anything that isn't freakingancient you twit?


Frank @superglide · 21h +2
Up to 100 years ago, US did not give a rats ass about European patents andblatantly copied literally everything invented in the old world.

直到一百年以前, 美国对欧洲专利从来不在乎,公然抄袭旧世界所发明的一切东西。

superglide @Frank · 21h
That was common practice worldwide at that time, but thanks for your reply. Butit looks like you can't either.


Rachel @superglide · 1d +3
If you believe that the Chinese have never invented anything than you areobviously not a student of history. They invented plenty and were world leadersin tech development for centuries. It's only in recent history, and under theoppression of communism that innovation has withered.


superglide @Rachel · 1d +1
I should have been more clear so as not to attract the twits Rachel, I assumedthe BLATANTLY OBVIOUS wouldn't need to be pointed out. Anything that isn'tancient history come to mind?


kira zeno @superglide · 23h +1
the only thing that made you special was winning the birh lottery of beingborned in the usa.


superglide @kira zeno · 22h
I see you're feeling a little inferior- it must be my properly formed andgrammatically correct statements.


kira zeno @superglide · 22h
i don't feel inferior, but you have some superiority complex...


superglide @kira zeno · 21h +2
You're the one claiming I'm superior-


"the only thing that made you special was winning the birh lottery ofbeing borned in the usa."
Does your memory reset every 3 mintues?


kira zeno @superglide · 21h
you are the brainless twat claiming another's country inferiority.


superglide @kira zeno · 17h
I never claimed my country was superior, I said you have an inferiority issue,which you do. You're an ignorant scumbag who lies by accusing me of things Inever said. In other words, a typical liberal piece of crap. You're patheticand perhaps before starting a debate, maybe you should learn to form a propersentence first- currently you'd be outmatched by my neighbors 14 year olddaughter.


Frank @superglide · 21h
USA is a great country, but not because of you sort.


Sri · 1d +9
Oh dear, can't these Commies even do an ad without copying? What a piece ofjunk China is. Every darn thing is a copy in one way or another


percynjpn @Sri · 1d +1
No - no they can't.


kira zeno @Sri · 22h +1
everything is a copy of something else... even you bro


Sri @kira zeno · 3h
Ha ha... Don't take it too literally if you're Chinese. Nevertheless this isshameful from the Chinese to do such copying in such a way. Close to 2b peopleand so much talent but still chase after others' inventions without tryingtheir own. Pathetic really


Obsurfer · 1d +4
Prolly what ours looks like ..knowing the nature of these games.


Free2Disinform · 1d +2
Wow, I think those could be halogen headlamps!


BLaB · 1d +3
So when does china possess anything better then to reinvent the wheel a bitbetter or worse? Where is their original idea? Totally looks like troll art anda knockoff of the N-drop B-21.


kira zeno @BLaB · 1d +12
It cost alot of money to create from scratch... better to be #1 in the regionand #2 globally at 1/3 the cost.


Agreed @BLaB · 1d +5
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, Bla bla bla. Oh and they also don’trecognize trademarks, copywrite laws or intelectual property of any sort. So...there’s that.


Dassault @BLaB · 1d +1
About War tech, China was far in advance in history, it is said they inventedthe black powder and many other stuffs.
Everybody is taking good ideas from others, and always want to be better thanthe other, because the world is male oriented ;)


Zatx · 1d +6
If all you're going to do with it is fulfill a doctrine of "fly right upto the edge of air defenses and launch your missiles," then why botherwith the expense and delay of stealth? Push your cruise missiles out of theback of a cargo plane and go on about your business! It would be way easier tomask the movement of a fleet of boring cargo planes than our intelligencewatching a fleet of these "stealth" aircraft being readied and takingoff at the same time.


JEFFofTX · 1d 
China is leaving the Russians in the dust.


Rees Shuman · 1d
wonder if it could possibly be the JH-X which already has had a cockpit mockupmade and we know what the full model looks like

我想知道这是不是JH-X,现在已经有了个驾驶舱的模型,我们知道完整的模型像啥。 ... GAs/s1600/JH-X2.jpg ... GAs/s1600/JH-X1.jpg ... GAs/s1600/H-18a.jpg

The War Zone @Rees Shuman · 1d 
interesting, good find.


BZhRK @The War Zone · 1d
The photo is allegedly a separate project from Shenyang Aircraft Corporationrather than XAC which builds the stealth bomber. It is unknown if the aboveproject is still active.


TKAllDay @BZhRK · 1d
I hope that is true.  Shenyang seems to pursue projects they deemworthwhile, regardless of whether or not the government asked for it or has anyplans to use it.  (i.e. J-31)  If this were another oftheir projects could we possibly see a scenario where Shenyang produces aviable bomber design that the government wasn't expecting?


BZhRK @TKAllDay · 1d
Would be a huge gamble on Shenyang's part if that were true. Developing alow-observable aircraft of this scale is no walk in the park, especially if thecompany is doing it using their own lunch money.


trajan @TKAllDay · 1d
Since Shenyang is state-owned how would it be feasible for it to do somethingthe government was not expecting?


TKAllDay @trajan · 20h 
By "expecting", I'm referring to its viability, not itsexistence.  Using the J-31 as an example, most reports seem toindicate the state highly prioritized the J-20 and allocated both funds andresources to it accordingly, while at the same time the J-31 was a privateendeavor by Shenyang.  So its entirely possible they were not"expecting" the J-31 to be a success, and therefore did not hinge anyof their plans on it.  This would seem to be backed up by the factthey don't appear to have an exact role for it in mind.  Is it goingto be a carrier based fighter?  An exported fighter?  Thislack of a clearly defined plan runs counter to everything they've developed sofar, which is what lead me to comment on expectation.


Mech_nerdo · 1d 
20k lb payload?  Weak sausage


Prranshu Yadav · 1d
Meanwhile in Syria,

与此同时在叙利亚。 ... nds-alarm-in-north/ ... -movement-in-syria/

Prranshu Yadav @Prranshu Yadav · 1d 
Also a Russian Ka-52 crashed in Syria. Unfortunately the crew did not survive.And that's especially frustating because this is probably the only helicopterin the world that's equipped with a crew escape system similar to a fighterjet. ... n-syria-crew-killed


StrikeZone · 1d 
China is great at copying the airframe design but their engine technology isbehind the US capabilities. Not to mention their pilots are all controlled by acentral command with little ability to improvise. Still concerning to see howfar they have advanced over the last decade.


TJR · 1d 
How about 'China trolls Northrop Grumman'
This is nothing but advanced fan-art 


Since when has china ever shown new tech or advancements in any way other thanfuzzy long range photos released by 'bloggers'??


PLAAF General Ma Xiaotian said in 2010 that a stealth fighter would test fly in12 -18 months and it did, that it would be in service 2017-2018 and it has...same General has said that the stealth Bomber will test fly in mid to late 2019and enter service in 2024...


How about we just sit and wait for something more than a CGI ad....


Quattro Bajeena · 1d 
The H-6K is quite a lot better than it looks like. Sure the fuselage designLOOKS the same as the one in the original (1958) H-6. But the materials used inthe fuselage aren't the same, and, neither are the engines. Allegedly they usesome composites in the fuselage and the engines are Russian Soloviev D-30'swhich are basically MiG-31 turbofan engines without the afterburner. To put itinto perspective, the D-30 is contemporary to the (1970s) B-1 Lancer GE F101engine and has similar thrust. The original H-6 used turbojet engines which hadmore fuel consumption. This basically means the H-6K has a lot more range.Plus, like the video shows, the H-6K can fire standoff weapons. It also has aglass cockpit.

H-6K比看上去要好得多。当然,机身设计看起来和1958年的H-6一样,但机身使用的材料不同了,发动机也不一样。据说,他们在机身制造里使用了复合材料,发动机是俄罗斯的D-30,也就是米格31的涡扇发动机,只不过没有加力燃烧室。说起来,D-30与1970年代的B-1发动机(GE F101)是同一个时代的产物,推力也相当。原始的H-6用的是涡喷发动机,耗油量更大。这就意味着H-6K的航程更远。另外,就像视频上展示的那样,H-6K可以发射远距武器,而且还拥有玻璃座舱。

I would venture to say the Chinese use the H-6K as a sort of in betweenplatform they can use to prime their engineering talent on a lot of new largeaircraft technologies before putting them to work into the H-20. It also allowsthem to train their bomber crews with more modern weapons platforms.


The Chinese have had a lot of issues with engine metallurgy and avionics. But Iwould not underestimate their ability to use industrial espionage for theavionics (like what happened with the WZ-10 helicopter engines). As formetallurgy their aerospace industry today has a lot more expertise in suchmatters because of the YF-100 engines. Last but not least they have a coupleexperts in carbon composites (trained in the USA) which could also alleviatetheir materials problems.


Arka D. S. · 1d 
Peculiar, just the other day there was a little sub thread about a purportedsupersonic stealth bomber in addition to the H20 and now a tease of the latter.Methinks that maybe the PR folks at AVIC are being a bit meta and running withthe usual copycat jibes by lifting the NG video it seems.


All jokes aside if they can actually get this thing out fairly soon I'll tellyou it'll cause many a sleepless night in New Delhi, Tokyo, Taipei for example.As far as a flying wing goes I suppose it'll be quite similar to the B2 but I'dbe fascinated to see where it might differ.
I wonder if they finally crack high bypass engines, if they'll immediatelyinstitute a re-engine programme on their air lifter. They've definitely shownremarkable pragmatism in prioritising resources on that one before the trulyhigh end stuff like the strategic bombers.


AerialImaging · 1d 
Photo of the prototype H-20 in flight over Beijing.


Edit: Updated to include suggestion by 

OhOhSpaghettiO @AerialImaging · 14h
Let's just call it the Panda Express.


AerialImaging @OhOhSpaghettiO · 13h 
Fantastic. We named out B-2's "Spirit of XXXX" so China should nameit's H-20's after popular Chinese American Restaurants. Number 0002 could bethe "PF Chang". :-)

棒极了。我们把B-2叫做“XX州幽灵”,所以中国可以把H-20的名字加在流行中餐馆的名字后面,比如0002号的前缀可以叫“PF Chang”(美国中餐馆)