Why there are so many pro Trump contents on Chinese social media? I am a bit perplexed by that. With the trade war and his history of lashing out at China on tweeter, Shouldn’t the propaganda machine be bashing him? Instead I keep seeing articles praising him being “capable”, “strategic”.. Thoughts?
9 points
5 hours ago
edited 2 hours ago
Maybe your Chinese is not good enough to be able to detect the Schadenfreude behind those praise mate. Some Chinese love Trump because they believe he will make the US decline faster.
13 points
14 hours ago
edited 14 hours ago
I think Trump philosophically is much closer to China than previous presidents. He is authoritarian (the same as Xi Jinping), he uses bold political and economical triggers, reactive bans and prohibitions - China does the similar things (remember the situation with chinese tourists in Korea). They have much in common and speak the same language - they can understand each other.
That is why I often hear from chinese people positions like “Trump is a businessman. He can negotiate”.
They appreciate “masculinity” and “power”, no matter how claver or far-sighted the person is. The same is for Putin, Duterte and others.
8 points
14 hours ago
They respect Trump.
Foreigners living and working in China fully understand Trump's views, why the policies need to happen, what Trump has got right.
Trump seems to have a genuinely good relationship with Xi that could even be considered a friendship.
Trump admitted Chinese were ripping off the USA, winning with tricks and games and that their negotiations were using every trick in the book to fleece the USA. This is a HUGE compliment to Chinese and won them over. They are very very proud of this and like Trump for admitting that Chinese are, in fact, very clever.
3 points
8 hours ago
I think that the Chinese see the Trump administration as an opportunity to further Xi's primary goal of restoring the preeminence of the Chinese nation.
Trump doesn't seem to care about the Human rights abuses that past administrations have been concerned about. Trump hasn't done anything to challenge China on their claim to the South China sea, which has been a major point of contention in the past years. Trump has also signaled a withdrawal of from the world stage, which leaves a vacuum, which may give China the opportunity to fill. And we also see the possibility of the US exiting it's military presence in places like Philippines and South Korea, which would effectively end the previous administrations pivot to Asia.
I think China's reaction to Trump has been less about friendship and respect, and more about furthering their global strategy.
5 points
14 hours ago
Flattery is cheap and seems to work on Trump. What would the propaganda machine gain by pissing him off?
4 points
12 hours ago
This is a the key that many miss out. Look at the other foreign leaders when they met Trump. They all flatter him, and Trump seems to react very positively to it. So why wouldn't the propaganda machine copy these effort?
2 points
2 hours ago
It could be that America has its own version of "50 cent" army
2 points
15 hours ago
Big part of it is the outsized influence of overseas Chinese students and workers on Chinese-language social media conversation. Those are the people that tend to push socially conservative + anti-immigration viewpoints online / have a stake in American politics.
2 points
15 hours ago
Why would overseas Chinese students and workers have anti-immigration views? They're immigrants! Not suggesting you're wrong, just baffled.
I think it's this:
Chinese media is really anodyne so they don't have the exposure of Trump antics to see how ridiculous he is
Chinese don't really understand/care about democratic or American values, so his fundamental unAmericanness doesn't bug them
Chinese are pretty racist and so aren't offended by Trump's racism
Chinese people tend to have Trump's win/lose strategic mindset, so aren't bothered by it; they agree with him on trade and assume America always secretly did too. They think it's fair to approach the game the way China does.
2 points
15 hours ago
edited 15 hours ago
Chinese value order and cohesion above social justice and diversity, since these tend to be diametrically opposed. Trump promises stability, rather than chasing a view of progress that could damage social harmony. They respect his approach and ideals and they aren't as selfish as to put their whims above the health of their host nation.
1 point
11 hours ago
edited 11 hours ago
Trump promises stability? No he doesn't. He ran on nostalgia and authoritarianism, ripping up existing institutions, etc., not "stability."
As President Chaos, he's following through on screwing up the country. He's incompetent, and you would think people with "Chinese values' would be smart enough to see that.
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