quora问题:西方对中国是爱还是恨?【中篇】 [美国媒体]


Is China hated by the west or liked?


Ahmed Alami Aroussi, lived in China (2006)
Here is a two-part answer that might shock many of you.
On the one hand:
Westerners are ruled by a few banks and corporations that, through the media, give Westerners the impression they are living in a democracy while in fact Westerners have less and less say in how their lives are run.
Westerners feel that something is wrong, but mostly can’t pinpoint the source of the problem.
On the other hand:
The Chinese are ruled by a party that gives westerners the impression that the Chinese are oppressed by a totalitarian regime while in fact the Chinese are much more in control of their lives, minds, and spirits than Westerners.
Westerners feel disturbed by China because they subconsicouly recognize in the projected image of China their own plight. Also, Westerners themselves project their own plight unto China, a psychological self-defence mechanism for the oppressed who can’t quite identify the source of their oppression.


Ray Comeau, A decade in China, interest in geopolitics
Thanks for request.
Yes, China is liked and not liked by the West.
In this instance I am taking about Westerners and not about Western governments, who are usually widely influenced political ideology.
Young people in the West like China more then old people and the reverse is usually true
Attitudes change with certain events that happen.
The graphs below are indicative of the general feeling towards China. Don’t focus on the actual numbers, instead focus on the relativeness.
Do they lean mostly towards - like, dislike or neutral


Tesun Huang, former Physicist
I will only address USA as the West.
It amuses me to see many comments here stating that the American people like Chinese people and Chinese culture, but hate Chines government. That reminds me of a Hollywood war movies that I watched many years ago when I was little. The narratives goes like this: In the war torn China, a brave white guy fought along with some Chinese guys and a beautiful Chinese woman against overwhelming Japanese (or Communists?). Making the long story short, all the Chinese men eventually died under the vicious pursuit of the enemy, while the white hero miraculously saved the Chinese woman and a little Chinese boy from certain death. In the final scene, the heroic couple walked into a beautiful sunset followed by the little kid.
Of course, there are more than 300 million American, and I am talking about the majority. Majority of American hate Chinese. Their opinion is led by American intellectuals, the educators, the public media and politicians in both Republic and Democratic parties, Clinton and Trump. It matters little whether the Chinese political system is democracy, communism, socialism, Chinese-socialism or Chinese-capitalism.
As long as China is becoming more and more powerful and able to say no to the USA, it becomes an enemy to the American people no matter what. There is no need for rationale, because the American are led to believe that USA is such a unique country that no other country can or should challenge her absolute supreme position in the world. Any such attempt is viewed as evil. American’s believe will only change when they are convined of the unequivocal rise of China as its equal.


Gene Lee, Read a lot of books on Medi History
A lot of answers here are really cynical about the West. I think most people in the West are indifferent to the Chinese, maybe a little annoyed or pleased with some Chinese people depending on the person.
However, the West are filled with many activists and the media is always out to expose whatever corruption or abuse of power they see around the world. Rather than believing the “media” is criticizing China because “they refuse to bow down to the Western elites.” You should also acknowledge that the media is also critical of their own governments.
Keep in mind that the most of the people that are speaking out against the Chinese government are also hysterical when it comes to their own government. Many people in the West felt compelled to protest all “evils powers of the government.”
Maybe this culture of hostility towards the government comes from all those Hollywood movies where the main enemy is almost always a secret cult, a big co-operations (especially ones involved in the industrial military complex), and of course the governments.
When the Chinese people were making cheap products for 10 dollars a day who get’s the blame by these activists? The Western cooperation’s. They also support laws that put a cap on the amount of resources the cooperation are able to use for the sake of the environment and invested lots of money into new energy sources for the sake of being “eco-friendly.” since, they believe they are taking steps towards “saving the earth.”
And then pictures came out of China of cities filled with dense smoke in the air. It’s pretty much the activists worst nightmare, which made them hate China for not joining in their “eco-friendly” Crusade.
Also, many of the Westerners protests against Western interventionism, and the backing of dictatorships. Many people in Britain had protested against the Iraq war when Britain had announced it would be joining America in the takeover of Iraq.
Many Westerners in the United States also protested against the police whenever a police officer shoots and kills a black man even when it was justified.
So of course many of them would also be against the Chinese when the Chinese backed and supplied dangerous regimes of their own like the Khmer Rouge and North Korea and when they arrest journalists and killed many people in Tienanmen Square protests.
What these protesters fear what their own country might become seems to be the reality in many other countries around the world including China. So whatever criticisms of the Chinese government you see from the Western media, the Western media also criticize elements in their own country just to look for a story.


Robert Free, lived in China
I don't think any countries are hated by the West. There are some like North Korea that are disrespected or condemned but nobody is walking around saying, we should really hurt country X.
Most people don't have an opinion on China beyond being happy that it is increasingly stable and prosperous compared with the Maoist period. Unstable and failed states are bad for everyone in the western world view.
Like and hate are too extreme. I would say that people are fine with China generally but certainly like pandas and increasingly like to visit on holiday.


Paul Denlinger, Have lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken)
When it was weak and poor, and a useful balance against the USSR, China was liked.
When it stubbornly refused to become a western-style liberal democracy, and continued to be ruled by the Chinese Communist Party even after the USSR collapsed, the west became wary.
When the Chinese government favored Chinese companies at the expense of western companies in China, and when those companies could not dominate in the Chinese market as they had in all other markets, the west became more wary.
When the Chinese government helped Chinese companies to expand outside China by going out and buying western companies, the west became more wary.
When China announced its Made in China 2025 plan, and One Belt One Road initiative, western governments became convinced that China had a plan to make China the manufacturing center of the world, and ultimately replacing the US as the most powerful and influential nation in the world by 2035.
Definitely, the US is not happy with this idea.
That is where we are today.

