中国网友向85°C开战,因为它向台湾领导人供应了咖啡 [美国媒体]


China is waging war against a cafe because it served coffee to Taiwan's president


China is waging war against a bakery-and-coffee chain that served the President of Taiwan coffee during her trip to the US. 85°C Bakery Cafe — known as 85C — has come under attack from Chinese citizens and media after photos emerged of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen at its Los Angeles branch last Sunday. In the wake of the photos, 85C has been forced to declare its support for China's territorial ambitions, endured attacks in Chinese state media, and seen its products removed from food delivery apps in mainland China. Tsai visited 85C during a stop in the US en route to Belize and Paraguay, two of Taiwan's 18 remaining diplomatic allies.


Mark 7 hr ago
Money talks! China is using its consumer power to wage a propaganda making any companies wanting to operate in China submit to its demand. They can either insist on their principles and get out of China or being obliged. From a business prospective, unfortunately, most of time money trumps principles.


Captain Sir 3 hr ago
I plan to spend my money at 85C next time I’m in L.A.


john 6 hr ago
Stuff like this is why it's a bad ideal to do business with Communist countries.


Sean C 6 hr ago
It's a Taiwan company should fly Taiwan flags in their stores.


Ker 7 hr ago
We should invite that café to our country and promote them. If we do not stand against Chinese communism now, we won't be able to stop them soon.


Wake up! 6 hr ago
This only proves how small minded and petty China is!


Zero 6 hr ago
Chinese companies are nasty competitors. They would go as far as poisoning baby food product to increase their profit.


factswelcome 5 hr ago
Family fights can be intense, at times.


dba_attorney 7 hr ago
This is a another media bashing and distortion news. China did not wage war against the cafe, but some Chinese internet zealots did.


Oliver 6 hr ago
This American fascist's news media, Business Insider, does not pretend anymore to be a news media but rather a certified Propaganda tool of American fascists which demonize China in each article printed.. China did not wage war against a tiny café chain, 400 strong in China. It was the public outcries and boycotts against Taiwanese LittleJap's leader Tsai Ing-wen whose was facing protests everyday in Taiwan itself as her approval has plunged into 12% polled by her own party. Tsai Ing-wen's miserable performance ignited angers in Taiwan's veterans, teachers and labors... American fascist news media can lie all its wants daily but this cannot change the fact the United Nation's law is 1-China and Taiwan is part of China.


Ray 3 hr ago
85 degrees gets 66% of its profits from mainland China, so what do you expect?

