STEP BY incremental step, China appears to be digging into disputed territories in the South China Sea. That is the inescapable conclusion from the latest report that it has stationed a modern surface-to-air weapons system, the HQ-9, on Woody Island, the largest in the Paracel chain, controlled by China but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. Though the United States has no territorial claim, the new Chinese installations seriously threaten a central goal of U.S. policy in the region: to sail, fly and operate anywhere that international law allows. The installations also threaten to impose China’s unilateral resolution on claims that the United States has urged be settled through negotiation.
Shooi Dan Tom
8:41 AM GMT+0800
Leave us alone. We are just a poor 3rd world country trying to defend ourselves.
Europeans already killed the Aboriginals and Maoris in Australia and New Zealand. It s too close to home. In addition to Australia and New Zealand, Europeans also killed the natives and took their land in Palestine, Hawaii,
Polynesia Islands, Canada, Alaska, US, Greenland, Falkland Islands, Guam,
S America, ......... If not in the South China Sea, where? If not now, when?
We are just building defense in our front yard. Leave us alone. Don t you
have enough fights???
4:25 AM GMT+0800
One assumes that ships including American ones passing through the area don't carry similar weaponry. Otherwise, there doesn't seem much to discuss or be outraged about.
12:30 AM GMT+0800
Never fear WaPO, President Do-Nothing will continue to, um, ah, oh yeah, do nothing...
7:59 AM GMT+0800
Field goals usually are worth three points
12:25 AM GMT+0800
So we put anti-air missiles in South Korea. China calls it a provocation.
China puts anti-air missiles in South China Sea. USA calls it a provocation.
2/22/2016 11:55 PM GMT+0800
Are Chinese aircraft carrier groups and nuclear subs patrolling the Gulf of Mexico? ...or the mouth of the St. Lawrence River to ensure freedom of navegation to the Great Lakes? Are the Chinese sending ships past the fishing zoned being disputed between Canada and the U.S.? Are the Chinese selling weapos systems to Puerto Rico to maintain its semi-independance from the U.S., or sending ships into Guantanamo Bay because it recognizes Cuban sovereignty over this area?
2/22/2016 11:36 PM GMT+0800
Here's one big reason why nothing much will be done.
It's got nothing to do with Obama and Kerry being "feckless."
It's got a lot to do with the fact that GM makes more money from Buick in China than in the United States, and why Apple is so concerned about protecting their international business model.
You won't see any of these international corporations that pretend to be American when it suits them stepping up to rattle China's cage.
Will US consumers refuse to buy the new Buick Envision SUV because it is made 100 percent in China? Don't hold your breath.
2/22/2016 10:41 PM GMT+0800
Obama does not have the guts to do what needs to be done here...
1:43 AM GMT+0800
What needs to be done exactly? China has been progressivley asserting itself in both the Paracel (northern) and Spratly (southern) island groups for decades. It didn't begin when "the feckless Obama" took office and guts are not the answer. There are 7 different countries with competing claims in the South China Sea, and multilateral diplomacy is what is needed here, not chest thumping about "losing" something that never was ours to begin with.
8:01 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
Mickey D's hamburgers are OK, but sometimes the fries are too greasy.
2/22/2016 8:37 PM GMT+0800
One more instance of our rivals making hay while the sun shines. From now until Jan. 20, 2017 is a period of heightened peril for us and our allies.
Tuan Pham
4:05 AM GMT+0800
Love the expression, "making hay while the sun shines." It is so true and the evidence can be seen from N. Korea, China, Russia, Syria, ISIS and Iran. Even allies like Turkey wants to grow its own head, instead of looking after interest of NATO as a whole.
4:32 AM GMT+0800
Somehow, it doesn't seem that the sun only shines on America. Nor does it seem that no-one else can make hay. That's really what globalization is all about.
2/22/2016 8:22 PM GMT+0800
So long as we depend on China to make everything for us I don't know what Hiatt would really have us do about it.
These missiles aren't sitting on Cuba.
Maybe the other countries in the region who are most directly impacted on this should be taking the lead. Oh, but how much easier to rely on Uncle Sugar.
I can't figure the right wing out. They oppose social engineering and welfare at home but are huge backers of it overseas.
Could be that they are the ones who rake in the dough from the latter.
Follow the money.
2/22/2016 2:15 PM GMT+0800
It's not a gambit, China can easily ramp up presence and militarization in those areas at a wimp, then any of those US overflights will ring hollow, but China is not in the game of humiliating a poser, let the preening peacock pose about silly performing actions that will have no effect in changing the security landscape.
2/22/2016 1:48 PM GMT+0800 [Edited]
You call this bluff or you acquiesce and say the S.China Sea belongs to China. This could have been done 4 years ago. It wasn't.
China accurately read the Commander in Chief, just as Putin did 5 years ago. They decided that the great folder was going to do.....ta da....nothing. He still will do....nothing.
中国精确地进行了这次军事行动,正如普京五年前做的一样。他们确定美国将什么...神 马...都做不了,将来也什么都做不了。
4:38 AM GMT+0800
You can call his bluff.. but he has the option of matching or raising you. Then what ? You may lose whether you are bluffing or not.
Truong Son
2/22/2016 12:05 PM GMT+0800
USA know how to solve it but US Politicians don't want to make a move because china and US Defense companies are feeding and lobbying (bribe) them. Don't surprise !
sam watson2
2/22/2016 12:02 PM GMT+0800
when the sea floor rumbling, typhoon pounding and tsunami coming, i hope the island will be bury with the chinese maggots and their missiles in it..
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...