中国将在有争议的南海岛屿上开设民航 [美国媒体]


China to start civilian flights fromdisputed South China Sea island


BEIJING (Reuters) - China will begincivilian flights to and from a disputed South China Sea island within a year,state media reported on Friday, as the government expands infrastructure onislands and reefs also claimed by other countries in region.


The flights will be to Sansha city, onWoody Island in the Paracel archipelago, China's administrative base forislands and reefs it controls in the South China Sea.


Aubama 13 hours ago
I can see all articles from Reuters relateto the island dispute in South China Sea are wrote or edited by the same personwith different name, some of the sentences appear in there are almost“STANDARD” and identical in all of them which is well adapt Goebbels’spropaganda technique, and not even change a word. It is very poor for a reputednews media such as Reuters turns into a mouth piece of the big power andprobably get paid for that too.


SwineFlew2 17 hours ago
Land reclamation is the process of creatingnew land from ocean, riverbeds, or lake beds. The land reclaimed is known asreclamation ground or land fill. Uncle Sam did the following -
Much of the urbanized area adjacent to San Francisco Bay, including most of SanFrancisco's waterfront and Financial District, the Port of Oakland, and largeportions of the city of Alameda has been reclaimed from the bay.
The Chicago shoreline
The Northwestern University Lakefill, part of the campus of NorthwesternUniversity in Evanston, Illinois
Back Bay, Boston, Massachusetts
Battery Park City, Manhattan
Liberty State Park, Jersey City


Brian 16 hours ago
Using civilians to protect military assets.Next they will put a school and hospital.


Hmmm 9 hours ago
Big deal. ALL the people claiming this orthat are already doing whatever the hell they want. Vietnam is drilling foroil. The Philippines is trying to murder anybody that comes within range. Whywould anyone else tie their hands obeying some imaginary "rule" thatno one else cares about?
No stories on those other people, though...but when it comes to playingpolitics, we sure love to pretend that only the people we don't agree with arebreaking the rules. EVERYONE is breaking them. If China breaks them too,they're just playing as square as the next guy.


Jes 12 hours ago
Flying civilians to militarized attolswhich can varely hold any type of population? China trying to unsuccessfullyhde their true intentions. I live in the PI and have been very close to thisarea. China IS militarizing the region, no one else.


Gato 10 hours ago
"Civilian flights"? Like for thecivilian workers to maintain and expand the hardened military aircraft bunkers,none of these Chinese made reef islands are for tourism, they are first andforemost part of an increasing militarization of the S. China Sea to bolsterChinese claims on that entire stretch of water with it's over a trillion dollartrading routes. I see quite a few posters on this board talking about thepeaceful intentions of China and labeling the US as the "agitator"and saying other nations in the region aren't distressed by the increases ofChinese naval patrols in and near their territory. They must all be part ofthose Chinese cyber warfare experts we keep hearing about, because what they'resaying is total propaganda.


TP94024 13 hours ago
China played this brilliantly. Build theislands, tell everyone else in the world to f-off. Militarize the islands(missiles) and now plant civilians on the islands so there's no chance offoreign invasion or attack. all while Obama is scratching his black #$%$Brilliant. China 2 (counting N Korea), Western world 0


george 17 hours ago
The U.S. has always recognized that Chinais the rightly owner of the south China Sea islands. Some years ago when theU.S. wanted to conduct marine time research, we asked China for permission toland personnel to three of the islands. Those documents are available for thepublic to see.
The clumsy intervention there by the Obama administration is the results of abunch uninformed national security council youngsters (former campaign workers)suddenly came up with this idea of stiring up controversies to advance Obama's"pivot to Asia" agenda, just like "community organizer"stir up in the neighborhood in order to "organize".
What did we gain? Another hot spot we created but don't need. The day to "pivot to America" is today, just look at what the people are saying in thecampaign trail: we need Washington to do something good for the Americanpeople, not out there wasting our national respurces "helping small and weak"against the "big and strong", as the primaty imputus of Obama'sforeign policy.


Rong 14 hours ago
The flight is for Woody island and the picattached is Fiery Cross island. Why can't they attached a photo that match thearticle.


William 13 hours ago
What would really be a great strategic movefor the U.S. would be if Vietnam would lease us our old air and naval base atCam Rahn Bay. They gave the Soviets a free 25 year lease but they really didn'tuse it very much except for naval support. Now it is mostly deserted andunused. Would be great for the Vietnamese as they could be sticking it to theChinese and it would freak out the Chinese to have American bombers stationedthere.


Truth Or Fiction 11 hours ago
I think we don't know the truth about theSouth China Sea ! In history, China was the first country to discover all theislands in the South China Sea, and named them ! Ad 1431, China has a ancientnautical chart, marked above the islands in the South China Sea. You can findsuch a map named "The Sailing Charts of Zheng He" on the Internet.Peoplewho really understand Chinese, will agree with this point : China is a verypeaceful country.Because, in the second world war, the Chinese peopleexperienced the tragic aggression.They don't want to bring the pain of othercountries.So, in fact,the U.S. has been aggressive China. This will bring upthe war! This is not the fault of Chinese !


CatsM 15 hours ago
Well doesn't that mean that all the othercommercial airlines can start including "the islands" on theirflights. I'm sure tourists from around the world would love to spend time onthese beautiful islands. Will they have casinos and night clubs?
China isn't fooling anyone. But a nice tsunami would take care of the problem.

