印度飞行员因最喜欢的女副驾不在拒绝起飞 [美国媒体]


Pilot refuses to fly without favouritefemale co-pilot, keep passengers waiting for 2 hours


Around 110 passengers had to wait in agrounded Air India aircraft for nearly two-and-a-half hours after its commanderrefused to take off without his favourite female co-pilot.


The passengers were travelling on the AirIndia flight from Chennai to Male via Thiruvananthapuram. The ensuing delayresulted in the flight departing at 9.13 a.m. instead of the scheduled time of7 a.m.


According to reports, the Air India commander in question had resignedlast week and was serving his notice period. On Tuesday, he asked for the womanofficer to fly with him on the same flight. However, when the request wasdenied by the airlines, the official threatened to report sick.


When he appeared for duty on Wednesday, herefused to fly until he was accompanied by the female co-pilot in question. Inthe end, the airlines was forced to arrange for the co-pilot.


DoofusAroofus 15 hours ago
Maybe Indian businesses should outsourcethese skilled jobs to American pilots.


ShantanuS 13 hours ago
I have flown both private sector airlineslike IndiGo, SpiceJet and Jet Airways as well as this public sector dysfunctioncalled Air India. There is absolutely no comparison between the two.
SpiceJet and Jet Airways serve warm mealseven on 60 minute flights. They are staffed by young and energeticprofessionals who are eager to earn your business.
On the other hand Air India staff has ahard time smilling at passengers and always appear like that they cannot waitto get off the work.

印度私人航空公司(IndiGo,SpiceJet和 Jet Airways)以及国有的所谓的印度航空公司我都乘坐过。二者之间绝对没法比。
SpiceJet 和 Jet Airways公司提供热热的餐食,及时航程只有60分钟。他们的工作人员既年轻又有活力,努力的想要获得客人的认同。

Vikramaditya 11 hours ago
Our shameless ministers are to blame forthis. They don't want to let go of their free trips abroad and so let thisuseless airline stay afloat; something it barely manages to do. Why don't theministers have the guts to privatize the airline? Because then how will theirrotund spouses travel in I Class from Delhi to New York for free. How will theyget an airline where they can boss around the crew? Sick politicians. Shame onAir India CEO for not issuing a public apology or explanation.


mangimages5 10 hours ago
At least he didn't ask for a prostitute...


robert 14 hours ago
Air India is a terrible airline. It isnotorious for being disrespectful to particularly those passengers who areIndians or look like one unless that customer is a politician or bigbusinessperson. The airline company should look into offering training to itsstaff in customer service.


Dilip 14 hours ago
Here is why I avoid taking Air India. theirrates are high and service uneven. There are better options, especially forinternational routes. How and why? When government owns a business, no one isaccountable. No need to perform. And, corruption is the rule, from top tobottom. But the politicians love the arrangement for obvious reasons.


rick t 11 hours ago
Indian Airlines is a government runcompany. It is known for it's lack of professionalism, financial mismanagementand horrible customer service. It also costs the India tax payer a billiondollars a year (in losses) to run.
The only reason the government continues tokeep this pathetic bleeding company alive is to benefit themselves asgovernment officials and their families get to fly for free or with hugediscounts. It is the height of corruption.


.......... 50 minutes ago
I wish the article would explain why thesex of the co-pilot is important. were they romantically involved, did he wantto be romantically involved, or was he perhaps taking a stand against theunequal role of women in the workplace? maybe someone else can enlighten me


Siddiq 1 hour ago
I had an opportunity to travel only once onAir India from Lagos to Mumbai (back in 70's Bombay) when private airlines werenot that many specially within India. I thoroughly enjoyed my flight and alwayswished I could have flown on Air India more.


God Bless 1 hour ago
I have flown all over the world and withdifferent airlines, and my personal experience is that the article andespecially the comments below do not do justice to Air India. I loved flyingwith Air India, with a homely feeling and friendly customer service andexcellent food on demand with a smile . Such problems do occur occasionally asreported in the news, but it is not common or evident in my personalexperience.


Frozen 2 hours ago
Guess what is gonna happen once the flightis over and the crew reaches the hotel ... Lol.

