台湾公民被带到大陆后,台湾向中国发出抗议 [美国媒体]


Taiwan protests to China after deporteestaken to mainland


Taiwan has protested to China after eightTaiwanese cleared of charges by a Kenyan court were "illegally" flownto the mainland, officials said on Monday.


Kenyan authorities in November 2014arrested 28 Taiwanese and 49 other ethnic Chinese on charges of illegallyentering the African state and involvement in an telecoms scam, the foreignministry said in a statement.


It said 37 of the suspects including 23Taiwanese were found not guilty by a Kenyan court on Tuesday last week.


But Kenyan authorities last Friday deportedeight of the Taiwanese to China rather than to Taiwan in response to pressurefrom Beijing, the ministry said.


The mainland used "technicalmethods" to delay news of the verdict reaching the relevant Taiwanesediplomat based in South Africa, it said.


"By the time our official rushed tothe airport, the eight Taiwan citizens had been forcefully taken to a passengerplane of China Southern Airlines and sent to the mainland."


It denounced the move as"illegal" and "uncivilised", saying that the fundamentalhuman rights of the eight had been infringed.


Thomas 7 minutes ago
should have been considered as an act ofwar already.
I mean a foreign state kidnapping yourcitizen in a country which they dont have any jurisdiction is only justifiedduring a war.


Xxanthar 1 hour ago
Can we ship ourprotesters to China as well?            


TJ 1 hour ago
The Africans can get stupid some times.


Jason 1 hour ago
Normally i may write something long andmore detailed but really i feel like its summed up in one question, why doeschina have to keep acting like a complete a. S. S. ?


Shlumgullya 1 hour ago
A nation that smashed and crippled the feetof its little girls for a thousand years cannot be expected change overnightfrom its natural, psychopathic nature into a civilized people.


Arman 4 hours ago
This is clearly a violation of Taiwan'ssovereignty. Those people are citizens of Taiwan. China is kidnapping them.


William 3 hours ago
China keep yourdirty yellow hands off of Africa.                     


i 4 hours ago
Taiwan is part of Chinese territory untilyour French president declares otherwise. Ask your president to try it and wewill see the consequences.


FuManchuJr 4 hours ago
What's the big deal... There is only oneChina and Taiwan is part of China... This is the one China principle. So doesKenya recognize PRC or Taiwan as the rep of the "one" China?


t. c. 3 hours ago
It will be interesting for theinvestigative reporters to investigate those telecom scamers, who rob tens ofmillion of their life-savings.


George 3 hours ago
taiwan is an island full of scammers andhackers..they are all over Sri Lanka, Africa and Asean nations, and everytime,China is being blamed for their crimes, China should put these scammers andhackers to clear the matters that these taiwanese are the real cause of crimesnot Chinese.


Vichai 1 hour ago
I thought only N. Korea kidnaps people fromother countries. Look like China also does the same thing. They already havemore than a billlion people and they still want more.


Cup of tea 31 minutes ago
Kenya doesn't have diplomate connectionwith TW. All TWness are considered Chinese.
Of cause they are sent to China (Mainland).That is what US and any west country would do if they deporting any Ukrainianeven it is from the east.
Same reason.


Big Bear 4 hours ago
theseafricans got no dignity. just for some money, they will kiss the chinacommunist #$%$.        

