当特朗普发表除两届任期外其总统任期应获“延长”时,印第安纳州集会群众欢呼雀跃 [美国媒体]



Standing in front of a cheering crowd at a campaign rally in support of Mike Braun the Republican nominee for Senate in Indiana President Donald Trump quipped about extending his presidency past a second term.


Trump immediately walked back the comment and took a jab at the media outlets saying they would be "happy" when he's no longer in office.


"When I'm not here their ratings are going to sink" Trump said following his yearslong crusade against news outlets he dislikes.


Trump went on a Twitter tirade against The New York Times and other media outlets on Wednesday and suggested taking away some of their press credentials.


"The Fake News is working overtime" Trump said in a tweet. "Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?"


Trump also referenced an article from The Times which reported on secretary of state Mike Pompeo's recent trip to North Korea that "perplexed European diplomats" at a time when Trump was announcing the US's exit from the Iran deal a move that left America's allies in Europe scrambling for answers from a seemingly unresponsive US the newspaper reported.


Conservative media outlets interpreted the article with their own headlines such as Fox News' "New York Times slams AWOL Pompeo then learns he was rescuing Americans."


"The Failing New York Times criticized Secretary of State Pompeo for being AWOL (missing) when in fact he was flying to North Korea" Trump said on Twitter. "Fake News so bad!"


CNN host Brian Stelter took exception to the headlines and shed light on the substance of The Times's article.


Stelter's tweet reads: "To be clear the NYT never used the terms 'AWOL' or 'missing.' The story said Pompeo was flying to North Korea and explained why the trip's timing 'perplexed' European diplomats. But [Fox News] SAID the story was about Pompeo being 'AWOL'" so that's what Trump tweeted.



Sorry Sir you have 6 more years to get done what you can then We The People will decide who carries on from there.


Luke Leader4hEdited 110 Likes 23 Dislikes
I would prefer him to consider making  his Presidency shorter instead .


MichaelETaurusLuke 26顶 31踩
Pray for a cancer diagnosis


The CooLeaderMichaelETaurus4h 25 Likes 78 Dislikes
Trump Train is Rolling Rolling Rolling and running over these dirty Liberals !!!


The CooLeaderThe Coo4hEdited 21 Likes 77 Dislikes
Can we see that since day 1 of the Trump presidency AOL has been on the warpath with the Trump Administration.


What do they fear or what is there agenda to basically falsify likes to keep their liberal hateful agenda to lead in their comments. They are still hurting over Hillary not getting in you say. Is Soros involved with them?!! Soros is involved with anyone to take down Trump. Soros who is Hillary's daughters uncle will go to any extreme to destroy this nation. We know there are not that many commenters as AOL tries to perceive on their website to support their views. Do you ever check who has the lead posts?!! Always someone who only has one or two total post. Why?! Because it is made up by the editors. Just like when you see all these demonstrators at these protests. It is well known these college kids answer adds and get paid well just to wave signs for 5 to 6 hours. Whose to blame them with college tuition being so high. The liberals today are a dangerous group and AOL tries to keep the hate going. Same as CNN. Same as MSNBC. Same as The New York Times. 


atx8884h 79 Likes 21 Dislikes
He will be forced out of office before the mid term.


LukeLeader >atx8884h 59 Likes 16 Dislikes
I like the way your thinking .



The CooLeader >Luke4h 15 Likes 65 Dislikes(这个网友coo很是疯狂= =,被其他外国网友戏称coobot)
A message to all Trump supporters do you really think with every article about Trump the leading Comment is about how they hate him or he is just a screw up. I mean every article which is about 25 a day and every lead comment is a liberal dissing him up. What are the odds on that?! How is it that when a Clinton Obama or any Hollywood Liberal has an article the most likes are destroying them. And you pull that article from your top articles being shown. Imagine that a liberal board and we get to do that. But a Trump article comes up 1 minute later and the likes are in abundance to demean and insult him. How is that AOL?! And then you keep it all day and night to encourage whatever liberal readers you have. What is this known as?


    It is called Fake Commenting and Fake Likes. 
  The Liberal Media Agenda !!!!!  But we know what is going on here AOL !!!
  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!    Trump Train is rolling on.


Cmph >The Coo4h 30 Likes 5 Dislikes (回复Coo4h)
If you truely think that why do you spend time and money here reading articles and posting this.  Why wouldn't you just conceal all and take peace of mind somewhere else.?


time4h 62 Likes 15 Dislikes
He is not only incompetenthe has no shame


MichaelETaurustime4h 34 Likes 10 Dislikes
His haircut makes that obvious.


They don't call him a insane dictator wannabe for nothing.


bill 27 Likes 4 Dislikes
when trump touches his forefinger with his thumb you know he's lying


MichaelETaurus >bill5h 14 Likes 3 Dislikes (回复bill5h)
...at a minimum you know where that finger has been....


jjcpa2  18 Likes 2 Dislikes
The scary part the scary part is that he is not joking. He would like to be a dictator.


JoeLeader >jjcpa23h 3 Likes 1 Dislikes  (回复jjcpa2)
We know. His heritage is showing.



FUCK TRUMP4h 16 Likes 2 Dislikes
This is no joke folks.   Trump wants to be "president for life" Trump.  Lucky for us all he is so old that he doesn't have much life left.  The sooner he goes the better.


MichaelETaurus >FUCK TRUMP4h 3 Dislikes
Yes.   Too bad American hero James Hodgkinson died.

(译注:詹姆斯·霍奇金森(James T.Hodgkinson),男,1951年出生,现年66岁,职业是房屋检查专家。是2016年民主党候选人桑德斯的支持者,他非常痛恨特朗普。2017年6月美国弗吉尼亚棒球场枪击案抢手。)

Steve 5h 14 likes 1 dislike
He's lucky to get an extension on his tax filing.


MichaelETaurus5h 18 Likes 5 Dislikes
Maybe he could get elected without vote manipulation by the Russians this time.


Nope 4h 16 Likes 3 Dislikes
This isn’t China or Russia and you are a one term president.


Factberg 4h 11 Likes 1 Dislike
Trump never misses an opportunity to shred burn and stomp on the Constitution every chance he gets.


Dictator Trump 3h
Once again President Trump wants to rule as a dictator instead of serve as a president.  He’s a racist and fascist tyrant who will be a one term president.  This is not Russia China or North Korea you communist and fascist Trump zealots.


Rtc 4h 10 Likes 1 Dislike
Trump 2020.


20 years obstruction.
20 years sedition.


CONSNEVER 2h 9 Likes
Give him 10 to 20 years.... in prison.


Caryn 4h  10 Likes 3 Dislikes
God help us!!!  Can't take much more.



LakeBoat1 5h 10 Likes 3 Dislikes
Americans since 1776 have rejected the idea of a king or an autocrat or dictator - no matter what you call it. And Trump's committed crimes both before & while claiming an UNelected office...


Don 5h 9 Likes 2 Dislikes
Fox News LIED.  Then Trump LIED.


sam4h 10 Likes 3 Dislikes
Over my dead body! I will fight this con man until he is gone. Finished. In jail. Dead Whatever it takes. He has damaged this country more than any human being in our history. He has no regard for justice for law for order for the police for the military for the average citizen for women for the poor for immigrants (except Melania . . . and maybe her parents) for the handicapped for the middle class for our allies in Europe for peace in the world. He only cares about himself and Russia. That's it!! And please if you don't believe it if you are 100% positive that I am mischaracterizing him because I'm liberal or a gun hater or whatever . . . please read a little more and listen to a little more than Fox News. Read the Washington Post and the New York Times. Watch CNN and other news channels to get a broader view of this maniacal narcissistic human being. He is playing on our weaknesses and he must be seen as the con artist that he is and eradicated as soon as possible.


MichaelETaurus 5h 7 Likes 1 Dislike
I see the Russians have awakened....


Duh5h 6 Likes
Putin said the same thing.
