美国控告中国公民试图非法出口纤维 [美国媒体]


U.S. charges Chinese citizen with trying toillegally export fiber


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Chinese citizenhas been charged with trying to illegally export to China high-grade carbonfiber used primarily in aerospace and military applications, the U.S. JusticeDepartment said on Thursday.


Fuyi Sun, 52, was arrested on Wednesdayafter he traveled to obtain the fiber from people working as undercover U.S.law enforcement agents, the agency said.


Sun repeatedly told the agents that thefiber he wanted would go to the Chinese military, with which he said he had aclose relationship, according to the court charges against him.


After allegedly paying tens of thousands ofdollars for two cases of the fiber, Sun told the agents to ship the material inunmarked boxes, authorities said.


"The carbon fiber – which has manyaerospace and defense applications – is strictly controlled, and Sun expresseda willingness to pay a premium to skirt U.S. export laws," said AssistantAttorney General John Carlin.

“这种可在航天和国防具有很多应用的碳纤维是受到严格控制的,而孙表示称愿意支付额外费用来绕过美国的出口法律,”助理检察长John Carlin如是说。

The case underlines tensions between theUnited States and China over intellectual property rights. The FBI has saidcases of economic espionage rose 53 percent in 2015, the majority of whichinvolved Chinese nationals.


Sun is charged with attempting to violateand conspiracy to violate the International Economic Powers Act, each of whichcarries a maximum of 20 years in prison. He is also charged with attempting tosmuggle goods from the United States, which carries a maximum of 10 years inprison. The case is being prosecuted in the Southern District of New York.


Amathiusm2 hours ago
Yet plenty of chinese nationals buy up realestate and businesses across the US. I saw a report recently stating thatchinese americans are some of the "most educated" , namely , thereseems to be alot of money backing putting chinese national students into USuniversity and educational systems enmasse - where they then go on into nearlyevery aspect of US R&D across the spectrum. Think its an accident??
Who said the quote regarding selling a ropeto hang yourself with? When china finally does move against the US - theseso-called capitalists will find that the cheap labor they have been droolingover and screwing americans over for decades in order to secure , is infact ,some of the most expensive labor in human history , going to be hard to arguefor massive CEO pay etc. when their tanks roll into DC.


ScottScott2 hours ago
China is the Worlds biggest problem today!They are trying to land and sea grab a huge portion of the South China Sea.They refuse to recognize any laws that don't help them. They even refuse toaccept the judgement of the World Court at the Hague. China is taking smallsteps one at a time so that no individual step is enough to provoke a militaryresponse. They are building artificial islands in the South China Sea and thenclaiming sovereignty over an exclusive economic zone. The United States hasbeen standing alone in trying to challenge such ridiculous claims. The rest ofthe world had better wake up or start learning Chinese!


JayJay3 hours ago
He wasprobably carrying out the orders of his superiors in the Communist Party.                        


NickDNickD5 hours ago
It should be a serious felony to trade withCommunist China. Closing that border (albeit separated by an ocean) is moreimportant than the one with mexico.


Tom D.Tom D.2 hours ago
He should get 10 years in prison. There area lot of Chinese who want their country for better. Their body live in US. Buttheir mind is belong communist china. A lot of Chinese can not work forgovernment and secret military


QualmQualm2 hours ago
When are we going to start treating theChinese like the enemies they are? It is absolutely stupid and irresponsiblefor our government to not protect our national interests against continuedChinese attacks.


janetjanet2 hours ago
If it wasn't this Chinese national, someoneelse American would've done the same for the money. What this man did is on aminute scale to divert the attention away from what the big sharks do.


BadManBadMan9 hours ago
The secret to China's modern success isstealing other people's ideas, and they have been frighteningly good at it.Every theft of intellectual property is sanctioned by the Chinese government,so there is plenty of money and muscle to facilitate their crimes.


brucebruce2 hours ago
It's probably an offshore corporation ownedby Trump or Mitt Romney trying to sell it for a premium to the Chinesemilitary.


VacationerVacationer9 hours ago
China, never did anything of consequence ontheir own, always pillaging others ideas. Well, they did produce gun powder.


MahaloMahalo9 hours ago
Seems like Chinese espionage is rampant inthe US.

