quora网友:嗯,我认为完全相反,我们实际上喜欢俄罗斯胜过任何其他欧洲国家。像Катюша (喀秋莎)这样的苏联风格音乐仍然很受欢迎,俄罗斯文学在每所学校都有教授,但也有一些人非常亲美,厌恶任何与GCZY有关的东西,他们通常也不喜欢俄罗斯。
I work in China. Why are highly educated Chinese so contemptuous and dismissive of Russia?
Yuyang Li
Well, I think it’s quiet the reverse, we actually like Russia more than any other European countries. Soviet Union style music like Катюша are still quiet popular and Russian literature are taught in every school . But there are some people who are very pro-America and loathe anything related to communism, and usually they dislike Russia too.
像Катюша (喀秋莎)这样的苏联风格音乐仍然很受欢迎,俄罗斯文学在每所学校都有教授,但也有一些人非常亲美,厌恶任何与GCZY有关的东西,他们通常也不喜欢俄罗斯。
Bo Wang, works at Library! (2015-present)
Bo Wang,在图书馆工作!(2015年至今)
I am a PhD candidate, and could be called an educated Chinese.
The feeling of Chinese towards Russia is so complicated that I failed in words.
Вперед, товарищи! (русский язык, полная версия, HD) This catoon was made by an undergraduate student , Wang Yilin, as his graduate work. It is stronger than thousands words.
To be honest, my eyes will be wet everytime watching this.
( Вперед,товарищи!(русскийязык,полнаяверсия,HD)
Tanling Zhang
Almost all Chinese regard Russia as the second most powerful country in the world.
Although y may feel offended that Chinese call Russian “毛子 (hairy people)” or something like “nation of fighting” but it is simply a joke just like jokes about Chinese population.
Not to mention the powerful technology and army, beautiful landscape as well as the wonderful literatures of Russia.
尽管中国人称俄国人为“毛茸茸的人”( 毛子 ) 或类似“ 战斗民族 ”之类的,这可能会让人感到不快,但这只不过是中国人的玩笑话而已。
William Moore, Lived in China for a year
威廉 摩尔,在中国生活了一年
Because (With the exception of Nuclear weapons)
Russia is rather unimportant now….
It has a economy = with Italy.
Its military is impressive.. for a local power.
Its government is good at staying in power and not much else.
I hate to tell you this.. but Having worked with a lot of Russians…
A lot of Russians are pretty dismissive of Russia as a nation.
俄罗斯现在相当地不重要了( 核武器除外 )…
它经济上= 意大利 。
它的军事力量令人印象深刻 …… 对于一个地方强国来说。
Fred Rose 弗莱德 · 罗斯
What you don’t know is that the Russians are the same way toward the Chinese! And this is why it is important for both sides to know that a military alliance between the two will never work for long because both sided can’t trust each other and never have, they don’t have anything even remotely to what the US has with either Canada or even Mexico.
For a thesis on this read this, it is long but it is good: http://alleuropalux.org/fileserv...
《 中国人如何看待俄罗斯 》
http://alleuropalux.org/fileserv ... inaloengdec2010.pdf
Menghao Zou(邹孟豪), M.A from Liaoning University (2015)
it’s not widely spread. only selected few do.
i’m not in a position to answer that. perhaps let those people answer that would be a better choice. My friends and I are definitely not one of those.
Tony Tan
The question is based on pure ignorance. The Chinese mostly respect the Russians because they have spine and solidarity. In fact the more educated Chinese put more respect on the Russian. There is one Russian who is being universally loved by the Chinese and his name is Putin. In fact I believe that Putin is Saint Michael sent by God to counter Satan's evil on earth. He seems to be doing a wonderful job at that.
Guevara Huang
I don’t konw if I am one of the “highly educated Chinese”, I like USSR~~
Michael Mosco, Founder and CEO at Mosco Inc
迈克尔·莫斯科,莫斯科公司(Mosco Inc.) 创始人兼首席执行官
Its a very generalised question which is indicative of racial and societal differences and how each view the other,I could very easily say that most people in the European part of Russia look at most Chinese with scorn and indifference, but this is not the general picture.
When you use highly educative ,you seem to indicate that a pole was taken and you found out that highly educated people in China have contempt for the Russians?I believe you are magnifying a personal view and you would like the debate to try to find a positive in your assumption that the elite in China do not like the Russians.It's termed as a projection and it most often is wrong,
The Chinese have been stepped on and misinterpreted by most races on earth for long and I'd hate to imagine the only other person who has undergone such abuse and mistreatment to be the Russian and they sharea alot in common,so contempt, I doubt.
当你使用“ 受过高等教育”这样的描述时,你似乎在暗示什么,你发现中国受过高等教育的人看不起俄罗斯人?我相信你是在放大个人观点,你希望这场辩论能在你的假设中找到你肯定的一面,即中国的精英阶层不喜欢俄罗斯人,这是一种臆测,而且往往是错误的。
Steven Lee (李扬灵) , lived in China 住在中国 Updated Jan 31
The communist government of China is one of the biggest beneficiaries (if not the biggest) for the USSR’s collapse.
Firstly, China harvested a large number of financially strapped Ukrainian experts in military industry and aerospace science & technology via its “双引工程” (Two introductions project).
Secondly, the Chinese leaders could conduct a comprehensive disarmament since the biggest thread no longer exists and China was able to focus on developing the economy.
Thirdly, the disintegration of USSR proved that planned economy didn’t work well, then Deng Xiaoping proposed the theory of market economy with Chinese characteristics during his southern tour in 1992.
So It is pointless to say that the Chinese feel sorry for the disintegration of USSR.
中国是苏联解体的最大受益者之一 ( 如果不是最大的话 )。
首先,中国通过“ 双引工程 ”( 两个引进项目 ) 从财政拮据的乌克兰收获了大量军事工业和航空航天科学技术领域的专家。
A lot of Chinese actually have mixed feelings about Russia. On the one hand, Empire and Soviet Russia had annexed a large chunk of former Chinese territory, such as Outer Manchuria and Tannu Uriankhai (now the Tywa republic) when China was suffering the society turbulences, though the border dispute between China and Russia was settled when Jiang Zemin was in office, many of the Chinese still hold a deep grudge. On the other hand, meanwhile, they don’t see Russia as a rival as Russia is now pretty much a lame duck in terms of uprising technologies. Almost in each tech domain, Chinese are eyeing and attempting to catch up with the United States. Russia literally plays the role of an ally when China is in need of confronting the US. You could see that those ubiquitous hotheaded Chinese, who worship "macho man" Putin because he is dare to show of muscle to the West while Chinese leaders seem to be flabby on the contrary.
Anyway, I don’t think it was the case of "contemptuous and dismissive of Russia" as you claimed. The Chinese are not that ignorant and arrogant as you would think. Did you see this:
China-Russia joint venture to develop wide-body commercial jet
一方面,当中国遭受社会动荡时,(俄罗斯)帝国和苏俄吞并了大量前中国领土,如外满洲里和唐努乌梁海 ( 现在的俄“图瓦共和国” ),尽管中俄边界争端在“续一秒”执政时得到了解决,但许多中国人仍然怀有深深的恨意。
Shaun Lawson, Lived here 5 years, speak Chinese, this is kinda my thing Answered Jan 28
肖恩 · 劳森,在这里住了5年,会说中文,这是我的专长
To be extremely reductionist, this photo:
On the left you see the Chinese land border checkpoint, and on the right, the thing that looks like a small grain silo, is the Russian one.
This is a reflection of the complete inversion of the pre-Khrushchev relationship, when there was apparently a lot of homoerotic cooperation between the two countries across military, scientific, and economic sectors, with the Chinese highly dependent on the Soviets for technical aid.
A Soviet joke from the era goes:
Telegram from Beijing: We are suffering from famine. Please send food.
Telegram from Stalin: Tighten your belts.
Telegram from Beijing: Please send belts.
And now Russia has essentially become, as the book of Isaiah describes Egypt, a broken reed, which pierces the hand of any who lean upon her. They’ve copied almost everything they need from Russia, with very few exceptions—some advanced fighter and naval warship engines and stealth material manufacturing, mostly—and the only things left Russia has that the Chinese want are commodities: timber, gas, land, and women. This is in large part because of the collapse of the Communist Party, Russian control of all its buffer zones, and the Russian economy. Modern Russia is essentially China’s worst case scenario. The Chinese, along with most of the Communist world, almost exclusively blame Gorbachev for this.
Virtually every Chinese person I’ve ever spoken to expresses a strong admiration for Putin, though. It creeps me out a little.
现在,俄罗斯基本上已经变成了《 以赛亚书 》所描述的埃及一样,变成了一根破碎的芦苇,它刺穿了任何依靠她的人的手。
他们(中国)几乎从俄罗斯复制了他们所需要的一切,只有极少数例外—— 一些先进战斗机和海军舰艇引擎以及隐形材料的制造工艺—— 而俄罗斯仅剩的不过是一些中国想要的商品:木材、天然气、土地和女人。
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