台湾因萨尔瓦多倒向北京,称中国大陆“已经失控” [美国媒体]


Taiwan says China 'out of control' as it loses El Salvador to Beijing


TAIPEI/BEIJING (Reuters) - Taiwan vowed on Tuesday to fight China’s “increasingly out of control” behavior after Taipei lost another ally to Beijing when El Salvador became the third country to switch allegiances to China this year.


Taiwan now has formal relations with only 17 countries worldwide, many of them small, less developed nations in Central America and the Pacific, including Belize and Nauru.


Speaking in Taipei, President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan would not bow to pressure, describing El Salvador’s decision as further evidence of China’s efforts to squeeze the island, which have included regular Chinese bomber patrols around Taiwan.


“We will turn to countries with similar values to fight together against China’s increasingly out-of-control international behavior,” Tsai said.


Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu told reporters earlier that Taipei was not willing to engage in “money competition” with its giant neighbor.


He said El Salvador had been continuously asking for “massive funding support” since last year for a port development, but Taiwan was unable to assist with the “unsuitable project” after assessment.




El Salvador’s president, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, announced in a nationally televised speech that his government had broken off diplomatic relations with Taiwan and instead established ties with China.


Sanchez Ceren said the central American country, which built ties with the Republic of China government in 1933, would see “great benefits” and “extraordinary opportunities” in the new relationship with Beijing.


Taiwan’s formal name is the Republic of China, whose government fled to Taiwan in 1949 after losing a civil war with the Communists.


“We are convinced this is a step in the right direction that corresponds to the principles of international law of international relations and the inevitable trends of our time,” Sanchez Ceren said.


In Beijing, Castaneda said it was a strategic decision his government made to “create conditions to change the historical standing of our country and to really elevate the livelihood of our people”.


Taiwan has accused China of luring its friends away with offers of generous aid packages. China denies that.
Graphic showing Taiwan's political allies -


The news comes as Tsai wrapped up a high-profile trip to Latin America, including stops in the United States, that drew anger from China.


“China will not get unification with Taiwan by luring away our allies. What China did was to humiliate Taiwan repeatedly without getting any respect from Taiwan’s people,” Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party wrote in a statement.


El Salvador is the fifth country Taiwan will lose as a diplomatic ally since Tsai came to office in 2016, following Burkina Faso, the Dominican Republic, Sao Tome and Principe and Panama.


Amanda Mansour, spokeswoman of the de facto U.S. embassy in Taiwan, told Reuters in a written statement late on Tuesday that China’s efforts were “harmful” and had undermined “the framework that has enabled peace, stability, and development for decades”.


“We hope the relevant country can see clearly the world’s trend,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a daily news briefing, when asked whether eSwatini would attend the summit.


China’s hostility to Taiwan has grown since Tsai’s election as Beijing fears she wishes to push for the island’s formal independence, a red line for China. She says she wants to maintain the status quo but will defend Taiwan’s democracy.


It's already come time to update PolGeoNow's map of countries that "recognize" Taiwan again, after El Salvador cut ties on Tuesday in favor the PRC government in Mainland China. El Salvador is the fifth country to switch relations from the Taiwan-based "Republic of China" (ROC) to the Mainland-based "People's Republic of China" (PRC) since China-skeptic President Tsai Ing-Wen took office in 2016 (the previous eight years, under Mainland-friendly President Ma Ying-jeou, had seen a truce in the decades-long struggle between the two rivals).
According to Taiwan's foreign ministry, one of El Salvador's reasons for the switch was Taiwan's refusal to pay for an expensive port construction project that could have left both countries in debt. If the bid now goes to China instead, some are speculating that the port could end up hosting a Chinese military base in the future. Currently, China's only overseas military base is in the Northeast African country of Djibouti.


根据台湾外交部的说法,萨尔瓦多之所以改变立场,原因之一是台湾拒绝为一个昂贵的港口建设项目付款,而这个项目可能使两国都负债累累。 如果现在这个港口由中国来投资,一些人猜测,这个港口将来可能会成为中国一个军事基地。目前,中国唯一的海外军事基地是在东北非洲国家吉布提。

I honestly don’t think China even wants to rival the US in its own back yard as they’re still trying to gain dominance on the Asia side of the Pacific.


United States will not allow that. El Salvador is too close in proximity for US to be comfortable with a Chinese base. It also considers the Latin America as its backyard


ricksansmorty ... neral-idUSKCN1GI2V0
They weren't comfortable with the base in djibouti, I don't think the USA wants a Chinese base anywhere outside of China.


There is little the US can do about it, except pout. Unless it invaded El Salvador or Djoubouti and cause massive outcry in international reaction.


Latinos have been decrying US attacking South America for more than a century. There's nothing they can do.


30 and 40 years ago US used CIA to do most of its work they're very effective to destabilize and change leaders


There's more ways than just military invasion to bring a country to heel, especially small ones like El Salvador.


China may built military bases in more and more countries from now on. The only thing the US can do is anger the host countries.


Taiwan couldn't get independence when mainland China was starving, the US and the whole western world was on its side. But now dynamics have changed, China is a superpower. Taiwan will never get independence. The vest thing for Taiwan is to maintain statis quo. But I feel sorry for Taiwanese people , that they are locked in deadlock from which there is no escape.


When China was starving, Taiwan didn't want independence--it wanted China. At the time, Taiwan was still a military dictatorship hell-bent on retaking the mainland.
Things changed when they became a democracy in the 1990s, but by then the PRC was already large enough to throw its weight around.
