根据汽车研究公司Kelley Blue Book的说法,急剧上涨的成本可能导致日本主要汽车厂家的数量在2020年减少到3或4家。美国网友:日本面临着来自中国和韩国厂家的巨大压力。日本几乎没有技术优势,其汽车质量多年来也受到中国和韩国的质疑。而且日本汽车的价格比当地厂家高出狠多。
Up to half of Japan's automakers may notexist in 5 years: Analyst
Soaring costscould diminish the number of major Japanese car makers to just three or fourplayers by 2021, according to automotive research firm Kelley Blue Book.
根据汽车研究公司Kelley Blue Book的说法,急剧上涨的成本可能导致日本主要汽车厂家的数量在2020年减少到3或4家。
The world'sthird-largest economy is also the world's third-largest vehicle producer,boasting at least eight leading brands, including the world's biggest-sellingautomaker Toyota Motor (7203.T-JP). Other major car producingcountries, such as Germany and the U.S., only have a handful in comparison.
But theindustry, once a shining example of the country's economic heft, has had a dismalrun of late. Profits at Toyota have slumped while Mitsubishi Motors (7211.T-JP)hasbeen ensnared in a fuel-economy scandal. Even suppliers haven't been spared:Airbag maker Takata (7312.T-JP)reported its third net loss in thepast four years on Thursday following a massive recall.
Joe 13 hours ago
Nissan hasRenault as a major owner at 43.4%. Mitsubishi is part of the Mitsubishi Groupthat is diverse. I say Nissan may be gone. Suzuki is also somewhat diverse andhas plants worldwide. It is not popular in the US and that is fine.
Fuji HeavyIndustries will also be around as it makes Subaru, manufacturing Boeing andLockheed Martin helicopters and airplanes under license along with being aglobal development and manufacturing partner to both companies. The ecotechnology division manufactures and sells garbage trucks, robot sweeper, andwind turbines.
Geeze 15 hoursago
The articledidn't even give the names of the eight companies in Japan. Who wrote this athird grader?
help 3 hours ago
This sort ofstuff has been predicted since the 80's and has never panned out. Certainlythings will change but we really are closer to having more manufacturers ratherthan less. Emerging tech and small companies becoming viable is more likely.It's similar to the dawn of automobile manufacturing.
Free 11 hoursago
But what aboutAmerican car companies? Or, European ones? Will some of them meet the samefate? Chrysler hasn't done well. GM almost went belly up till US govt rescuedit. US cars do not sell much over the world. So, what's the big pix for carcompanies look like is the bigger question of uncertainty.
Joe 4 hours ago
I just read thatNissan bought a major stake in Mitsubishi!
e 2 hours ago
I'm wonderingwhat the Japanese car companies are. I only know of NIssan, Toyota, Honda andMitsubishi. So what are the others?
Anne Onymous 2hours ago
Interestinglyenough, there's no prediction about which companies or brands will be bitingthe dust before long. Suzuki? Subaru? Daihatsu?
Cup of tea 12hours ago
Japan faces hugepressure from manufacturers based in SKorea and China. Japan has little techlead and qualities are questioned for years in SKorea and China. The price isalso much higher than local competitors.
Good 15 hoursago
Big Eight ofJapan.
1- Toyota
2 - Honda
3- Mitsubishi
4- Nissan
5- Subaru
6- Suzuki
7- Hino (mainlybus and truck maker)
8- Daihatsu(mostly small kei car maker, that are sold mainly in Japan).
Also Fuji makessome small cars, if I am not wrong.
Joe 12 hours ago
Cadillac sold19,983 new vehicles globally in April, a decrease of 18%, as the brand phasesout its top-selling SRX Crossover in advance of shipments of the all-new XT5successor.
General Motorsand its joint ventures delivered 277,979 vehicles in China in April, anincrease of 7.5 percent from the same month last year.
Autobaojun,Wuling and Faw Jeifang are also GM cars. Just as Opel, Holden & Vauxhallare.
凯迪拉克四月份的全球销量19983辆,同比下降了18%,在全新的XT5发货前,凯迪拉克正逐步淘汰其畅销的SRX Crossover。
Denne herrebetaler! 11 hours ago
Don't bet onToyota and Honda going under. GM learned that the only way to survive is to goin big time to the China market but Japanese companies knew about globalizationlong before US companies did.
Chris 8 hoursago
Is Scion stillaround? Just as GM dropped Saturn, Olds, Pontiac, Ford dropped Mercury,Chrysler dropped Plymouth. Only natural for the Japanese to focus on its topselling brands. Agreed, Toyota and Honda seem to have done the best inmarketing to the US market.
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