Rent is getting crazy in China
In Beijing, one of my co-worker’s rent went up 1,200 yuan if he wanted to resign his contract. My rent just went up 800 yuan and the landlord told me everyone is increasing rent so he is doing the same. We tried to negotiate but he isn't budging. My girlfriend who is Chinese told me that all her friends rent prices increased a few hundred and they don't make a lot of money. Apartments that used to cost 5,000 rmb about 3 years ago now cost 7,000+. This is getting crazy. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Same all over Zhejiang province too. That's why I left China 2 months ago. Everything is increasing too fast against restrictive expat salaries. I relocated to Sweden, if I'm going to pay high amounts of my salary then I want to get something out of it.
Can you comment more on restrictive expat salaries?
yeah he was famous like 18 years ago and made a decent amount of money, and he's still famous today as virtually the only foreigner to ever do so.
Dang, the only foreigner to do so...wow. Interesting how the chinese love to buy/splurge on western luxuries but when a western person tries to integrate in...it's definitely gonna be hard. The fact that his chinese is superb probably helped as well
There are foreigners with good chinese doing tv shows regularly, but they're not Dashan famous. But yeah, not everyone has this opportunity or wants to be on tv
Same in suzhou. Rent is getting out of control and is pushing a lot of young Chinese out of the cities and to th satellite villages.
Prices rocketed over the last decade but rent didn't, now it may catch up. We'll see what the market can bear.
[–]notviolence 15 19 前*
Yes, rent in china is incredibly cheap. Most chinese rentals it's 80 year roi where most countries at most is 30
Edit; to clarify: Rent in China is incredibly cheap in comparison to the Cost of the apartment. For example, my old apartment was 3000 RMB in Xinjiang Shanghai, the price of that apartment was like 3 million RMB? So at 3000 x 12 it would take 83 years to pay it off at my old rental rate. Even at 5000 RMB/month you're looking at 50 years ROI which is unsustainable,
Shanghai has gone up about 25% in the last 2.5 years.
Really insane. Local agents say the purchase price has flattened but rental price has gone up. Go figure.
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