南华早报:中国的年轻名人面临着阳刚之气的危机,还是仅仅在树立新审美? [美国媒体]


Are China’s young celebrities facing a masculinity crisis, or just setting a new aesthetic standard?


Women’s group joins debate over the changing face of nation’s young pop stars and what it really takes to make a man


Monday, 10 September, 2018


A Chinese women’s rights group has come to the defence of a group of young male singers branded “sissies” by one branch of state media, publishing an article arguing that diverse standards of masculinity should be respected.


The latter was echoed by China Women’s Daily – published by the official All-China Women’s Federation – which said in a report on Sunday headlined “Respect diversity in aesthetic standards and shape the sunshine quality” that people should not be defined by how they look.


“No matter what kind of persona style or quality he or she chooses to present, whether it is strong-willed or gentle, that doesn’t stop them from being an excellent person,” the article said.


The changing appearance of male celebrities is partly a result of a prosperous society, in which traditional two-dimensional concepts of masculinity and femininity have been transformed into a more diversified aesthetic standard, which is based not just on a person’s appearances but also their inner qualities, it said.


It also criticised the use of derogatory terms like “sissy” that fail to respect individual choices and do little to foster social inclusion.


While defending celebrities’ right to sport whatever look they choose, the report said they should nevertheless set a “bright and positive” example.


The debate has been equally heated on social media, with many parents questioning the suitability of celebrities like New F4 as role models for their children.


Some internet users have even gone so far as to say that China is facing a “crisis of masculinity” and that men are embracing socially regressive stances to prove their manhood in response to the massive gender imbalance caused by decades of strict birth control policies.


14 min 42 sec ago
In the 1980 -- 90s I lived in China and had several girlfriends. I asked all of them why Chinese men don't work-out like Western men do, to tone their muscles and build up some body mass. In their own way they each said that it was because Chinese women didn't like "muscles" on their men. They said they felt that a man with rippling muscles, pecs that popped out, and all the rest made a man look more like a guerilla than a man. That they wanted men that looked softer, more intellectual----as though they spent their day in a silk robe reading Chinese classics----rather than like a monkey able to swing from a tree.
Who knows? Maybe that's the reason there is such a difference...


24 min 57 sec ago
All Chinese men face a masculinity crisis.


2 hours 18 min ago
It does not matter what the new generation of males look like as long as they are able to shoulder the responsibilities as expected by a man. Some look masculine, but lack responsibility and accountability.


2 hours 41 min ago
Yes, vain, foppish, preening pansies.


3 hours 17 min ago
Sissies now next step
Will be ladyboys


3 hours 31 min ago
Stop being old and left behind . Who cares about role typing .. that’s too Western and unsophisticated .


3 hours 34 min ago
The first observation is that they are peas in a pod. They all look alike. The second observation is that they look like girls. But I gather from the context of the article that they are actually boys? Thanks for that clarification. So, given that they are boys, yes, they are sissies. I would not let my daughter date one.


Blue Ginger
3 hours 18 min ago
And what if your hypothetical daughter starts strongly being into kpop boy bands? Would you throw a tantrum?


3 hours 22 min ago
Hahahhaha I’m with you on this topic. They do look like girls so yeah guys wants to look like girls. Well that would make them a sissies hahhahaha


3 hours 53 min ago
Sissy, for today's generation of men, is the correct word.


3 hours 20 min ago
I concur hahahhaha


Askari Kazmi
Beautiful, soft, and weak male can be overcome by female partners to go underdog.


Kien-Pong Yap
What’s the problem really? Korea and japan have been doing that for decades. It’s crazy to dictate how people look like and behave. It’s individual choice. Masculinity and aesthetic perception change over time. To be frank, Asians look better with clean look.


Schuweeb Hamm
East Asian men……


Anthony Prawira
So gay


Mimi Wong
If you think a person's appearance defines his "manliness" then you have some internal work to do
A man wearing make up or doing "girly" things doesn't make them not masculine at all. A man's masculinity is defined by the persons strong spirit and bravery.


Randy Mueller OMG.. !!!
China has been Bieber'd!!!


William Chow
Buggers and buggereds


They are tryna become girls


Benja Sophon Sariwatta
So when the enemy attack, the beautiful male soldiers can act as comfort women for enemy soldiers.


James Yue
They are not in the China's People’s Liberation Army
