川普发出威胁后,中国考虑拒绝贸易谈判并限制对美出口 [美国媒体]


China is considering declining trade talks offer and restricting exports to the U.S. after Trump’s threat


[–]xenocloud1989 77 points 7 hours ago
No one wants to lose face, but I expect a deal will be made eventually


[–]SvenTropics 1 point 34 minutes ago
I agree. The markets will probably slide 10% for a month and then rebound when it happens.


[–]Wilky323 58 points 3 hours ago
If you seriously think China could afford to restrict exports to the US you’re high. They depend on us as much as we depend on them.


[–]porncrank 4 points 2 hours ago
I wonder about that. China is a very different country. Some 35% of the country still works in agriculture -- that number is about 2% in the US and the type of work in agriculture is likewise very different.
When I think of China getting hit by an economic downturn, I think of most people there who are used to great hardship having to deal with some minor inconveniences. Maybe they farm more and buy less. If they're a little better off maybe they can't afford to get their old clothes washer fixed and so they go back to washing by hand. I've seen this kind of nonchalant decrease in lifestyle many times in other poor communities abroad. It's just not that big of a deal. And even if it was they also have no democratic recourse.
When I think of the US getting hit by an economic downturn, I think of people losing their shit because they can't afford a late model car. I think of people disrupting town hall meetings because their sprawling American style home is underwater. I'm not saying we shouldn't live well, but the expectation and reaction is just so much different here. And we have a reasonable amount of democratic recourse.
I guess it just all depends on what you mean by "depend". On some level, sure, you're right. But on another level they may not depend on anybody if they're willing to suffer. I don't think America is nearly as willing.


[–]choaniki 0 points an hour ago
China has lots of local industry and agriculture, they are quite self sufficient and can look inwards to survive. Already they have lots of local consumption due to import restrictions or high taxes (websites, automobiles, electronics, etc)
So I don't agree that China can't survive without US but its likely the economies of both countries would suffer collateral damage.

