What observation have you made about China which mostothers missed?
Answered Mar 12
Long, long ago… solong ago… I actually do remember how long ago… I was shopping at a Walmart(don't judge). And I was shocked to find practically everything sold at theWalmart was made in China!
Till that point in time, I hadvery little knowledge of China. As I continued being a shopper in the US, Istarted to realize that practically everything sold in the US was made inChina! Most American stores - Walmart, Target, container store, bed bath andbeyond, Apple, etc - were merely sales outlets for Chinese products.
I would sing praises of China,while my Indian and American friends would calm me down by saying that the USonly gets low-end, cheap stuff made in China, while the higher quality stuffcomes out of US, Japan, Taiwan, Europe (mostly automobiles).
So, I posed a question… how longbefore China takes over all production, and becomes the sole manufacturer ofthe world? And all my friends said… “M, you are crazy!”
Barely a few eons have passedsince that question and China is indeed the only manufacturer in the world.Today, everything from your iPhone to your MacBook Pro to your watch (all veryhigh end consumer goods, by American standards… and therefore, the world'sstandards) to your clothes, shoes, socks, undergarments, and Gore Tex jacketsand your kitchen appliances and your house decor to your house doors andwindows… and everything else is manufactured in China!
In many ways, my observation thatChina would become the world's sole manufacturer of all goods - low end or highend - has come true.
My European friends like toremind me that nobody does automobiles better than them. My take: wait till2030, when you will find that China will not only be the largest manufacturerof high quality automobiles, but some of Europe's top auto brands - like BMW,Benz, Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc - would be owned and managed by theChinese. Note: Volvo, the quintessential “safe” automobile brand, from Europe,is already owned by the Chinese.
My American friends, now, quicklyretort that the US is still superior to China in anything to do with warmachines - assault rifles, drones, fighter jets, naval carriers, etc. I hate tosay this out loud, but mark my words… China will be the largest “designer andmanufacturer” of all high end war machines by 2050. I wouldn't be surprised ifLMCO and others are relegated to pages of history, or survive as China ownedbrands.
I wouldn't be surprised if, by2100, 99% of the world becomes mere consumers, while China becomes the soleproducer and supplier to all those consumers.
In fact, by 2100, I wouldn't besurprised if Chinese, rather than English, becomes the most preferred human language.
An anecdote: sometime in the 2005+/- a few years/decades/eons… I was in Hong Kong, attending a trade show.
You see, back then, I wasrelatively young and naive, so my mind would be abuzz with ideas… for gadgetsthat I wanted, but the world (probably) didn't have.
So I wanted to make this box, andit had a lot of electronics in it. I spoke with a few of my American friendsand one of them agreed to design it for me… for equity. I spoke with a few ofmy friends in India, and they said they had extensive experience doingmulti-layer PCB design, routing and placement, etc… but they wanted (sheetsload of) money upfront, and regular payments there after, because Indians onlywork on the outsourcing model!
A voice deep inside me said… “goEast, young man!”
Out of the blue, I found outabout this trade show in Hong Kong… so I booked a flight ticket and just wentthere. Not only did I fall in love with Hong Kong, I met more manufacturersthan I would have ever wanted to! All the manufacturers at that trade show werefrom China. And they were all very welcoming!
“Send us your design, we make 50units first and ship them to you, then if you like, you place large order. 1000units minimum for large order.” Nobody asked for equity or upfront payments!They understood what I wanted done. They knew all the certifications theproduct would need. And they had questions about the product that I didn't haveanswers to!
The Chinese were smart,intelligent, professional and utterly polite!
15 of those companies gave me“letter of invitation”, along with their brochures, inviting me to visit theirsites (plants) in China.
As always, I didn't pursue theopportunity completely… so nothing came out of it. But I ended up realizingthat China was destined to be the largest and the best manufacturer of theworld!
do firmly believe that by 2100, China will be thestrongest and most powerful (and possibly the only) industrial economy in theworld. By 2100 China will be the only “designer and manufacturer” of productsin the world.
Istrongly feel that this is not the Chinese century… this is just the beginningof the second coming of China, and China will have a stronger and more powerfulimpact on the world this time, for a long, long time to come.
(NOTE: typed on my Chinese phone. I will reformat the answerlater, when I get to my Chinese laptop, sitting on a Chinese table, andconnected to a China made power strip.
BTW,it's early morning here in India, so I have a small Chinese lamp - photoattached - in my room!)
在那之前,我对中国知之甚少。当我继续在美国购物时,我开始意识到几乎所有在美国销售的东西都是中国制造的!大多数美国商店——沃尔玛(Walmart)、塔吉特(Target)、集装箱商店(container store)、床上浴(bed bath)以及其他商品,苹果(Apple)等——仅仅是中国产品的销售网点。
Tesun Huang
Mar 13 · 11 upvotes including Sevak M
If you are an Indian, I am surprised that you have such astriking insight on the next century of China.
30years ago, I co-founded a semiconductor manufacture startup which went verywell and became public 20 years ago. Then I started a fiber optic company,which I sold for a lot of money around 2000. I remember very well myinteractions with the many engineers/managers/ customers/ competitors/ buyers/VCs in and from China during this long time span. I have witnessed, in thisparticular high tech domain I worked, an unbelievable upheaval how China haschanged! Only in hindsight, I now realize how important this change is on aglobal scale.It istoo late for Trump and his alliance to stop China now. Not TPP, not aircraftcarriers, not F-22, not US-Japan-Australia-India alliance, and not even tradewar can change the course of history.
Sourin Paturi, Observer of a new millenium
Answered Mar 13
China is the 21stcentury version of the 19th century United States.
China and the United States couldbe no truer than polar opposites in their outlook and backgrounds as nations,yet the China of today eerily resembles that of the United States in the1800’s. Mark my words if these trends prove true we can await a Chinese centuryin the 21st century.
Foreign Policy:In regards to foreign policy,China is exerting itself and attempting to create a sphere of influence inEastern Asia. This has been prompted by their ever growing aggressiveness inthe South China Sea and surrounding waters. China is attempting to create itsown “playground” akin to how the U.S treated Latin America as its “playground”by bullying local nations and exerting immense influence on its politics.
The South China Sea is China’s Caribbean. Look no furtheras China begins to act more and more aggressive years to come. ChineseAttitude:
It goeswithout saying that the United States and China are two different ideologieswith the former focusing on Western individualism and the latter on EasternCollectivism. Peeling back these layers reveal an uncomfortable truth — thegrowing superiority complex by many Chinese. We can agree thatChina has enough to be proud of, yet the idea that China is fulfilling a unduedestiny is ringing eerie bells to “Manifest Destiny”. The Chinese have beenreinvigorated by patriotism as they are once again are seeing their nation asthe center of Asia. They are seeing it as their duty to reclaim Chinese gloryand to drive away and diminish the West’s power.
Chinese Industrialization:
Lastly,I’d like to highlight just how China has managed to turn into an economicjuggernaut. The manufacturing industry has played a big part in this rise andjust like America — China is using industry and innovation to move ahead.America during the 1800’s was a place of innovation with new inventions and agrowing manufacturing industry and produced many goods for the world. Comparethis to China nowadays which is following the same path with a growthscientific renaissance in China prompted by the supremacy of China in themanufacturing department.
Today’s Chinese manufacturing
Chinaand the United States are more similar than many might realize — by theendeavors they took to get to the top of the world.
Ryan Chew
Mar 14 · 13 upvotes
I think it's prudent to point out that the Americanmilitary bases didn't just spring up overnight. They were built up gruaduallyover two centuries while responding to the needs of the day.
Chinais going down the same path.
TheDjibouti base was built because of the Somali piracy problem. The Sri Lankanaval base was leased to secure the indian ocean shipping routes. The bases inthe spratlys were built to secure the region. And that's just in the last 5years.
Inabsolute numbers we're still far behind the US, but that's because we're justgetting warmed up.
Dylan McDanniel, CEO and founder at Lexo Media Group(2011-present)
Answered Mar 13
Most Chineseperceive their country, its citizens and all related issues on a much longertimeline than other cultures. They are thinking in terms of hundreds or eventhousands of years. Their culture is five thousand years old. I think this longhistory and understanding of the twists and turns of time have given theChinese a more unified and strategic way of operating in the world.
As an American, it’s interestingto think about this relative to my own culture, where most people I know focuson the next 30 days. Most Americans think of the Chinese government as“Commies.” My take is that with a population of 1.5 billion people, the onlyway to achieve 100 year goals of being a superpower and dominating the world’seconomy was to centralize all economic and governance needs under one entity,which would allow rapid ascent via currency management, centralized investmentin infrastructure, complete control of the education system, and otherpractices.
China is now poised to be themost powerful and important nation in the world for the next 300 years. IMHO,it will not remain a communist regime for very much longer. It’s already*dramatically* changed from 20 years ago.
So, the thing most people miss isthat China is playing the long game. And doing it well.
Katie Pedro, APAC Regional HR Dirctor at MarvellSemiconductors (2018-present)
Answered Mar 18
China is a truemulticultural country but many foreigners don't see. Multiculture does notequate to multi race, nor multi ethnicity. Although we are 90% Han Chinese(actually Han Chinese are genetically diverse), but our culture from region toregion are very different. By culture I don't mean only food and dialect. Thereare also deep cultural differences such as value system and culture tradition.I have spent 4 years at southern Fujian province. Still I don't get theculture. Don't know more than few words, don't understand their tradition,don't understand their gender expectation, and don't buy into their valuesystem. The southern Fujian culture is more remote to me than Canada. I havefriends from inland city of Changsha, Hunan province, and Yanji, where mostKorean-Chinese are living. The life they described to me are so unheard of thatI actually got culture shock all the time. The traditional way of living isalso different. For example, some provinces practice dowry (the girl familywill give assets to the girl when married), some province is the opposite (theboy's family give money to the bride's family). Some province still have activeclan activities, even clan loans to the member family. People from Northeastprovinces are so different from Southern Chinese, say, Chao-Shan region that Ican immediately tell who is from where accurately. I do not mean only the lookand the language, but also their way of thinking, right or wrong, and their wayof interacting. Language wise a small town 300km away from Shanghai speaks alanguage I totally don't understand.
However, Chinese people'sidentity is separate from culture and the value system. Even withmulticulturalism and different value system, all are identify themselves asChinese. And there is no argument on who is true Chinese. Some say differentvalue system will divide people. It is not the case in China.
This is the reason Chinese carevery little about foreign residents to assimilate, where assimilation is ademand in many other countries.
Another one is that the reasonChinese look homogeneous is because the Chinese care much less about keepingthe race pure. We generally believe interracial marriage is a good thing (aftercleared that the daily habit will not be an issue). The offspring ofinterracial or inter-ethnicity are smarter and prettier (I don't think it is ascientific support though, just a belief). People intermarry freely, created atotal mix of bloodline. That's why any foreign traders or invaders came toChina ended up disappeared into Chinese.
Lastly, Chinese traditionalculture value change. The conventional wisdom is change is a good thing:Flowing water will never rot (流水不腐). People like to change and activly looking for changes tomake, even at that time when things are going well. I found it is different inEuropeans and North Americans who I know of. People don't like to change (theirway of living).
Callan Chua, Been Learning how to make it inChina for the past 10 years.
Answered Mar 13
I don’t think I knowenough about China. And yes, that is my observation.
20years ago, before I came toChina, I have a very pro-western philosophy. I believe in democracy and a lotof other western ideas. At that time, China to me, was nothing more than aplace my ancestors came from…old, backwards and very closed up. Totally not aplace I will think about often.
11 years ago, I went through adivorce that broke me. I was broke both financially and emotionally. I have nopride left. That was when I thought about going somwhere that I can start over.Not many places I can think of where I can survive and stand on my feet easilyagain. So I thought about some of the “backward Places” where I might have achance. Malaysia first came to mind since it’s just next to Singapore, butsince my ex-wife is Malaysian, I thought better not as it’s not gonna be a goodplace to forget about things.
To pick up the pieces, I got avery mandane job as a sales person with a furniture company in Singapore wheremost of it’s items were imported from China. After 6 months, my boss noticed meand “promoted” me to be the purchasing guy for China made products, I’m stillonly earning $2000 a month despite the promotion. Anyway, that’s when Chinacame into the picture.
After 1 year of dealing withChina factories and a few visits. I thought I got to know China quite well. Ibecame the go to guy in the company and among my social circle for Chinarelated stuff.
In 2008, I decided that my chancehas come. With my SGD 7000 savings, I decided to stirke it out on my own….usingmy connections in China. I boldly went to Foshan to setup my own businessnetwork. I based myself there, confident that with my street knowledge of Chinaand personal charisma, I can make it. Well, I brokered a couple of deals forthe 5 months I was in Foshan, which made me about SGD 3500. But after deductingexpense and plane tickets, I was setback to about SGD5500 from SGD7000. So I actuallyspend more than I earned in those 5 months. I thought maybe I don’t know Chinathat well.
I decided that I need to exploreother opportunities and also to get to know China better. I can’t just give uplike that as I really don’t want to go back as a laughing stock. I took a slowtrain to Fujian, then to Shanghai…went back to SG after 2 weeks as it’s thelongest my visa allowed me at that time. I then went to Tianjin after 3 days inSG. I spend a total of 1 month in Tianjin staying at really cheap hotels. Istayed because Tianjin is supposed to be a focus for Singapore’s investment forthe next 10years at that time. But I found nothing I can do.
I’m burning through my savingsbut I decided it’s all or nothing. I went further north to Dalian. I seriouslydidn’t know why I went there. I just heard good things about the city during mytravels, saying it is one of the best cities to live in China…at least at thattime. I guess that I thought if I really got to say goodbye to China, I shouldat least visit one of the best places to live in China.
It was October 2009. I’m in aplace 4000km away from my homeland. I only have about RMB10000 on me left. Asingle trip plane ticket home will cost me about RMB5000. I have 2 weeks toeither just see the city or find an opportunity to earn some money. It’s quitea delimma. If I buy the plane ticket first, I’m guaranteed a passage home, butif I find an opportunity, I might not have working capital to do anything…Ithink I overestimated myself…I really don’t know China enough.
I checked into the cheapest hotelI can find, despite being in a residential area and with a smelly wet marketjust next to it…it still cost me RMB 180 a day…it’s the cheapest I can findthat accepts foreigners….and I’m grateful.
I’m grateful because as I wasexploring the places nearby, I came across a wholesale market selling seafood.And as I walked in, I noticed something strange. I can see Korean and Japaneselanguage signs, I hear people speaking in Japanese…not very typical in achinese city…I even start to notice that there are actually koreans andJapanese people here. I asked around, and some of the vendors told me thatDalian does a lot of export to Japan and Korea…and seafood and cabbages are oneof the biggest exports…THAT I did not know. I walked around more, got somecontacts, bought some seafood…sea cucumbers…they ain’t cheap, but I saw a lotof Japanese buying them.
I went back to the hotel. Istarted to find out more about Dalian online. I check out what the hell are seacucumbers. Basically..I got to work.
Despite thinking I knew alotabout China, I realised that I know nothing. The land is vast, the cultures aredifferent for each place. Even the businesses are conducted differently indifferent cities. I knew maybe 1% about China…which I thought was maybe 50%.
Over the years, (yes, in case youare wondering, I managed to last in China until now), as I got to learn more, Irealised I knew less. I now think I only know 0.1% of China. I don’t know ifthis figure will ever increase.
So you think you know more about Chinathan me? Well, that’s why I’m here, to learn from you.
我决定我需要探索其他的机会,也要更好地了解中国。我不能就这样放弃,因为我真的不想再当笑柄了。我坐慢车去福建,然后去上海,两周后再回新加坡 .因为那是我当时签证最长的一次。在新加坡工作3天后我去了天津。我总共在天津呆了一个月,住在非常便宜的旅馆里。我留下来是因为天津是新加坡未来10年投资的重点。但我发现我无能为力。
PaulDenlinger, Have lived inChina, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken)
Updated Apr 8
If you can succeedin China, you can succeed anywhere.
China is not free or democraticin the western sense; it is highly competitive, it stresses education and realskills, and it has a strong culture and history. There is a strong emphasis onsocial relationships, family and network effects in order to get things done,and you have to cope with some government policies which may not make sense.
The thing about this environmentis that once you learn these essential rules, and go somewhere else, anywhereelse, you CAN survive and eventually prosper.
This is very different from manywesterners who complain that the rules are unfair, and blame that as the reasonfor failure.
The Chinese never complain, workhard, and just move along, and eventually reach success.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...