Thirty years ago in December, the modern exchange of scholars between the U.S. and China began. Since then, Chinese academics have become the most prolific global contributors to publications in physical sciences, engineering and math. Recent attempts by the U.S. to curtail academic collaboration are unlikely to change this trend.
Furthermore, the authors argue that these metrics -- which are based on the addresses of the authors -- understate China's impact. The data don't count papers written by Chinese researchers located in other countries with addresses outside China and exclude most papers written in Chinese publications. The researchers adjusted for both factors and conclude that Chinese academics now account for more than one-third of global publications in these scientific fields.
The quality of Chinese research is also improving, though it currently remains below that of U.S. academics. A recent analysis suggests that, measured not just by numbers of papers but also by citations from other academics, Chinese scholars could become the global leaders in the near future. Similarly, Xie and Freeman examine authorship of publications in Nature and Science, arguably the two most prestigious scientific journals. They find that in 2016, 20 percent of the authors were Chinese -- more than twice the share in 2000.
At the same time, this dramatic expansion in scientific scholarship has raised serious concerns, including whether the Chinese government exerts excessive influence over both Chinese students and professors in the U.S. A related concern is whether the deep ties between Chinese and U.S. academics facilitates too much technology transfer and even academic espionage.
Whatever the other costs or benefits of the restrictions, and I believe there are more of the former than of the latter, they seem unlikely to alter in any significant way the global rise of China as an academic power. We may not want to admit it yet, but the rise of China to the top ranks of global scientific achievement is now a historical fact.
Also in infrastructure and renewable energy. If we don't get our priorities straight soon, we will be left behind just as England was left behind during our ascent.
Most authoritarian regimes do not get shit done. The opposite is true and typically results in failed states.
The problem is that we are running as far we can with them on our backs, then they hop off with fresh legs and carry it farther. They also take it much more seriously, don't waste talent, have more smart people just by sheer population and don't waste the population's intelligence on ridiculous political discourse.
It's far too late. We've already been left behind we're just seeing the effects now. There's more than a billion of them and they have a state run economy. They are steps ahead of us and their government can much more easily adjust and change to the growing world than we ever will be.
lol state run govt(economy as chris_offner pointed out) as a good thing
Which we've seen time and time again it isnt worth it.
At least economically the way China is doing it might turn out very differently from previous incarnations of state-run economy, in part thanks to technological progress.
The biggest and most frightening impact of the AI revolution might be on the relative efficiency of democracies and dictatorships. Historically, autocracies have faced crippling handicaps in regard to innovation and economic growth. In the late 20th century, democracies usually outperformed dictatorships, because they were far better at processing information. We tend to think about the conflict between democracy and dictatorship as a conflict between two different ethical systems, but it is actually a conflict between two different data-processing systems.
Democracy distributes the power to process information and make decisions among many people and institutions, whereas dictatorship concentrates information and power in one place. Given 20th-century technology, it was inefficient to concentrate too much information and power in one place. Nobody had the ability to process all available information fast enough and make the right decisions. This is one reason the Soviet Union made far worse decisions than the United States, and why the Soviet economy lagged far behind the American economy.
However, artificial intelligence may soon swing the pendulum in the opposite direction. AI makes it possible to process enormous amounts of information centrally. In fact, it might make centralized systems far more efficient than diffuse systems, because machine learning works better when the machine has more information to analyze. If you disregard all privacy concerns and concentrate all the information relating to a billion people in one database, you’ll wind up with much better algorithms than if you respect individual privacy and have in your database only partial information on a million people.
An authoritarian government that orders all its citizens to have their DNA sequenced and to share their medical data with some central authority would gain an immense advantage in genetics and medical research over societies in which medical data are strictly private. The main handicap of authoritarian regimes in the 20th century—the desire to concentrate all information and power in one place—may become their decisive advantage in the 21st century.
https://www.theatlantic.com/maga ... ogy-tyranny/568330/
We should have gotten our priorities straight right after the “Great” Recession. America is a lot of things, but catching up to a country that has been patient to rise and based on their history, this may be the new normal.
The quality of Chinese research is also improving, though it currently remains below that of U.S. academics. A recent analysis suggests that, measured not just by numbers of papers but also by citations from other academics, Chinese scholars could become the global leaders in the near future.
China craps out academic papers all day long and they're often convincing enough to get past the judges (who are usually too busy to peer review). Sometimes they even reference each other but that doesn't speak to their quality. And the vast majority of their work doesn't come close to actually contributing to academia. Maybe they're putting in some effort but they've got a long way to go if they really want to catch up. This article is sensationalist bullshit made for people who aren't actually in the weeds.
Yup. Quality over quantity
Thank you. People don’t realize how much fraud and lies there is in academia.
From anecdotes I keep seeing, cheating on tests is normal for them.
Only for censorship and making copies off of western research.
Its a lot easier to go from 0 to 60 than from 60 to 100.
absolutely, and when that happens they can outsource work to India, or any of the nations of Africa that they are making nice to at the moment, but by then the USA will have already been in retreat for several years
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...