How would you summarise Chinese history within 500words for a newcomer?
Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about history,and note some general patterns.
Answered Sep 5
· China was the 4th of the majorRiver Valley civilisations, after Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus Valley.
· It may have been inspired byMesopotamia, but it used completely different crops, millet and rice. Wheatonly arrived later.
· It invented its own ideographicwriting system, and the Oracle Bones from 1200 BC show it well developed. Italso confirmed Chinese histories, dealing with the last nine Shang kings. Fewdispute the reality of the rest, dating back to 1600 BC.
· The western kingdom of Qinunified the country using Legalist philosophy. But this encouraged treachery,and ministers mismanaged the state and lost power after the death of theformidable First Emperor. After a period of chaos, a peasant rebel repeated theunification with the long-lasting Han dynasty.
· Thereafter, the idea of a unifiedChina was never lost, even if there was sometimes a north-south split andsometimes fragmentation.
· China valued peace and education.It was much the best pre-industrial state. It made the key inventions ofgunpowder, paper, block printing and the magnetic compass, which were vital tothe rise of the West. Also lesser but significant ideas like stirrups,wheelbarrows and efficient horse collars. The Romans had a system thatstrangled the horse and prevented it using its full strength.
China also had a very stableculture. Though commerce was widespread, it was strictly controlled. Successfulmerchants would buy land and join the scholar-gentry. This formidable classallowed merit to count for more than birth outside the actual Imperial Family,and Emperors also were able to choose their heir and choose the son of aconcubine rather than one from the official wife. This meant a lot more goodrulers, though most dynasties ended with weak rulers controlled by theirattendants, who did not understand the wider world.
The system was disrupted andfinally fell after the Opium Wars. Replacing it was an enormous task, withlittle success before 1949. Contrary to most Western authorities, Mao did morefor modernisation than Deng, changing the basis of the society. Matching worldrates of economic growth despite US hostility. Extending life expectancy fasterthan other poor countries, despite the setback after the over-ambitious GreatLeap Forward.
Naricy Du
Answered Aug 31
Please suggest edits, even if thegrammars are correct please suggest more natural expressions. Because to learnEnglish from fluent speakers is the only reason I write on Quora.
This is for Merlijn, who’sfollowing this question & gave me a good advice earlier. 500 words countstarts from below.
China was a very good countryuntil 1000 years ago. The most advanced system in the world. No democracy, butsome very good emperors and more importantly, systems to curb emperors’shortcomings.
Unfortunately then too there werecycles, periods of rise and prosperity followed by periods of decline. When anew dynasty began, everything was fresh, intelligent emperors created newsystems to correct the mistakes of the previous dynasty; chancellors were wellplaced to give emperors advice, local bureaucrats properly maintained the ruralpopulace’s welfare. But a few generations later things always started to deteriorate,there were behind-the-door politics inside the palace, which often lead tomassacres of bureaucrats and royal members, sometimes even to the death of theemperor himself. Because of this loss of control rural bureaucracy also becamecorrupt, which lead to everyone’s dissatisfaction, and thus to the overthrow ofthe dynasty, and utter chaos for dozens of years, followed by a new bright erabrought by the start of a new dynasty.
But since 1000 years ago Chinesecivilization itself has been in a decline (yes, including HK, Taiwan &everywhere). Entering a medi period that’s strictly controlled by a centralgovernment which replaced the ancient historical period, the people just lostits freshness. (Think about it like a college youth badass yankee enteringmiddle age, becoming a salary-man who has to kiss ass and feed his family). Yesthe people kept living, some can argue they were more ‘mature’, but they lostthe spirit of innovation & creation. Everything was already laid out byprevious generations, and every effort to change it would be condemned by thecentral government (and the common sense of other people). The best way to livehappily in such a culture is to mind one’s own business and follow in otherpeople’s footsteps. In other words, China became a typical ‘Asian’ country from1000 years ago, but before that we were different. Everything was young andfresh, and people actually believed the world would change.
It is sad that in every countryof the world, that kind of youthful, spontaneous spirit will eventually bereplaced with control and conformity. Europe has taken this path a while ago.US is taking this path right now. It is really sad.
After 1000 years of conformityand ‘harmony’ (to use the word used in Japanese culture), we are in the uglystate that’s called ‘modern China’. In other words, don’t think conformity ismature. It is a way of dying. Creativity, innovations, American dreams, fightagainst all odds, believe in yourself and challenge the norm, are the only waysfor a society to survive long term.
During the feudal period, Chinawas at its peak in Tang and Song dynasty. But Qing, the last dynasty, wasterrible, it was a dictatorship empire, it was a huge drawback.
From 1912 to 1949, China wasmainly in chaos, it had 2 major civil wars and was invaded by many countriesseeking for money, lands, labor, etc. It was really a drawback time of China;but it had its unique story. For example, many architecture of that time aresymbolic in Nanjing.
China’s beautiful landscape andits prosperous culture&history attracted many people.
It is impossible to summarise allof China’s history in 500 words. If I must,even billions of wordsare insufficient.
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