北京报道– 当北京方面正在抵挡对其在巴基斯坦经济计划的批评时,中国政府的顶级外交官在周二表示,任何试图挑拨中巴关系的阴谋都不会得逞。
China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaksduring the opening of the first Chinese Embassy in the Dominican Republic, inSanto Domingo
BEIJING (Reuters) - Any plots to sowdiscord in China's ties with Pakistan will not prevail, the Chinesegovernment's top diplomat said on Tuesday, as Beijing fends off criticism ofits economic projects in Pakistan and a clampdown in China's western Xinjiangregion.
北京报道– 当北京方面正在抵挡对其在巴基斯坦经济计划的批评时,中国政府的顶级外交官在周二表示,任何试图挑拨中巴关系的阴谋都不会得逞。
China welcomes the good start made in its"all-weather" partnership with Pakistan following the election of thenew government under Prime Minister Imran Khan, State Councillor Wang Yi toldPakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on the sidelines of the U.N.General Assembly in New York.
But "any conspiracies attempting toincite disharmony or interfere in China-Pakistan relations will notprevail," Wang added, without elaborating, according to a statementreleased by China's foreign ministry on Wednesday.
Beijing says it faces a serious threat fromIslamist militants and separatists in Xinjiang and has rejected accusations ofmistreatment.
1、Pakistan was createdas a counter balance to India and as a strategic land mass for the purposes ofthe British that left India in 1947. Then the US considered Pakistan as itsally for decades and sold hundreds
(回复1)Like I said, the evil Indo-franco-anglo-zionazi-japppeeennniss aretrying to drive a wedge between China and Pakistan.
(回复2)India will become another world "superpower"
2、Pakistan was in themidst of her 12 IMF bail out when China initiated the CPEC (China PakistanEconomic Corridor). No nation was willing to invest in that nation, but Chinasaw her potential and invested BIG in her infrastructure. No nation can havehealthy economic development while suffering severe electricity deficit, whichin the case of Pakistan was 12 hours of black out a day as recently as in 2017.With improved electricity supply and enhanced connectivity through better roadsand better communication system, a nation will have the condition to buildherself. China understands, as she went through the same route herself.
However, economic dividend from improvedinfrastructure does take time. 5 years is not enough. Past economic problems ofPakistan still exist, she is considering a 13th bail out from the IMF.Hopefully, that would be her last.
3、Sounds like Chinaand Pakistan make a great pair. Looking forward to China footing the bill whenit is due, just like China is facing with Venezuela and African countries.There is no need for the US and IMF to funnel any funds to those countries.
(回复1)Yes it is great for those countries with China than US, Chinabuilds, US destroys !
5、China-Pakistan is anactual alliance due to geography and borders and neighboring nations. TheUS-Europe is the type of alliance that can end when a president like Trumpshows up.
6、china and pakistanare old friend who stand for each other in difficult times. so no one canchange this relationship.
7、Translation:"Any attempt to disrupt China's total annexation of Pakistan willfail"
8、China is pouring money to third world countries so that they will besupported by their plan to take the world.
(回复1)China is spending years building a road through the Hindu Kush thatwe could take out in fifteen minutes by bombing both ends of the tunnels. Toughluck if you happen to be in the tunnel when it happens.
(回复1)No Chinese friendship with radical Islam. Xi and Putin know it.Pakistan is only a disposable tool and liability for China.
(回复2)China has vassals.. .Pakistan is one.
(回复3)You said China and Pakistan are good OLD friends. How old do youthink was this friendship? Pakistan was working with USA against China untilthe Communists reached Tibet and the war broke out with India in 1962. Pakistanfound an ally then. It is like 'if my enemy is your enemy, then we arefriends'. Pakistan will make China invest heavily in Pakistan and will not paythe loans back. instead they will send Islamic terrorists into China, whilepretending they are friends with China.
11、The question shouldnot be whether or not China's relationship with Pakistan will fail, but ratherwhy China decided to violate their promise to the United States of America, andthe rest of the free world, by seeking to build the relationship with Pakistanin the first place. The "One Belt One Road" expansionist effort is indirect violation of Communist China's assurances that they would not leveragethe redistributed wealth that the United States was offering in the form ofjobs and wealth. China was clear that they had no ambitions of hegemony in theMiddle-East. Given the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, I'd say thatCommunist China has now been caught in a lie. It's time to take Communist Chinaat their new word, "the desire for global hegemony by 2047," and actappropriately. No American, in good conscience, should be doing anything tosupport Communist China's effort. This starts at the storefront. Buy no goodsor services that aid to the support of Communist China, doing so only prolongsthe agony of the oppressed Chinese people.
17、Ha ha. I havereviewed the comments--(1)Indian posters hate to see foreign investment inPakistan. It may just bring prosperity to the nation.
(2) America posters hate to lose a weaponsmarket in Pakistan, on top of a source of hired soldiers to fight her proxywars.
I think the sovereign Pakistan knows whichpartner has her back.
1) 印度人讨厌看见外国对巴基斯坦的投资。这可能会给这个国家带去繁荣
2) 美国人憎恨失去巴基斯坦这个武器市场,最要紧的是失去了为她打代理人战争的雇佣兵来源
18、Good Job China.Provide Jobs and economic stability in Pakistan and see how that would reducethe terrorism there. People needs jobs to keep thier minds occupied. An emptymind is Satan's playground.
18、What is wrong withthe US? Can’t it just let the world to live in peace ?
19、The Chinese areso-called 'infidels' also. Wont be long until the suicide bombers hit them aswell.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...