马云说中美贸易战在川普下台后还会继续,他说的对吗?这对中美来说有意义吗?(下) [美国媒体]


Is Jack Ma right that the US-China trade war will last more than Trump's presidency? Does it make sense for the US and for China?

Joe Lee
Answered 5h ago
Is Jack Ma right that the US-China trade war will last more than Trump's presidency? Does it make sense for the US and for China?
Perhaps Jack Ma truly understands the US situation. IMO, there is definitely an element of over-analyzing the US society here especially the overseas folks. The US purchasing power is fundamentally unsustainable. The majority of the US people live a very simple life and this has been true for decades. They don’t travel internationally much or would get or want to travel in the near future or have time to watch international news from, say, BBC or Al Jazeera. They really care less about the world because most of them are way too busy just to survive. They truly don’t care about the “big” picture or world affair. The US Congress had been a joke for 20 years and they knew that. Did I say they truly don’t give a sh?t about much outside of their 20 miles or 32.2 km. It has been like this for the majority of American for quite a while but you won’t get this from watching Hollywood movies or reading overseas news or chating with overseas expats. Oh no then think about this. Brett Kavanaugh, the current nominatee to the US Supreme Court, who had lived a dream life in America had racked up between $60,000 and $200,000 in debt accrued over three credit cards and a loan. Each credit card held between $15,000 and $50,000 in debt at high interest rate. Believe it or not, this guy is actually a more successful chap in today’s US.

或许马云真的非常了解美国的局势。在我看来,我认为人们过度分析美国社会了,尤其是在美国的外国人。美国的购买力本质上是不可持续的。大部分美国人过着简单的生活,几十年来都是如此。他们没有经常出国旅游,不久的将来也不会或者说不想去旅游,也没有时间看BBC或者半岛电视台的国际新闻。他们更不关心世界,因为他们忙于生存。他们真的不关心什么大图景或者世界事务。美国国会20年来都是个笑话,而他们自己知道。他们真的不关心30公里之外的事情。大多数美国人一直都是这种状态,但是你通过好莱坞电影,看海外新闻或者和外国人聊天的方式是无法知道这一点的。现在美国最高法院的被提名者Brett Kavanaugh在美国过着梦想般的生活,通过三张信用卡和一笔贷款,他的欠债在6万到20万美元之间。但是在如今的美国,这个家伙还算是成功的。

What is fair is dependent on what is your perspective, at the end it is about the battle of interest of Present power against the emerging power. If your perspective is from the present power interest, fair is about competing based on your full capability, not by providing handicap to your competitor. However, if you are the emerging power, you define fair as competing with equal footing. For example, you cannot ask a featherweight to fight with the heavyweight inside the same ring. Regardless of what is the rational, it is very obvious to settle this dispute, Trade war is inevitable.


Now, the two nations is in a clash. US President has specified the condition to prevent war, that is accept US trade condition, if don’t will implement more tariff. For China leader, if accepted this unfair condition, is similar to 150 years ago when foreign power force China to sign the unfair treaty, which is to the Chinese, the start of humiliation period in China history, that they have wow will not allow to happen again.


My concern will be if US lost the trade war, will US initiate REAL WAR to displace China when US think they can still win the war?

