印度时报:10年时间里超过2.7亿印度人脱离贫困 [美国媒体]


‘Over 270m in India moved out of poverty in 10 years’ - Times of India


[–]DiaperTester 38 points 14 hours ago
By comparison, the population of Canada is 36 million (2016).


[–]EconomyTrust[S] 12 points 12 hours ago
population of these countries : Indonesia 265,015,300
Brazil 209,611,000
Pakistan 202,070,000


[–]shoutybird 1 point 7 hours ago
America 327,268,826
India 1,357,444,928


[–]The_pizza_pilgrim [score hidden] 58 minutes ago
Italy 60,600,000


[–]straylittlelambs 3 points 9 hours ago
There are 26 million births a year in India but so many go unreported they think it might be closer to double that. Hopefully the 400,000,000 are born to the 270,000,000 moving out of poverty...


[–]AlolanLuvdisc 6 points 10 hours ago
Also the greatest increase in millionaires and billionaires


[–]Arkiasis 5 points 15 hours ago
Superpower by 2020!!


[–]thecatgoesmoo 3 points 13 hours ago
Not based on what i've seen while traveling there.
The infrastructure and wealth disparity feels like a third world country.


[–]letstalkyo 44 points 12 hours ago*
For most of human history, India and China have been the most important centers of human civilization. The past 300 years have been a momentary deviation for these two nations, owing to industrialization in the west and colonialism among other things, putting the west at an enormous technological and hence political advantage. They are bound to revive eventually. Technology finds a way to reach everyone eventually, it has reached China, and will penetrate India slowly and surely. India has strong constitutional foundations which are surprisingly upheld, in spite of what all the negative press will have you believe. China is already the manufacturing hub of the world.
Yes, there are still a million problems to be tackled, but what you saw based on travels in India would have been wayyy worse had you visited 10 - 20 years ago, and things are improving fast. In many ways, India's nascent technological growth makes it easier to leapfrog into using renewables more easily, and India is among the largest producer of renewable energy today in spite of the low per capita energy requirement and availability.
You better hope India and China make it quickly out of poverty, because the fate of the world lies on these two nations and their cumulative footprint, for the western world has already damaged the world enough to keep any room for those still lacking resources and seeking better lives.

[–]thecatgoesmoo 0 points 3 hours ago
I'm glad they are bringing more and more people out of extreme poverty, but it would take 20 years just to bring the entire infrastructure up to anything close to modern, and thats if you had everyone working on it and unlimited funds.
Not to mention the corruption... thats probably just going to get worse.
Side note, the driving that is considered "totally normal and acceptable" right now in India... do you think that will/should persist into the more modern India? The religion being so pervasive in everyday life, and the caste system? A lot of that has to change before India can be considered anywhere close to the forefront, and those are cultural changes that will be heavily resisted by the peopleof India.
You do already see some of it changing. Women over 40 in India would never wear tight legged clothing, but the younger generation of women are wearing jeans. At least there is some progress there on freedom.
I will say India has a decent "blank slate" to start with, since many areas are just completely run down and degraded, so building new will make everything feel modern.

