没有所谓的自由意志 [美国媒体]



FOR CENTURIES, philosophers and theologians have almost unanimously held that civilization as we know it depends on a widespread belief in free will—and that losing this belief could be calamitous. Our codes of ethics, for example, assume that we can freely choose between right and wrong. In the Christian tradition, this is known as “moral liberty”—the capacity to discern and pursue the good, instead of merely being compelled by appetites and desires. The great Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant reaffirmed this link between freedom and goodness. If we are not free to choose, he argued, then it would make no sense to say we ought to choose the path of righteousness.


Today, the assumption of free will runs through every aspect of American politics, from welfare provision to criminal law. It permeates the popular culture and underpins the American dream—the belief that anyone can make something of themselves no matter what their start in life. As Barack Obama wrote in The Audacity of Hope, American “values are rooted in a basic optimism about life and a faith in free will.”



So what happens if this faith erodes?


The sciences have grown steadily bolder in their claim that all human behavior can be explained through the clockwork laws of cause and effect. This shift in perception is the continuation of an intellectual revolution that began about 150 years ago, when Charles Darwin first published On the Origin of Species. Shortly after Darwin put forth his theory of evolution, his cousin Sir Francis Galton began to draw out the implications: If we have evolved, then mental faculties like intelligence must be hereditary. But we use those faculties—which some people have to a greater degree than others—to make decisions. So our ability to choose our fate is not free, but depends on our biological inheritance.



Galton launched a debate that raged throughout the 20th century over nature versus nurture. Are our actions the unfolding effect of our genetics? Or the outcome of what has been imprinted on us by the environment? Impressive evidence accumulated for the importance of each factor. Whether scientists supported one, the other, or a mix of both, they increasingly assumed that our deeds must be determined by something.


In recent decades, research on the inner workings of the brain has helped to resolve the nature-nurture debate—and has dealt a further blow to the idea of free will. Brain scanners have enabled us to peer inside a living person’s skull, revealing intricate networks of neurons and allowing scientists to reach broad agreement that these networks are shaped by both genes and environment. But there is also agreement in the scientific community that the firing of neurons determines not just some or most but all of our thoughts, hopes, memories, and dreams.



Ben • 3 days ago
This might seem like a non-sequitur, but Waller's arguments are almost exactly those I use to claim that true artificial intelligence will eventually be possible. If it's built on mechanical or deterministic underpinnings --so what? It's still a real person.


pjsx Ben • 3 days ago
I agree, and it becomes even more relevant when we start fusing man and machine. When the day comes where we can replace half a human's brain with a computer, what does that mean in terms of his identity and consciousness? Does he still have free-will even though half of his decision-making process is now just a computer? What about 99% machine and 1% human? Does that consciousness still have free will? At what point do you lose consciousness and free-will? 80%? 60%? This is why I don't believe in free will. Either every conscious entity has it, or none have it. The question deepens even further when you start to try to define "consciousness". If every single quantum particle of my brain and body can be simulated by a supercomputer (in the future), is that simulated me conscious with a free-will? If it is, then how did free-will emerge from a deterministic computer program, a program which is controlled by external forces?



Ben  pjsx • 3 days ago
I start with the same premises and arrive at opposite conclusions -- free will exists for humans, and would for AI as well. I take a view similar to Waller -- acknowledging that intelligence is wholly grounded in the rules of physics (or comptuer rules), as I do, does not preclude the concept of *free will as emergent phenomenon*.


I mean, human actions are wholly caused by deterministic cascades of neuron spikes -- agreed. But refusing to call those cascades “choice” is just as reductionistic as insisting that solid matter isn’t real because atoms are mostly empty space. If you really want to get down to it, the entire physical world can be stripped down to abstract math (just like a computer program): solid rock is just a collection of subatomic particles with particular constraints on their position and total energy -- and those particles themselves can only truly be expressed via the equations of quantum mechanics. Gravity and time do not exist -- only the warp and weft of general relativity. Under this view, human choice is just a particularly interesting application of chaos theory.


I'm not a fan of this view.



George Ortega  Ben • 3 days ago
It seems you're not appreciating the implications of the chain of cause and effect that precedes every human action. Like dominoes regressing back cause by cause into the past, these causes to every human "choice" regress back in time to long before we humans were born, thereby denying us a free will.

Ben  George Ortega • 3 days ago
Respectfully, *you* are not appreciating that your own statement is universal to every physical, mathematical, and computational process, and you're not appreciating the richness of complex behavior that can emerge from simple underlying rules. Choice is precisely as real as organic chemistry, orbital mechanics, Conway's Game of Life, entropy, supernovae or the Big Bang. You can insist all those things are illusions, if you like, but you can't pick and choose.


I'm not arguing against physical causality or neuroscience; I'm arguing that free will is not mutually contradictory with it.

EDIT: I should emphasize that free will isn't binary. It has limits; it is not magic.



Billy B  Ben R26; 3 days ago
it appears as though you've taken George Ortega's argument against free will (that all events are determined by past events therefore by the time we are here its too late to say our free will caused our choices) to imply that we don't make choices.
He is not denying the reality of choice only the freedom of choice. We certainly sext among options available to us but its wrong to ascribe that to our free will. There are no choices made independently by us we are driven to make those changes by events that are ultimately caused before we exist.

ben,貌似你用George Ortega反对自由意志的论点(认为所有事情都由过往事件造成的,所以你认为我们的选择不是出于自由意志)来表明我们无法作出选择。
George Ortega并没有否认选择的真实性,只是否认选择的自由性。我们当然可以在多个选项中选择其中一个,但是并不能就此说明这是自由意志在作出选择。我们无法独立作出选择,我们是在我们存在之前就已经发生的事情的驱使下才做出选择的。
Ben  Billy B R26; 3 days ago
Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding all around regarding the precise definition of the word. Folks used to believe that "life" was an external supernatural force; now it's just a label (with the details still argued over!) for a physical process. So maybe it's better for me to say the old definition of "free will" is outdated. Again this (I believe) is basically the view of Waller quoted in the article.


David P. Graf  Billy B • 2 days ago
Of course, there is no practical way to determine in advance which options will be considered by someone. Is it really science if you lack the ability to make testable predictions?


George Ortega  Ben • 2 days ago
What are you suggesting our human will is free from? The free will Darwin, Freud and Einstein agreed doesn't exist is, actually, as binary as a woman being either pregnant or not.

Ben  George Ortega • 2 days ago
Yes, actually, that is precisely what I'm suggesting. Just as importantly, it was suggested by Waller in the article -- did you finish reading it? You act as if I'm the first to take this perspective.
And don't make appeals to authority. None of those gentlemen were infallible.

事实上我说的就是这个意思,就像这篇文章里Waller说的一样 -- 你读完了原文吗?你说的好像我是第一个有这观点的人。


George Ortega  Ben • 2 days ago
Many people hold the view that the question is not binary. I'm not appealing to authority alone, but also to probability. For example, what are the chances that our authorities on climate change, climate scientists, are wrong, and the general public is right?


Ben  George Ortega • 2 days ago
Not only was it an appeal to authority, it was an appeal to *false* authority. Genius pertaining to evolution or the speed of light is inapplicable to the inner workings of the brain, and Freud believed all kinds of pseudoscience. By your logic on probability, GOP lawmakers would count as "authorities".
(Bleh, I'm getting tired of arguing against both sides from the center.)


EyesShiningAngrily  George Ortega • 2 days ago
Darwin, Freud and Einstein all agreed huh? It might be more persuasive if they actually supplied arguments.
It is incoherent to suppose we don't have free will. See an essay by me:

George Ortega  EyesShiningAngrily • 2 days ago
They were all determinists, so I imagine their argument was as simple as causality making free will impossible. I agree with your essay; causality isn't just a physical law. It's a logical one as well.



steve j  George Ortega • 2 days ago
George do you think any random processes exist? Possibly radioactive decay is random. If so your domino theory is incorrect. Or am I missing something?

George Ortega  steve j • 2 days ago
I don't think randomness, in the strict sense of uncaused actions, exists. For them to exist, the universe prior to the action could not exist because, beginning with the Big Bang, the universe evolves moment by moment, state by state, in a completely causal manner. Randomness is mistakenly assigned some actions for which we have not been able to determine causes.

