路透社发自布鲁塞尔消息-本周五 英国声称,北约在东欧的集群部署人员已经是多达3500人的联队,并强调部署计划并非针对俄罗斯。美国网友:一个笑话。他们要做什么?打电话给将军,说一个巡航导弹刚从头顶飞过?俄罗斯不会攻击波兰,他们为什么要这样做?这就是个毫无优点的垃圾场。所有这一切是战争贩子正试图让欧盟国家在军事上花费更多。
By Robin Emmott
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO's build-up in eastern Europe could include up to 3,500 troops, Britain said on Friday, stressing that the planned deployments would not be aggressive toward Russia.
路透社发自布鲁塞尔消息-本周五 英国声称,北约在东欧的集群部署人员已经是多达3500人的联队,并强调部署计划并非针对俄罗斯。
Russia's seizure of Crimea in 2014 has prompted the Western military alliance to consider deterrent forces in the Baltics and Poland which British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said would be a "trip wire" to alert NATO of any potential threat.
自俄罗斯于2014年收取了克里米亚,西方军事同盟考虑在波兰和波罗的海国家部署军事力量,英国外交大臣Philip Hammond 宣称北约需要一个应对潜在威胁的警戒线。
NATO defense ministers are expected to decide on the troop levels next month, while making clear no large forces will be stationed permanently, to avoid provoking the Kremlin.
"It looks like there could be four, maybe five battalions ... the point of these formations is to act as a trip wire," Hammond told reporters.
"It isn't intended to be aggressive," he said following a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels.
Hammond said that could amount to as many as 3,500 troops along NATO's border with Russia, with Britain, Germany and the United States taking the bulk of command duties.
In total, the deterrent will be made up of small eastern outposts, forces on rotation, regular war games and warehoused equipment ready for a rapid response force which would include air, maritime and special operations units.
NATO diplomats say the United States is likely to command two battalions, with Britain and Germany taking another each. That leaves a fifth NATO nation to come forward to lead the remaining battalion, with Denmark, Spain, Italy or the Netherlands seen as possible candidates, diplomats say.
The force build-up follows a speech by U.S. President Barack Obama in Estonia in 2014 in which he said NATO would help ensure the independence of the three Baltic states, which for decades were part of the Soviet Union.
NATO foreign ministers said they had agreed to propose to Moscow another meeting of the NATO-Russia Council, which met in April for the first time in nearly two years, to set out what the alliance says is a proportionate response to Russia's annexation of Crimea.
NATO suspended all practical cooperation with Russia in April 2014 in protest over Crimea. NATO said high-level political contacts with Russia could continue but NATO and Russian ambassadors have met only three times since.
"We are doing things that could be misinterpreted," Hammond said. "We judged that creating an opportunity through the NATO-Russia Council is the best way of avoiding Russia being able to say: 'we haven't been informed, we didn't know the details.'"
(Reporting by Robin Emmott; editing by Andrew Roche)
Theorbys13 hours ago
Europe is more than capable of guaranteeing its own military security, with vastly more economic and technological resources than Russia. It is up to them to put those resources in play or not. The US as backup and nuclear deterrent yes, but there is no way the US will be willing to bear the brunt of a ground war for Euros unwilling to do it for themselves. So wake up Europe. If you think the Russians are a threat, do something to deter that threat. If you don't and do nothing, be ready for whatever the consequences will be.
War2 hours ago
"Britain said on Friday"
Britain did the same thing to Germany in the 30's and 40's that started ww2. They are at it again but this time they are antagonizing Russia. Britain is full of Globalist Luciferians and need isolated onto their muslim infested islands.
Ray2 hours ago
Europe may be our ally, but if they weren't socialized, they would have more than enough money to fend for themselves. We should have put the anti-ballistic missile system in place years ago and told the kremlin too bad. While I will never tolerate socialism or communism, I do not want a war unless absolutely necessary.
Personal2 hours ago
3,400 coming from the US and 100 from the rest of Europe, same as usual.
Alex2 hours ago
What a joke. What are they going to do? Call up a general and say a cruise missile just flew overhead? Russia is not going to attack Poland, why would they? It's kind of a dump with no advantage. All that's happening is war mongers are trying to get the EU countries to spend more on the military.
Joe5 hours ago
Dropping bombs is an expensive ploy. If Russia wants to help out by bombing out every stronghold in that country, I say let them.
Jeff19 hours ago
This responsibility needs to be distributed more within Europe than expecting the United States to shoulder such a large contribution. Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, even ship Canadian Troops to Eastern Europe, can form the bulk of these rotations. With the exception of Canada, it's their continent and these European nations need to shoulder more of the responsibility for defending it.
bobt18 hours ago
I say we are doing the right thing b putting these military pieces together. It is something we hope we will never have to use but everything will be in place if events change.
G18 hours ago
5 battalions is more than enough to deter Russia from invading an allied nation simply because Russia does not want war with NATO..
ferdinand9 days ago
Day after day we hear the Russians complaining that NATO has moved to their borders, that thousands of US troops are now deployed in the Baltics or Poland, that the US has deployed anti-ballistic missiles in Romania and that USN ships are constantly hugging the Russian coast in the Black and Baltic Sea. And it’s all true and very deplorable. But where the Russians are being a tad disingenuous is when they try to present all this as a military threat to Russia.
The truth is that from a purely military point of view, deploying US forces in the Baltic states of sending USN ships into the Black Sea are very bad ideas, in the first case because the three Baltics states are indefensible anyway, and it the second case because the Black Sea is, for all practical purposes, a Russian lake where the Russian military can detect and destroy any ship within 30 minutes or less. The American are quite aware of that and if they decided to strike at Russia they would not do if from forward deployed ship but with long-range standoff weapons such as ballistic or cruise missiles.
[Sidebar: the notion that Russia would ever want to attack any of the Baltic states or sink a USN ship is ridiculous and I am in no way suggesting that this might happen. But when looking at purely military issues you look at capabilities, not intentions.]
The range of modern weapons is such that in case of war in Europe there will probably not be a real “front” and a “rear”, but being closer to the enemy still makes you easier to detect and exposes you to a wider array of possible weapons. Simply put, the closer you are to Russian firepower, electronic warfare systems, reconnaissance networks and personnel, the greater number of potential threats you need to worry about.
I would not go as far as to say that forward deployment does not give you any advantage, it does: your weapon systems can reach further, the flight time of your missiles (ballistic and cruise) is shorter, your aircraft need less fuel to get to their mission area, etc. But these advantages come at a very real cost. Currently forward deployed US forces are, at best, a trip-wire force whose aim is political: to try to demonstrate commitment. But they are not any real threat to Russia.
The permanent mantra keeps being repeated as if to somehow achieve the nirvana state of self righteousness.
Russia did not invade Ukraine and Russia did not annex Crimea.
After the Ukrainean freely elected president which was voted by people in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea was deposed and replaced by a pro-Western puppet that these two groups had not voted for, they would not stand for it. The Crimean citizens voted to rejoin Russia and the Eastern residents in Ukraine rebelled against this Western puppet. Why are these facts so hard to understand?
The precedent for this was the dismemberment of Yugoslavia thru one months of relentless bombing and destruction of Yugoslavia, and the Kosovo vote to declare independence which was recognized by the West within 8 hours.
NATO has 10 times more blood of innocents killed than the Russians do. However they whine as if they are altar boys, continuously and surreptitiously pushing and expanding.
俄罗斯没有入侵乌克兰 俄罗斯没有吞并克里米亚。
先例是分裂南斯拉夫 通过一个月的无情轰炸和破坏南斯拉夫,科索沃的投票宣布独立,这就是西方公认的8小时。
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...