美国对中国钢铁发起窃取商业机密调查 [美国媒体]

华盛顿/上海(路透社)- 美国监管部门星期四启动关于美国钢铁公司举报的中国竞争者在最近的一次贸易纠纷中盗取其机密并定价一事的调查。美国网友:很多年了,因为饥渴政客的包庇,美国的钢铁工业已经在生产效率上落后于国际竞争者。再和外国竞争者比的话就像块腐肉,哪怕像墨西哥这种国家都赢不了。


WASHINGTON/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - U.S. regulators on Thursday launched an investigation into complaints by United States Steel Corp that Chinese competitors stole its secrets and fixed prices in the latest trade spat between the two countries.

华盛顿/上海(路透社)- 美国监管部门星期四启动关于美国钢铁公司举报的中国竞争者在最近的一次贸易纠纷中盗取其机密并定价一事的调查。

The International Trade Commission (ITC) said in a statement that it has not made any decisions on the merits of the case.


U.S. Steel in its complaint under section 337 of the main U.S. tariff law is seeking to halt nearly all imports from China's largest steel producers and trading houses.



The commission identified 40 Chinese steel makers and distribution subsidiaries as respondents including Baosteel Group Hebei Iron and Steel Group Wuhan Iron and Steel Co Ltd <600005.SS> Maanshan Iron and Steel Group <600808.SS> Anshan Iron and Steel Group and Jiangsu Shagang Group.


The probe comes amid a barrage of efforts by the U.S. Commerce Department to clamp down on a glut of Chinese steel imports including steep anti-dumping duties on corrosion-resistant steel announced on Wednesday.


Polarity 45 minutes ago
well... I don't understand how Idiotic these companies are There are No Smart people working in their offices that can unplug their computers from the Internet?? Do they know how Hackers can access their data if they don't put it out there? Same with the gov't UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTERS ! Or BUILD A Freaking FIREWALL THAT CAN"T BE HACKED! Geez Idiotic. No one's going around to these companies telling them to UNPLUG! If they can't get to it then they can't steal it! No Balls in the Gov't to ban tax or stand up to Business!

嗯... 我都不理解那些公司为什么那么傻。公司里没聪明人知道拔网线吗??他们知不知道不拔网线黑客会攻击的呀?政府也一样傻不拉几不拔网线!要么就建个可以防黑客的防火墙!真是傻X。不会有人去叫他们拔网线的!要是中国人没法接触到,那他们也就偷不到!政府不敢禁止税收,也不敢和大企业对抗。


grandude 1 hour ago
In 2011 I met a man who had an automatic door business in a small city I was visiting. He was hoping to get someone in America to work for him. His plan was to send the doors to America then market them in China as made in the USA so he could sell them for more money. So if they can cheat each other with a good conscience they certainly have no problem cheating the rest of the world by any means available. When caught they just follow the lead of their govenment leaders LIE! "It isn't wrong. Everybody does it." As I was told more than once by Chinese who wanted me/a foreign business partner. It's unbelievably common to see all kinds of products claiming to be from the US besides those fakes bearinng famous brand names.


Milo 4 hours ago
Ask any machinist what he thinks of Chinese metals.

thanh michael 1 hour ago
The USA will win the war if China's economic collapse.

yuio 5 hours ago
If people could realize how corrupt the Chinese are they would ban imports from there.

zababafool 2 hours ago
@ Y Corrupt ??? US is the most corrupted country in this Planet . Who are you trying to lie too ??? Yourself ???

 @Y 腐败???美国是这个星球上最腐败的国家,你在对谁撒谎???你自己吗???
Luster 1 hour ago
@Zababafool You should honestly get out of your Chinese military bunker once in a while and drink the same water your civilians do. Your government is an absolute joke.

@Zababafool  你真应该偶尔走出中国军事城堡,喝喝你们市民喝的水。你那政府就是个笑话。


zababafool 1 hour ago
@ L Water ??? you mean like Flint water that is contaminated with lead ?? How many congressman child abuser that are in jailed for Child abuse ?? How many counties that your gov.t invaded based on lies ?? Didn't your Govt. stole the lower 48 states Hawaii and Diego Garcia ?? You should LOOK into that mirror of yours coz it NEEDS to be CLEANED UP !! Ignorant white Murican !

 @L 水???你说那些被铅污染的燧石水吗??有几个国会大人的孩子因为儿童施虐而被判儿童施虐罪入狱的??你们政府通过谎言入侵了多少国家??你们政府没在成立48州后继续偷占夏威夷和迪戈加西亚吗??你们应该照照自己的镜子,因为它该擦擦了!!自大的白美国佬!
I Did Not Do It! 1 hour ago


zababafool 1 hour ago
@ Y Why are you Blaming China for America's DEMISED ??? The problem with US workers are NOT well educated !! US ranks 38th in Math and Science among industrial countries ! Why do you think there's about 70000 H-1B workers in the US ?? US does NOT have the brain power to compete and are over paid ! I 'm just curious are you
college grad ?? If NOT thats your problem !!! NOT China !

@Y 为什么你们都在因为美国的让位而怪中国???美国工人的问题是没文化!!在工业国家中美国在数学科技领域排名38位!你们觉得为什么有70000名拿着工作签证的外国工人在美国??因为美国头脑不发达做不了而且高薪低能!我就是好奇你们是大学毕业生吗??要是不是,那是你们的问题!!!不是中国的问题!


I Did Not Do It! 56 minutes ago

OneFrozenMigra 2 hours ago
I am sure if there is wrong doing Hillary and BJ Clinton will be involved at some level. America didn't forget the deal(s) made by BJ as POTUS with the Chinese. How he sold them our secrets. They would still be trying to put things into space had it not been for them buying the Clintons.

Michael Wan 1 hour ago
For years the American steel industry has lagged behind the production efficiency of its international competitors protected by the vote hungry politicians. It will become a dead meat when meeting the foreign competitors even from Mexico.



M 4 hours ago
Just another example of US hypocrisy.
It's all OK when the US dominates markets but when others do the same it's always "dumping" or fraudulent.
Costs of steel production are FAR lower than US steel production costs which allows them to sell cheaper. THAT is market forces at work. But the US only champions "market forces" when it results in an advantage to the US.
Apple makes i-devices in China because it's cheaper but because it's a US company that's OK.
When a US company makes cheap products in China that's OK but if it was a Chinese company that made the same product and sold it in the US cheaper than the same "made in USA" product the US industry would claim "dumping" rather than bow to market forces.
The US is effectively running a "communist" form of capitalism !


Gus Fusco 2 hours ago
What does that have to do with China stealing intellectual property from an American company ?... The Chinese are thieves and should be punished for their crimes..

Fólkvangr 2 hours ago
Damn the truth hurts!

M 2 hours ago
The IP "theft" is just a bogus excuse for sanctions.
There is not a single innovation made by German and Japanese steelmakers that US steelmakers haven't used in their manufacturing processes.

grandude 2 hours ago
M(ao lover) is only doing what his masters pay him to do. Dishonesty is what the CCP has bred.

 那个ID是 M的(毛的粉丝)就是在做他擅长的工作。中共所孕育的就是虚伪。
Gus Fusco 2 hours ago
M is a paid troll for the Chinese propaganda machine

 M 是个中国五毛坑货。


Dan 4 hours ago
Just another reason to support Trump. He will not tolerate China's steel and other import trade deals. America first!! Make America Great Again!! Vote Trump in November.

又多了个支持川普的理由。他不会容忍中国的钢铁和其它进口订单的。美国第一!! 让美国再次伟大(川普竞选口号)!! 11月份投川普。
Gus Fusco 2 hours ago
The Chinese are thieves and should be punished for their crimes.. Trump 2016

中国人是小偷,应该因他们的罪而受罚... 2016选川普 
rodger 1 hour ago
And . . . . Chinese stainless steel rusts!!

ge 2 hours ago
U.S. Steel still making steel. I thought they make most of their money from their energy sector since 2000. Is there any secret left?

Unit731 39 minutes ago
so? this is benefit the usa business and the loser is = usa consumers....

zababafool 2 hours ago
US steel is blaming China for their INEPTITUDE and INCOMPETENCE ! Little do they know that it's far cheaper and more efficient than the US !

Human 2 hours ago
China is too selfish in market economy.

