中国与美国创纪录的贸易顺差表明特朗普的策略正在走向“失败” [美国媒体]


China’s record tradesurplus with the US shows Trump’s strategy is “failing”


One major goal of PresidentDonald Trump’s trade war with China is to send more US-made products there thanChinese companies export here.


But so far it looks likethat plan isn’t working — and it could become politically costly for Trump.


While it’s possible thatthe deficit could shrink in the coming months, right now it doesn’t look goodfor the president.


“President Trump is on track this year to preside over the new recordfor the largest trade deficit in the history of US-China relations, beating therecord that was set under his watch last year,” Ryan Hass, a China expert atthe Brookings Institution, told me.


But the spat also hurts China. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), aworld body that helps keep the global economy stable, announced on Friday thatthe trade war could curb China’s economic growth by about 2 percent over thenext two years. If true, it would be a major blow to China’s economy, whichprioritizes continued growth above all else.


China will almost certainly inject its own money into the local economyas part of a stimulus program, the IMF noted, which could negate the decline ingrowth.


Still, it looks like the trade war will hurt more than just Beijing andWashington.


There’s very little winning here for America.

