唐纳德特朗普说“每个人”都希望伊万卡成为联合国大使,但美国人和他自己的女儿不同意 [美国媒体]


Donald Trump Says‘Everyone’ Wants Ivanka to be U.N. Ambassador, but Americans and His Own DaughterDisagree


White House senior adviserIvanka Trump would be “incredible” serving as the country’s ambassador to theUnited Nations, and “everyone” wants the first daughter to replace Nikki Haley,but “chants of nepotism” made it unlikely, according to President Donald Trumpon Friday.


“It is an honor to serve inthe White House alongside so many great colleagues and I know that thePresident will nominate a formidable replacement for Ambassador Haley. Thatreplacement will not be me,” Ivanka Trump tweeted.


The president and hisdaughter received accusations of nepotism as soon as they entered the WestWing in 2017, with Ivanka Trump and Kushner both chastised for their lackof government experience.


The president’s claim that“everyone” wanted his daughter to serve one of the country’s top posts was notbacked up by recent polling. In June 2017, a Quinnipiac University poll showeda 35 percent favorable and 36 percent unfavorable rating for Ivanka Trump. Shedid improve that favorable rating to 43 percent in the Ipsos/Daily Beast pollreleased in June of this year.

总统声称“每个人”都希望他的女儿能够担任该国最高职位之一,但并没有得到近期民意调查的支持。 2017年6月,昆尼皮亚克大学的民意调查显示伊万卡特朗普的赞成数为35%,不赞成数为36%。在今年6月发布的益普索/每日野兽网调查中,她确实将这一赞成数提高至43%。

“It was a blessing to gointo the U.N. with body armor every day and defend America,” Haley saidTuesday. “I’ll never truly step aside from fighting for our country. But I willtell you that I think it’s time.”

“每天带着防弹衣进入联合国并保卫美国是一件幸事,”黑莉周二说道, “我永远不会真正逃避为我们的国家而战。但我会告诉你,我认为是时候离开了。