Big in China: Tiny Electric Cars
Small, slow and super cheap: China's low-speed electric vehicles, or LSEVs, are bringing the thrill of driving to the masses—and hampering the government's efforts to develop an upscale EV industry.
yovikrant raje6 天前
China doesnt know how to make cars. So ugly designed.
Jesus Hernandez vids3 天前
hay it’s cheaper than the new iphone x s that is 1,200 dollars!!!
JoesJamesJungg SeaCeeZees1
Oh Americunt don,t stick your nose someone business fix your own problem which you guys shoot and kill each other everyday.
Timm Velarde1
This biccch is driving , with a babby on her lap ... Hahahhaha
There are too many fat people in America. One person will occupy two people's seats.
Masked Singer1
There are too many Asians in this world. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Philippines, Malay etc. Would not hurt if some get killed by these dangerous cars. Some say Asians are the Jews of this century. Perhaps Trump is the cure. Amen Trump.
KonW 20171
"in rural cities" someone needs to to up his reading/hearing comprehension capability
They must do this their air pollution is terrible
Vincent Ye2
it is illegal!
In China, a lot of vehicles with motors in them are not considered motor vehicles, like scooters and LSEVs. So you don't need a driver's license. As a result, the drivers don't even need to comply with traffic laws, they can run red lights and drive on sidewalks.
Nga Nguyen6
WOW want one, it look so cute WOW GREAT CHINA.
Mari Gold1
It is cheap price to buy but later u pay more for repair and buy new battery every 4 month????????
Nick L1
It uses a lead acid battery. So new batter once every 5 years? Since it is simple, repair would be cheap too. Few onboard electronics. The motor would probably be something you find in a washing machine. So I am guessing 5 year life span.
Thadius Sean1
probably be cheaper to replace the whole car when the battery goes kaput in several years.
Donald John Trump
It's like golf cart, low speed.
Drive those in gated communities, that's fine.
Should prohibit they drive on the road with normal vehicles.
Furrowed Brow6 天前
The big car companies should stop fighting it. Subsidies are what keeps them going anyway. Take that away and the little cars win! A perfect example of how the government gets used by special interest groups.
Random videos1
I really liked them
I would love that , I hate giving people a ride
FastDucky Gaming1
USA needs this
Richard Teh1(修改过)
While China is moving on the America are looking for war and living in the world of their own pity those Americans who think they have more freedom than the Chinese
Chandran Seeva1
Good for china man
Lone Wolf1
Extremely practical cars even if they don't look prestigious or luxurious. Good on the Chinese for taking practicality over looks.
The whole world should adapt to this for urban driving. It's slow and relatively safe. Clean. Takes a small amount of footprint on the road AND in parking. And best of all, it's a good personal transport. The reason why traffic and pollution is so bad in big cities is because everyone drives a big gas gazzling car when only 1 seat or 2 is occupied per vehciles.
Prytam Kevin2
Thats why i love Chinese people... They are so practical.
Small electric cars are not a Chinese invention. Europe have that for several years....We don't need driving license to drive them, just basic road signs knowledge to use them. Many elderly people drive them, and younger people from14 years old are allowed too. The adults using them are usually those who lost their license...But of course our cars have a better quality with better style, and can run for hours at a speed going at 80km/h for some, 120 km/h for others. But the price is also going with the quality. Starting at 7000 euros.
Smartest Stupid2
1500$ get you an electronic skateboard in US
TheDesert IsPatient2
Excellent; all those consumers need - practical.
China used coal to industrialize but now they are leaving the US behind in the push toward renewable energy sources and electric vehicles. China has millions of electric cars and trucks. Over 200 million electric scooters. Electric bullet trains. Electric double decker buses and is swiftly switching to renewable wind and solar energy. It is cleaner and cheaper than fossil fuels. It costs a few dollars a day to charge an electric vehicle and China will soon come up with a breakthrough in battery technology and will be the dominant producer of electronic technology{probably already are}. China is spending billions on electronics research and development and Trump is slashing our electric/renewable energy research and development because he hates California and Europe. Meanwhile Trump wants to cut vehicle mileage standards and keep us addicted to oil because Russia has billions of barrels and if he can lift the sanctions he will make a fortune helping Russia sell its oil in the US in a deal with Exxon. Trump wants to bring back coal, so we will have coal fired trains and China has electric bullet trains. Americans are too stupid arrogant and greedy to stop driving gas guzzling SUV's and follow China's lead. Remember when the US used to be the worlds leader in technology and innovation? Now our government is owned by greedy oil corporations and run by their greedy imbecile puppet Donald Trump and America is falling behind China and even India{India for gods sake!} in solar and electric technology. Whether you believe in global warming or not solar and electric are the future and the rest of the world is leaving the US in the fumes.
Clarence Maggazz2(修改过)
Convenient. They can help us a lot here in South Africa. I have a regular car but majority of South African don't have my privilege. We are taken ransom by minibus Taxi drivers and their bosses. Lately they are burning everything including buses,trains and private cars. The trains are worse than in India. Our government is run by people who are more scared of common people because they value their vote more than the country itself.
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