为什么总体上很难约会到中国女性? [美国媒体]


Why is it difficult to date a Chinese woman in general?


​Mo Chen, lives in China (1989-present)
Answered Jul 16
Michael Kheifetz Thanks for A2A. But, beinga native Chinese cisgender male myself, I don’t agree with the question.


I think dating Chinesewoman is not so difficult.
But Ido think some cultural differences makes dating Chinese women difficult for aforeigner.
By datingI’m assuming you want to have a long term relationship, instead of just casualrelationship. Because from my experience, the opinion is often extreme on theopposite end of the spectrum: Chinese girls are easy to sleep with, butdifficult to date for long term relationship.


And westarted dating.
Is itdifficult?
Howdoes Chinese woman receive Macho in a man
Theydon’t like it. Look at our popular Chinese male stars; they are considered tobe effeminate by traditional west culture.
Butthey attract Chinese woman. What doesn’t attract Chinese woman? Sweaty Machohuge dudes with bulky muscle and excessive body hair lifting unnecessarilyheavy weights.


Iworkout a lot in the US, so I had muscle. Back then when we just started todate, my girlfriend said this to me:
“You look nice, buttoo bad you were too muscular. I don’t like muscular guys. It looks *fat*.”


And Iwas like…WTF? But I tried to explain what’s the difference between “fit” and“fat”, but she dismissed me: “Thin + muscular = fit; you are just fat. I don’tcare how much muscle you got.”


But donot feel bad about the muscle you worked so hard to get. It’s not exactly a“minus” per say. Chinese women just don’t value this in a guy as much.


Language& culture barrier
It’shard to traverse through the massive language & culture barrier. Chineseculture is highly contextual, and while learners might be having a headacheover this, we love it, we celebrate it.


If youare a foreigner who cannot get, or deliver a few puns in Chinese, a few cleverChengyu in Chinese, OR a few improvised poems in Chinese, your date will getrather frustrated.


But Ithink this point is similar in all cross-cultural dating scenario. All I cansay is: try to keep an open mind about it, and do not dismiss the Chineseculture and act as if English-based culture are the “only correct way” in thisworld. Try to appreciate, and be humble, and be interested to learn. Most of usChinese are kin to teach foreigners about our fun culture.


Don’tmake public displays of affection, unless she initiates it. It can be a bigturn off for many Chinese woman.


It’sjust my 2 cents, I might be wrong. I’m not the expert in Chinese women, I’mjust an expert in “a” Chinese woman.

