你在中国的什么经历让你完全改变了对这个国家和社会的看法? [美国媒体]


What happened to you in China which made you think completely differently about the country and society?


WilliamRegan, I've been living in China for seven years.(已经在中国居住了7年)
AnsweredJun 3
Manyyounger Chinese seem to be decidedly less ideological than their Westerncounterparts. Even in middle school or high school, I could easily find myselfin debates about Christianity, the existence of god, what the founding fathersmeant when they wrote the constitution, the differences betweenDemocrats/Republicans Big/Small government, LGBT rights, et. al. In China, it’sjust more difficult to find people who want to talk about such things. I don’tthink they’re afraid of approaching these topics — they just haven’t thoughtabout it much or don’t care that much.
Here,much of the discourse among younger people seems to be related to pop cultureor things they deem to be immediately relevant to their lives. How old shouldone be to get married? Should they listen to their parents about marriage? Doesa man need a house and a car to properly pursue a woman? Where’s the newest andhottest place to find food? Housing prices. Wai mai recommendations. Whatcelebrity x said on Weibo. (This happens in the everywhere of course.) What’sthe newest fad — where and how can I make money? Food. Sexual Relations. Money.Housing.
Overall,I was just surprised to see people so eager to get in on “what’s next” or toget an edge in the newest thing. Younger Chinese people — especially the oneswho don’t feel “disenfranchised” or “left out” of China’s amazing growth story— just seem eager for anything novel or anything cutting edge.
It’s ahard feeling for me to describe.



DatCong Dinh
Jun 3· 4 upvotes
Withall due respect, that’s just gross overgeneralization.


CarolMat Ara, MSc. Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Southwest JiaotongUniversity (2018)(西南交通大学交通运输工程专业,2018)
AnsweredJun 5
Generallychinese are very friendly people with a good culture. However some of thethings which I have seen happening are not good. To answer your question, Iwill have to explain what has happened to me personally that made me thinkdifferently about the people. Chinese prefer having a white teacher to teachEnglish and do not take into consideration experience or qualificationsespecially if you are black.Once, I applied for an English teaching job. Ibelieve, I was qualified for the job. After sending my application, whichrequires a video, they sent back a message saying that they needed a whiteteacher. So apparently my skin color disqualified me. This is a common becausetwice I have been told to recommend my white friends for jobs after trialinterviews. I once recommended a friend from Uzbekistan. Although she doesntspeak English fluently, she got the job. I didnt think my color could preventme from getting a job until I came to China. I knew there was racism but comingto China made me start to be more conscious about it. Some job advertisementssay they prefer white. There are black teachers but their pay compared to whiteteachers is lower.


Jun 6· 1 upvote
Whiteappearance in this context is kind of uniform. White skin does make the Englishteacher look more professional. People would think only white English orAmerican men are native english speakers. To educated and informed people, yes,it is ridiculous and illogical. But peope do have these stereotypes.
But Ithink this phenomen will change in 10 years as the young well educated,informedgeneration inevitably dominate Chinese society. China changes fast in culture,people’s lifestyle and mentality.
If awhite people teaches Japanese or Korean in China, it will be very weird.


SamArora, Life long student of Chinese history, culture, food, arts(中国历史,文化,食物和艺术的终身学习者)
AnsweredJun 2
I havestated in several articles/answers/ that I had tremendous amount of reverence towardChina from my childhood.
As a smallnote it happened in childhood, our primary school teacher sowed the seeds inour tender mind all the best seeds in our fresh/tiny/minds with good thoughts.
Thenall of sudden Indian China relationship strained, and dream to visit Chinawashed away in the wind.
FastForward: I moved to Canada, it opened tremendous amount of opportunities tointeract with Canadian Chinese.
Finallyafter decades of waiting and hoping to visit China became a reality.
a. Iwas very familiar with the Chinese food.
b. Iwas reasonably aware what to expect.
c. Iwas reasonably aware of Chinese culture.
d.However, I was not very sure about the visit to China,
1. Iwas very concerned in packing my luggage and what do I take with me?
2. Ikept my stuff to the minimum basic stuff.
Thatwas my first visit, now soon I will forget the number of visits to China.
I alsovowed that I will do my best in my living life that I will try my best to seeall of China cost to cost.
Thisis a story, where it shows: The Chines customer service, devotion to the joband I asked myself: This gesture should be my role model.
Thisis a list of 32 surprises: This answer is based on my first visit, I realizedthat one life may not be enough to absorb and understand this vast nation/1.4billion people/and thousands of years of continuous civilization.
SamArora's answer to Why do some Chinese drink hot water? (Sam Arora's answer toWhy do some Chinese drink hot water?)
SamArora's answer to Why are Chinese people so proud of their food?
I amqualified food scientist and most of the things I observed there is anexcellent scientific background and a lot of thought went behind it.
a.This drinking of hot water makes excellent sense.
b.Wonders of Chinese green tea.
c. Thescience behind cooking:
d. Constructionof Pagoda, it is based on pure science and engineering.
Thesethings were developed thousands year back in time, I was astonished by theirscience/technological/engineering skills at that time.
Avisit to Xian: Terracotta Soldiers,
a. Iwas shocked stunned looking at the soldiers/horses/
b. Notwo faces are the same.
Icould keep on writing forever, my takes are so far as follows:
a.Seeing is believing.
b.Media in the past did an excellent job in brainwashing.
Mylesson to myself: In case you some extreme problem to solve, first go to Chinaand travel around, most likely similar problem was solved by the Chinesthousands year back in time.
Chinaand the Chinese inspire me,
Myefficiency, will live to survive and thrive multiplies several folds after eachvisit.
TheChinese in my view are one of the most optimistic people, my read is/was theydo not dwell in the past, they document it good, learn from it and try not makethe same mistake again.
Theproof is they have endless museums and documentation is mind-boggling.
In myview and I am very sure China and the Chinese are very peaceful country andpeople.
In mypersonal view:
It isa total myth that most of the Chinese are atheist that is a lot B.S.
Ibelieve the Chinese have found true God,
Reachingthe Almighty through extreme hard work (That is the basis on Hinduism it iscalled Karm Yog. (It is one of various ways to reach God).
Careand providing for the family.
Itappears the Chinese family structure is very solid so far.
Familyvalues caring for the parents/g.parents/monogamous relationship/
Utmostcare for kids, up bringing , education.
Totalrespect for the elders and teachers.
Theseare the fundamentals of my religion and I do not beat my chest and go to templeeveryday.
Almostall Chinese practice some form of spiritual guidance: The Buddhism, The Taoismand the Confucianism or the blend of all three knowing or unknowingly.
Mycontinued reverence for China from my babyhood, readings, contacts,interactions and visit proved a few thing very clearly.
Democracyin India and also in the west are in fact failed systems, fooling the public.
Thesesystems failed to control violent crimes, implement law and order, and wherejustice is very long winded process or in the end slap on the wrist.
Tremendouswaste of resources/money.
I donot believe that always the qualified and the best Candidate is chosen.
LateMr. RajivGandhi, a small time air line pilot, absolutely no interest in thepolitics, forced to become Prime Minister of India, a population of 1.1 to 1.2billion. Mind boggling,
Hismother Mrs. Sonia Gandhi a stay at home mother is at some powerful politicalposition turning the power switches from remote control.
I haveheard speeches of her son Mr. Rahul Gandhi, I shake my head in disbelief, justcompare him with Mr. Xi.
Praisethe Democracy where an idiot can run a country on the bases of useless fakepromises.
Nowhere is proof, less or no talk and visit China, where the Government iscommitted to uplift the poor and vowed to leave no one behind.
Doesit really matter what is the color of the cat so far it kills the mice?
No atall. I take the Chinese system no matter what you call, than useless, corrupt,ineffective so called democracy. Ask the starving people/ask the women who arevery unsafe/ask the families of farmers who committed suicide/…list goes on.
Indiaand China started at the same point 70 years back in time.
Justvisit China and shake your head in disbelief, the country and the dragon isalive and well, awake and moving.






DanielWalzinski, lived in China (2015-2017)(曾住在中国,2015-2017)
AnsweredMay 31
When Ifirst arrived into Shanghai a pretty young woman in a suit approached mespeaking English, “Would you like help getting to your hotel?”
Shetook me to a large kiosk, it appeared to be an official airport service. I wasthinking, wow this is nice, Pudong airport helps foreigners upon arrival.
Shemade a phone call, I asked how much it would cost, she quoted me at around 500rmb, I told her I just needed a simple taxi and asked where I can get one, shetold me to go to the first floor.
At thefirst floor two men in uniform began to help me with my suitcases, I think, howpolite of them, I sure did pack alot (175 lbs to be exact). They took me pastthe taxi que so I say, “Thanks but I need a taxi.” They don't let go of mysuitcases so I ask them how much. The quote is still more than double thestandard taxi so I use one of the only Chinese words I knew at the time, “Wo buyao le.” I have to physically pull the suitcase away.
Thetaxi driver was very polite and the ride was cheap but somehow he short changedme 20 kuai because I didn't count my change in the dark taxi. (Meter was 45kuai).
Thehotel was in the middle of nowhere, it was chosen by my company. Luckily, thegirl at the desk knew a little English, they didn't seem to understand any ofthe Chinese from my translation book for travel.
In themorning I was the only one having breakfast at the hotel. An employee wearing aleather jacket approaches me and I struggle to have a conversation with him,which was basically me saying that I've just arrived and will travel to Hangzhou.He had many words, I feel like he was trying to get me to pay him because hewouldn't leave me for awhile, I attempted to request him to have the front deskadd my breakfast to my bill. (I felt like he was trying to hustle me).
Once Igot to Hangzhou this type of interaction rarely ever happened for the coupleyears that I was there. When I was traveling in tourist places or in Shanghai Iknew to be extra tough and avoid being hustled.
InHangzhou I used to barter a lot. I went to tea, silk, and common goods markets.I was able to get much better deals than what I could get in America. A littlemoney went along way. Some of the vendors I was able to make good relationshipswith so price didn't have to be renegotiated.
OverallI was impressed by the strive to make money. The older generation would openany kind of business anywhere. After dinner the street food vendors come out tothe same locations every night.
Thereseemed to be a lot of opportunity to earn money and a lot of people wereexcellent entrepreneurs. It wasn't about profit per sale but rather the grosssales per day, meaning that one at choose to work all day in order to maximizeincome. There was a strong business orientation.
Therewas more money circulation in China that I had previously thought, and even thepoorest citizen could find a couple kuai to get some food. At the same time theadults drove brand new cars, there was indeed a wide variety of incomes andmost people had enough, no one seemed to act like they were worth too much, althoughChina has some of the richest people in the world.
Allthe while I felt like the real estate was unfair. The owners seemed to beleveraging their advantage. To purchase a property the price can be very high,but the quality and future maintenance of the building may be mediocre or low.All the while there are probably more vacant units in China than any otherplace in the world. Ghost cities are a real thing. In Hangzhou there were twoghost districts, the new downtown and Binjiang. They even paid shops to openthere in the attempt to attract residents, it created the strangest feeling inme. (Which may have been one reason to adopt the new 2 child policy, you canhave more but you'll have to pay hefty fees).
InChina there is a standard that if you are to get married you should own anapartment or house. This dynamic gives the building owners a sellers advantage,and one developer may build an entire city block, so just between a fewindividuals local prices can be fixed. It also appeared that the owners werestubborn as they would wait for the possible future demand from city expansionrather than just lower the prices.
I wasimpressed by the friendliness of guys and girls my age, as well as the amountof social interaction. There were many social dinners and KTV or just fun meetup nights. If your nice most guys / girls will entertain conversation with youif there is anything to talk about. These dynamics are good for meeting othersand dating.
Theair pollution is a real thing and I had not understood what air pollutionreally was until I arrived to China in the early winter. I had felt it'seffects in a few select situations in Chicago but in China the situation seemedapocalyptic. There were a few months that past were I was never able to see thesky. I didn't feel like I was choking, but it was an unsettling feeling,everyday from my office the visibility could be anywhere from a few meters or afew miles on an excellent day. The cleanest the air had ever been was just oneweek before the G20 when all of the people left the city for vacation and thefactories in the countryside were shut down. I wore a mask everyday and hadsome allergy problems from time to time.
Alsothe food wasn't anything like it is in America and it's some of the best foodin the world. I learned a lot about how we can prepare our foods and so forth.
Youcan read and study China as much as you want, and you'll be more informed bydoing so, but the majority of learning will come once you've decided to traveland see for yourself.



WasuKoysiripong, A Chinese descendant in Thailand who can speak Chinese(泰国华人后裔,会说中文)
AnsweredMay 31
Beforegoing to China, I used to hear a lot from my Mainland Chinese friends inAustralia how the Chinese are so selfish and cunning. They told me to becareful when buying something because I could get cheated, that the Chinesewon't do me any favor when I ask for one and if I ask somebody the directionthey might point into a wrong direction. I heard the Shaghainese are arrogant,the Henanese are very bad, the Hubei-ese are cheaters, the North-Easterners arerough and so on so forth. Of course, they warned me on good will, and I thankedthem for that.
Yet,when I was actually in China, I found that virtually all what they told me arewrong. I've never met any arrogant Shanghainese, Hubei-ese cheater, badHenanese or rough North-Easterner (though many North-Easterners do talkloudly). When I had no umbrella on a rainy day, someone gave me an umbrella;when I took a bus but had no coin, someone gave me coins and when I forgot mybelonging in a restaurant, someone told me that. Of course, there must be badpeople in China as well, but not as many as I imagined before going there basedon what those Chinese friends warned me.
Then Ilearned something. The Mainland Chinese tend to think of their own compatriotsworse than in the reality.


Jun 9· 3 upvotes including Wasu Koysiripong
Ithink people were trying to make sure you were prepared for the worst casescenarios. If I were to tell someone about America, I would not tell them rosyfun facts. I would tell them to be careful, not go out alone after darkdepending on the city they were in. Stay together in a group. ect ect. Thereare good and amazing things and there are frightening scary things in allcountries and civilizations.

