为什大陆人认为大陆比台湾富有? [美国媒体]


Why do Chinese think China is much richer than Taiwan?


I had my first business trip in China with my dad spending around a month there. I spent a year in taiwan as exchange so a lot of times when people ask how I speak Chinese or have I been to China before I tell them about my year exchange. What shocked me a lot is how many times iv heard Chinese saying Taiwan is so poor now compared to us and they are all trying to come to mainland for jobs. True Taiwan is very ugly looks like 3rd tiger Chinese cities but he gdp per capita is 52k divided by ppp (25k nominal) compared to China at just under 20k gdp ppp per capita and 10k nomial, also the income disparity is a lot lower in taiwan (Taiwan gini:33 China:45, usa 40 for example) if u are out of Taipei you can actually have your own life in just minimum wage (minimum wage by ppp is higher in taiwan than us) also even the eastern provinces of China is still average around 30-35k yet I was shocked to hear this so much from Chinese, I’m just curious how was his so prent in China? I just didn’t want any confrontation since when anyone was saying that I knew they don’t know anything about economics to waste the effort


Well ordinary people don't assess wealth by GDP per capita. They look at Shanghai with all those shiny skyscrapers and Kaohsiung with their 30-yo concrete flats so of course Shanghai is richer.


Shanghai looks nicer than any city in Taiwan because Shanghai is new while all the other city in Taiwan, in Canada, and in the US are all old. Being Old means they have been rich earlier than the new. We must remember, in the 1960s, Taiwan was getting rich while all the cities in mainland China were suffering starvation.


Shanghai is bigger than kaohsiung. It is not nearly as nice, nor as pleasant.


Chinese don't think in terms of per capita, they think about the country as a whole. So they are right in saying that China as a whole is a lot richer than Taiwan. Also, a lot of Taiwanese do go to China looking for jobs. The Chinese job market is bigger and more diverse than in Taiwan.
Of course, all of that means nothing if your standard of living is shit. Who cares if you can make big money on the mainland when you have pollution, overcrowding, and no affordable housing.

