Indian roads vs Chinese roads(2018)
Chinese expressway network cant be comparedwith any country in the world(including its future megaprojects
Jiang Chao
How smart you are, you are the one i admire
Truth Finder
My son is studying in China and accordingto him China is 50 years ahead than India and it will soon overtake USA
Lolwa then go china and after u will backin ur country Nepal u will realise ur kidney and mostly organs absent from bodythose body organs demon will sell u within seconds in market I don't thinkchina has developed by their own they do many shameful things to develop
vaibhav ramanath
Fuck democracyindia would have been betterif it was ruled by Kings till the date rather than fucking currupt politicans oruncivilized people who only know to spread dirtness
This is indian channel so, you don't needto care about the truth
Mark E
Chengdu is an awesome City. HuaxiElementary School is the best! It has been 17 years since I left.
But from all the years I live in the West,I learned one thing:
British Colonized Indians, yet India callBritish and American friends, should China colonize India for them to befriends? It's not shocking or surprising there are some people in our world (byno means of small percentage of people NEED to be subjugated for you to gainrespect from them, it's not their fault, it's just their culture. However, youneed to keep that in mind if you desire to be friend with them. It's almost likedealing with a hot chick.)
It's counter intuitive, but China, you NEEDto prepare to something not you normally do: to subjugate the others, at leastslightly, for everything to work out.
China needs to dump its stupid idealisticConfucius concept (I call almost like Disneyland), and wake up to thisimperfect reality of the world we live in.
TheGamer6675 Gaming
stop giving the same old excuses evenbahrain got its independence after 1971 still its a developed nation
india is 6th largest economy. No doubt youcan't compare that islamic shithole with india. Both india and bangladesh hadenough resources. India is controlling its population. Our fertility rate hasdecreased and literacy rate increased. Don't play this victim card of youngcountry.except for name.nothing much changed when u became bangladesh insteadof east pakistan. India nad bangladesh are not comparable.bangaldesh is failedstate.
Chirag Patel
But Chinese space Agency has landed men onMars pluto. China has 7 times largereconomy than US. China is the future of galaxy.
Ni hao bitch.
Chirag Patel
China has stronger military than US. Chinais super superpower. You are also winning the trade war. Good luck.
Amit Kumar
It's very unfair to compare India withChina in any sector cos everybody knows China is way ahead of us brain chow ura beautiful and sweet girl with a sweet voice please make a video on corruptioncomparison between India and other developing countries like China Brazil etcplease accept my request sweet girl
Omer Abdul Azeez
hahaha...i’m Indian ....and it is Indiandream only
Omer Abdul Azeez
i’m sure India can be never developed untilthis democracy ends...and our fucking Govt..
Zhen FU
Omer Abdul Azeez
India became the third largest economyaround 2050, and it is likely to become the largest economy in the future.
Omer Abdul Azeez
we don’t want largest economy....Atleast iwant to my country to become clean...God daaamn you can see shit every where inmy country..
It's a fact moron.
We must accept the truth.
China's development is admirable
Yash Singh
i don't care of China shity is how much farahead of us.So why are you dogs barking here.Aur chutiye Tera baap moron
Northeast India in details
Actually 12 years ahead
Ambrose Liu
in details If you compare theinfrastructure, I am sure that 1998 china is still better than 2018 india. Theystarted the construction of high speed railways in 2004, and now that itslength is more than 20000km. Can india achieve it in 14 yrs( I doubt it evenfor half which is 10000km). The urbanization of China is still much faster thanindia, that why you can see there are lots of fancy and modernized city inChina. Fancy commercial building, beautiful peaved-road, highway system, noslum .
vaibhav ramanath
India ranked 55th because they included densityof roads per km .if it was only about quality it would rank in bottom 5
yar Chen
India is No.1
Chirag Patel
China can defeat US & Russia combined.China No. 1 😄😂
This simple comparison is not good forIndia. Let me give you a simple example: a racing game. In racing games, thedistance between cars is usually expressed in terms of time. For example: p1 p2gap is 2.6 seconds, this 2.6 seconds means: p1 speed stops, p2 takes 2.6seconds to catch up. So now, I know that Indians like to compare China in allaspects, but these are useless, because you will develop, we will develop, youshould look to the future, consider the next future strategy, not day and nightcomparison: whether we exceed other Country or city. Why does China havetoday's "strong national ticket"? Because our government often says aword: overtaking in a corner. Our strategic opponent is the United States.since the development in 1997, China has never intended to surpass US of thattime.Our goal is to surpass the United States by 2020. Or 2022.We are doingvery well, but we still need to work hard. So the question for India is: Whatis your goal? Whose opponent are you really? Do you want to be a big Asiancountry or the world's number one? Is it an industrial power or a high-techproducer? Future plans, sustainability recommendations? Beyond the presentcountry, or become the hegemon of the future? Your government gives me thefeeling: "We have already considered it and will implement it when we havea chance." Please! Since you have already considered it, you shouldimplement it right away! 机不可失,失不再来 AncientChinese proverb
Lim Charles
how is road density a good thing? as peopleurbanize, having less roads is a good thing.what needs to increase istransportation technology.roads take up space that can be better use for otheractivities.
Amazing Facts
Watever you say cannot disagree with thefact that indians are best in intelligence and defence. India will becomesuperpower by the year 2030.
aisong ye
After this video I went to India. It waslike hell. no joke. crowd of people and bad road.
I am Chinese, I traveled to India threetimes. India No.1 in the world.
John Smith
I'm not chinese and Indian Honest China isway better than india in evet categories
Lord omega 18
Check in Google maps , every one will knowthe density of Chinese roads visible from space.
India is much better than china, indiashould compare with usa.
Idiot! Compare it by length, don't try tofool people.
Aqua Graphics
We are beating China in every Field, WeWill become Superpower soon by 2020
lau jack
LOL.Someone tell me? Can Indians not useGoogle Maps? There are contrasts on Google Maps regarding road construction intwo countries.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...