特朗普希望与俄罗斯中国一起结束军备竞赛 [美国媒体]


Donald Trump has said he would like to see an end to what he called an 'uncontrollable' global arms race, and lamented his country's huge military spending.


Naijaloop Videos
how's that supposed to happen??


United KingKong
It won't happen, Trump has been breaking every single nuclear deal.


David Lazarus
Report all THOTS to the IRS You forgot about the one Chinese overseas base in east Africa. The USA is scared of being surrounded by China and its base.

Report all THOTS to the IRS 你忘记说中国在非洲东部的那个海外基地了。美国害怕被中国和它的基地所包围。

Most of the treaties have long been invalid. For example Russia just made new missiles (nuclear powered) and that violates the treaty. I would've pulled out also. The nuclear agreement with Iran wasn't an agreement it was a temporary payment to hope they don't make nukes. USA military spends too much for things and things need to be redone. Military spending wouldn't be so high if other countries in NATO payed their own way also. There is many many things that I agree need to change. But don't be naive and act like we had good agreements before. USA is way better off with Trump than all previous administrations in our lifetime. China is more an issue than Russia to USA and things need to be re adjusted from policies to spending.


Line upon Line Precept upon Precept
Report all THOTS to the IRS scared little rabbits the U.S. military is with big guns that don't win wars and no end in sight cause it is about war profit more than winning wars.

Report all THOTS to the IRS 美国军队就是受惊的小兔子,他们虽然装备精良,却打不赢战争,也看不到战争结束的日子,因为那些战争的目的是为了利润,而不是打赢。

2nd Amendment for Canada!
sad to see trump become a liar, shill and globalist


Unfortunately Trump's words have little staying power. The US is acting just like zionist jews, first they steal and bomb like there is no tomorrow and then they demand a normalization of the current situation.


Alex Kolashnikov
I don't think milatry industrial complex will let that happen.


UN is Useless
The radical white man is saying that.... So who is ready to trust his bulshit talks????none


Charles McCarron
The top six arms sellers are the USA,UK, France, Germany, Russia and China. These economies are totally dependent on militarism. Do you see them all stopping what they've been doing for well over 100 years??


Russell Bentley
LOL, "stop the arms race"? USA spends $716 BILLION a year, $500B MORE than China ($155B) and Russia ($47B) COMBINED. Is anyone dumb enough to still believe ANYTHING Trump says??


Fake Fukus
Numbers dont lie, thanks. Pompeo has voodoo salt in his pizza.


Natural Man
A stronger US military is an incentive for China and Russia to negotiate. Why else would they make a deal? ya dope.


Seventh Anubis
To clarify what he really meant to say: 716 billion is crazy, US needs to spend 716 trillion to end the arms race by the US having the most arms ever and win.


Matt F
i can't help the feeling that when those people speak about 'national security', they are actually speaking about 'the security of our predatory imperial system', while americans all think it means their lives. pathetic


Trump is a blowhard on this..... Russia and China dumping the dollar in trade is tightening the noose.


matthew grant
Awwww, is Trump getting scared? He should be


Docinze H. Martin (Satheist's Nightmare)
Russia spend less than100 B last year .... in comparison? Its pretty crazy


Luis Dominguez
Donald trump : we need to stop spending on war
Also Trump: initiate halo style weaponization of space.


Gage M.C. Barbour
Better to use our military spending more efficiently than on outdated technologies and theories.


ajm corn
no matter how many economic sanction you will emposed to take..it will bounced to your face,they will ditch your dollar.who is the losser at the end?


Aurα вírdч
China still won't match. but Trump caused this. so this is gay.
"lacking of new equipment" "billions of dollars" what new weapons that the taxpayers don't need??


The US-MIC relies heavily on raw materials, chemicals and electronic parts+equipment from China, they should stop selling them all of this stuff and the US War+Terror Industry would be in great trouble.


We don't need any new fucking weapons , we already spend 7 times more than any other country .


Pres. Trump didn’t cause this. The States’ arsenal equipment is literally falling to the ground (Chinook helicopters, planes) or being hacked by deep state (sea vessels). It’s becoming pointless to just fund the Military Industrial Complex and receiving meager results


David Machn


Well u r country is the only crazy country ! the others’ military spendings r rational !


Mark Edwards
I think I have finally worked out the madness coming from Washington DC.
It's quite simple really.
A bunch of psychopaths being lead by a man with schizophrenia !


Izzy Coc
Don’t trust ??!
I think Xi and Putin and their defense generals are miles ahead in these terms!
Sorry trump but this is not business to be tweeting. Stuff like these are on another level.


Alex Trout
Fk him...after pulling out of the treaty now he complains about spending? The man is insane...


Scot Shut hats
The US military and Trump have a major action planned for just weeks after the New Year. Petro Dollar failing war Imminent.


[DA2K] Reptor Seven
That doesn't sound like Trump. Everyone knows NATO is pushing for war with Russia. I don't think they care what Trump tweets.


It's all a political game. No one wants war but of course each country is willing to do whatever it takes to defend themselves


Ipso Facto
'Trump hopes to bring end to arms race with Russia and China'
By pulling out of the nuclear arms treaty? More doublespeak from the two-faced orange rat.


Rustyjeff - That depends on the nature of the jobs yes? If USA is making mostly bombers & China is making mostly tractors, who is going to make more money when the world is at peace or tire/sick of war/fighting/killing??

Rustyjeff 那取决于那些就业岗位的性质,不是吗?在一个和平,或者说厌倦了战争杀戮的世界,美国制造大部分炸弹,中国制造大部分拖拉机,谁会赚更多钱呢?

The comment was in reference to Trumps lack of any stern words to Saudi after the murder of a journo. It all came down to how many weapons they were buying & Trump didn't want to interrupt that because of the jobs that would be lost. (paraphrasing). I wish I could agree with you on the peace comment but in all of the world's history I don't see a lot of peace. As old people who are tired of war die off there are always young stupid people that want to prove themselves & start it up again. History is a great teacher but unfortunately not enough people are willing to learn.


David Damgaard
Trump promised to make America great again. But he only made Twitter great alright.


Juan Carlos
Who believes, by God, to the malignant, monstrous, leaders of the United States? The two Bush, father and son, from Texas, destroyed countries for oil. Clinton and Obama did not stay behind and finished destroying Middle East! And Trump, he already has bombed Syria many times, for sport! Iran is right at not trusting that country of neurotics and schistoids! And it would be wrong for Russia and China to be fooled by Trump's deceitful speech. Trump is only interested in wealth.


jenny misteqq
US Economy is in trouble. Following the recent Crash on Wall Street, General Motors, Ford, General Electric, are having difficulties with loss of jobs. Trump has just seen President XI indicating that he wants an end to the Trade War. Communist China has given the US a lesson in Capitalism.


andrew james
If we went to war with China it would be a turkey shoot. It'll be just like shooting fish in a barrel.


kii Kale
Beautiful little soldiers.


I'm sure there are better ways to make money for them now besides slavery and things that kill us.... Maybe??


maaz amjad
There is no peaceful way of dislodging the current empire to be replaced by the new ascending empire. There has to be a war or wars. There will be wars. The nature of current power is to hold on and the nature of the new ascending power is to push on.


Maaz - What kind of war? A nuclear war is unwinnable yes? With China arming itself with a massive deadly swarm of fast/smart/stealth mines, missiles & torpedoes how is the US going to fight??

Maaz 哪种战争?核战争是没有赢家的,对吗?随着中国大量装备具有大规模杀伤性的、快速/智能/隐形的地雷、导弹和鱼雷,美国能怎么对抗?

Di Zi


personal private
Great news.


?ahin ya?ar
Trump should say it to SAUDI Arabs or should shut up


[DA2K] Daimomac
Are you kidding? Trump sold arms and military equipment worth billions of dollars to MBS in Saudi Arabia. How is that supposed to bring an end to any arms race? As usual Trump in unpredictable. This year he will say this. The next year he will say the opposite.

