Why are China's biggest technology industries targeted by the USA? Is it just because of dominance?
Bob MacKenzie, former Business Owner andManager. at Private (1973-2017)
Answered Mon
The US is desperately trying to remainrelevant against a rising Chinese influence.
China can out preform the US at many levelsof engineering, design and implementation of world class projects.
China is leading the world now ineducational facilities and university graduates in general but especially inSTEM programs.
It is inevitable that China will lead theway at some point in the various fields of technology that are dominated at themoment by the US, namely computer chip manufacturing.
The US also wants to be the leader in AItechnology for the future so they are trying to intimated China into leavingthat field of achievement alone as well.
This whole Huawei smart phone business withthe US frantically trying to convince all of its allies to stop using Huaweiphones and systems, is just about Huawei technology developing 5G tech beforethe US. The US has been upstaged by this Chinese company and they do not likeit.
Even if the US can influence, manipulateand intimidate China into slowing its technology advances down, it will be justa finger in the dike against a rising Chinese technological tide.
If the US wants to make some lasting stepsto remain top dog, it better stop wasting so much money on a show boat militaryand start spending it on education.
Mas Miwa, former Engineer at Hughes Spaceand Communications
Answered Sun
Yes. The US dominates the technology sectortoday, but it is losing that race against China. Trump is not bright enough tostrategize how to compete so he tries throwing sand in China’s technologymachinery using threats and a trade war.
What Trump seems not to realize is thatmost of what he has done is to reduce our technical competence. Our studentsfind STEM too hard so they quit after trying a few years. China graduates 8times more STEM grads than we do and it is projected to be 15 times by 2030.Even Russia, with half our population graduates as many STEM grads as we do.
Chinese STEM graduate students are thebackbone of US research in science and technology research grants in ouruniversities. Trump has made it harder for Chinese STEM grad students to stayenrolled as they pursue graduate degrees. Trump has also considered denyingChinese from studying in the US. That’s 350,000 students you are talking about.Also, about 25% of our tech workforce are Asians, mainly Chinese and Indians.With the current environment, our brain gain is turning into a brain drain asChinese and Indian students begin to seek education elsewhere and their futurejobs.
Education was key to the US becoming asuperpower
“Last year, for example, 62 percent of all international students inUS colleges and universities were in science and engineering fields. Almostseventy percent of those were from either India or China.
How bad is the shortage of Americanstudents? According to the non-partisan National Foundation for AmericanPolicy, in 2017 foreign nationals accounted for 81% of electrical engineeringmajors and grad students in this country. Foreign students make upthree-quarters of the majors and grad students in industrial engineering; 62%in mechanical engineering; 55%, or more than half, of those studying materialsand metallurgic engineering.
As for computer science, the vital cruciblefor America’s future in areas such as cyber and AI, American students make upbarely 21% of the student body.
So what’s the answer? Clearly, it isn’tremoving foreign nationals from these programs—although the State Departmenthas started limiting visas for Chinese students in key areas like aerospace,robotics, and additive manufacturing. It’s really about getting more Americansinto the STEM game, starting with scholarships in areas that are critical toour national and economic security, and much more.”
America's High-Tech STEM Crisis - by ArthurHerman
The Consequences of Curbing Chinese STEMGraduate Student US Visas
So, Trump and his base attack those verybasic things that made America great. Attacking immigrants and trade are thewrong direction. Getting US students to study STEM subjects and creating jobsin technology are the only path the US has to compete. By not doing so, we arelosing the race faster and the end will be assured. A salesman president is notthe answer to America’s future, it is a sure remedy to accelerate our decline.China recognizes this, we don’t seem to get it. Let’s hope its not too late andwe get another ‘Sputnik moment’.
Adam Roach, Small Business Guy
Answered Sat
ZTC was called out for spyware. I believethat Huawei was actually hit for a major patent breach but fears of spywarecertainly underscore that.
Seriously though. We aren’t far away fromsemi-nationalized device manufacturers anyway. The internet has beenweaponized, most major tech companies are spying on users for habit dataprofiles. Misinformation is rampant. The US, Russia and China have been in afull blown CyberWar for several years.
There is almost certainly more going onthat we don’t know about but what we do know isn’t wonderful. ZTC was put on aVerboten List for US Military installations prior to Trump. So this isn’t a newthing.
Brute Force hacks originating in China area daily occurrence for American Government Servers. Someone stole a milliongovernment workers social security numbers and direct deposit information in2015 and that hack was assumed to originate in China.
Joseph Wang, studied at Ph.D Astronomy UTAustin, Physics MIT
Answered Dec 7
Yes. Right now the US and its allies havetotal control over the global communications network. Anything that you sendover the network gets recorded by the NSA. It’s also quite likely that the NSAhas the ability to take down the internet in any part of the world if they wantto.
So if the NSA wants to listen to you rightnow, they can push an update onto your cellphone, turn on the speaker, listento everything that’s going on, and have the cell phone software self-destruct.
If you don’t believe me, then look at the“bugs” that have been found in Intel, AMD, and ssh. Heartbleed. Spectre.Meltdown. There are likely to be dozens of other “bugs” that the USintelligence agencies know about, that we haven’t figured out. Right now, thereare no secrets.
So Huawei can cause problems. Having Huaweisend messages to the Chinese government can be dealt with. You havecybersecurity people go over the hardware piece by piece to look forvulnerabilities. One example of this is that Chinese leaders will use USsoftware like Android or Microsoft, because they use special versions of USsoftware that have been carefully examined by Chinese cybersecurity experts.
The trouble is that if Huawei suppliessoftware, then the US can’t put in a backdoor. If you have another supplier,then the NSA can quietly insert backdoors into the hardware, so that they cansnoop on all communications, without things like parliamentary hearings. So ifyou put Huawei hardware, the US loses a lot of the ability to spy on allies.
This makes sense if you look at whoimmediately kicks out Huawei. It’s the “five eyes” group. If you look at thepeople that are waverring, it’s people like the Germans.
Arthur Dayne
Dec 11 · 3 upvotes
The US Govt agencies like the NSA have theability to hack into Huawei networking equipment but that means actually doingwork and getting sweaty.
If there’s one thing US Govt workers don’tenjoy doing is actually working and sometimes dealing with challenges aftergetting paid by American taxpayers. Heaven forbid they actually need to workfor their pay and benefits.
Allen Yu
Dec 9 · 5 upvotes
Great concise answer. I find it odd when Ihear someone say Huawei poses a security risk. Why? Oh because it couldpotentially embed these backdoor sand things … you know the way many Westerncompanies have done. Wikileaks disclosed a myriad of other ways Westerncompanies have spied on the behalf of the US and other Western governments. Yetit’s consudered safe buying from these companies … BUT not safe buying fromHuawei even though what the US companies do - spying on behalf of Western govt- is not only legal, but publicly condoned and / or obliged. But Huawei is aclosed private company. Well that’s irrelevant. Does being a public companymean its subject to greater public scrutiny that it does not snoop on behalf ofWestern governments? NO. This is all purely political. A political witch huntand purge….
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