为什么中国的电动汽车行业正在把底特律、日本和德国甩在身后? [美国媒体]


Why China’s electric car industry isleaving Detroit, Japan and Germany in the dust.
-China was no good at cars. Then EVs camealong. Now the Chinese government is embracing the shift from combustion toelectric engines in a way no other country can match.
by Jordyn Dahl December 17, 2018

作者:乔丁·达尔 2018年12月17日

After the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and ’70s crippled China’s economy, the country began to open its markets to the outside world. The aim was to bring in technological know-how from abroad that domestic firms could then assimilate. By the early ’80s, foreign automakers were allowed in on the condition that they form a joint venture with a Chinese partner. These Chinese firms, by working with foreign companies, would eventually gain enough knowledge to function independently.


Cost of a license plate for an internal-¬combustion car in Shanghai
Cost of an electric-vehicle plate in Shanghai



Or so the theory went. Chinese-produced cars subsequently flooded the market, but they were largely cheap copycats—they looked like foreign-made cars, but the engines weren’t as good. Carmakers in the US and Europe had too much of a head start for China to catch up.


Number of EV companies that have launched in China since 2013
Source: Bloomberg


For consumers, the government promised one of the most difficult things to obtain in China’s metropolises: a license plate. To combat pollution, the number of license plates issued each year is strictly limited. Beijing awards them through a lottery, but the chance of getting one in any given year is now 0.2%. Shanghai sells them at an auction with prices of over $14,000, more than the price of many domestically produced cars. Electric-vehicle plates are not only faster to get; they’re free.


Jordyn Dahl, a freelance writer based in San Francisco, lived in Beijing from 2013 to 2018.


Explains why they suddenly stopped exporting rare earths a few years ago.


there are no rare earths in batteries, dude.
(nor in other parts of EVs)


You're absolutely right. Didn't know that rare earths were a fixed category of elements. Thanks for telling me.


The US government has little involvement in the auto industry. If anything the GM bailouts were just as bad because they kept capital in the hands of the old ICE dinosaurs that may have otherwise flowed into newer change friendly companies.


The US government has little involvement in the auto industry.
I wish that were true. The Trump administration is trying to overturn California's vehicle emissions standards, eliminate the EV tax credit and relax emissions standards. Taking the US in precisely the wrong direction regarding its future automotive industry. The moron president has also threatened revenge on GM for closing US factories... partly due to Trump's misguided tariffs.


You are quite outdated when it comes to the Chinese EV market. Check out cars like the BYD Tang or Yuan. Or the NIO ES8. They have batteries which are much larger than that. And the new facelift BAIC EC3 has a 31 kWh battery. And more importantly, are quite efficient.

说到中国电动汽车市场,你们已经out了。看看比亚迪唐或元之类的车。或者NIO ES8。他们的电池比那个大得多。全新改头换面的北汽EC3拥有31 kWh的电池。更重要的是,效率很高。

Check out cars like the BYD Tang or Yuan
Neither car is considered best-selling. Neither even breaks the top 10.
Even new cars like the Tang have seriously safety defects that wouldn't fly in a developed country.
If all you're going by is sales numbers and price, then yes it looks like China is eating our lunch. But as soon as you look at the bigger picture it's obvious they are at least 10 years behind and aren't competing with developed carmakers at all yet.


Am I in the wrong subreddit?
The reason the cars ahead of the rest of the world aren’t in the top 10 should be obvious: all there cars are being sold in China. The people buying the short range vehicles are going from riding transit to having their own car.
The Middle Class Chinese are buying up the higher end models, but due to the sheer volume of cheap cars being sold to first time owners. They don’t make the top 10.
But if you compare the size of the supply chain and number of units sold, they’re doing better than the likes of Tesla and Chevrolet.


It really doesn't matter if China has "hundreds" of auto manufacturers competing in the world markets. A few giants are all that's needed to disrupt the current world order. Most of those smaller companies probably have no intention of exporting anyway. China's domestic market is the world's largest EV market and appears intent on staying that way. And the country is also investing heavily in controlling the future battery supply chain, which is the most expensive component of EVs. It's notable I think that Warren Buffet is invested heavily in BYD but not Tesla.
I also think there is a much larger future market for lower range EVs than people think. Most people just haven't yet come to grips with how much of a price premium extra range adds.


The Bloomberg piece though was essentially saying lots of electric car makers = advantage China.
What Bloomberg piece are you talking about? This article (MIT Technology Review) is essentially saying the advantage is massive government support and the world's largest market. I've not seen anyone claim it's due to the number of startups.


But the hundreds of small engineering firms cranking out micro vehicles have little chance of ever becoming competitive.
That is the classic description about how a new market comes into existence, and how competition will make it mature. So far you've made a better argument FOR future Chinese market domination rather than against.


No one is saying that China can't be a competitor in the future, but currently it's not even close. Their cars are at least a decade behind yet. Even in China the best-selling car brands overall aren't Chinese: they're European/American/Japanese.
Regardless, western carmakers are already getting into the EV game. Pretty much everyone has EV models coming out soon. China has an advantage in commodity manufacturing for batteries and also has extreme EV subsidies (sales price of EVs there are 1/3 of sticker price because of subsidies), but they aren't there for technical development.


Their cars are at least a decade behind yet.
I think it's your stereotype that's ten years behind.
western carmakers are already getting into the EV game.
Already? For the most part they are late and not yet wholeheartedly bought in. Tesla being the exception.
but they aren't there for technical development.
China builds most of the world's PV panels, smartphones and electric vehicles. I don't think the country will have any problem with EVs. And it will have a lower cost structure and better supply chain as well, which are far more important in building cost-effective family EVs than tech features.
I think you may be in for some big surprises. Warren Buffet also believes that. My hope is to see the US political system have a sea change and start embracing and supporting the technologies of the future. But I'm not holding my breath.


Is it? Why aren't all these great quality Chinese cars being sold in developed countries yet?
Because they haven't needed to. China is by far the world's largest market and the western markets have barely begun to take off. So it would be unwise to invest a lot of capital in the smaller markets until they're ready. But they are clearly now developing new models for the world markets.
The production cars that will come out of this in a year or two will also be ready for export to just about anywhere. The same can't be said of Chinese EVs.
The ones being developed for the export market will indeed be exportable. And the western manufacturers are all planning factories in China for the Chinese market.
But it's not there yet,
As I've pointed out it's dominating the world's largest EV market. You seem to forget that there's a whole world outside of the US.
That's manufacturing ability, technical/safety design, and good quality control.
Which the advanced electronics, PV and cell phone industries seem to have no problem with. And China manufactures more EVs than the rest of the world combined, so the learning curve is there.
Tesla has been at this for over 10 years
And Elon Musk just claimed in a 60 minutes interview that he has no clue how to mass produce automobiles and implied his projections are just guesses. But China has been at it longer than Tesla. I don't think it's going to have any problems.


VW is one of the major Chinese producers. They are going all in on electric, and they are starting in China. One reason VW is the world's biggest car manufacturer is that they know a thing or two about making cars.
Another point: Car markets around the word are stagnant. China is responsible for almost all the growth in recent years. If other regions start growing, they won't be the rich countries that have dominated the market to date.


Outside the US, the Chinese cars are becoming fairly common. I see a lot of Great Wall and Chery stuff...it looks good too which is all most people care about.


Sounds like the same thing people were saying about Japanese cars just before they began taking over global markets. I think your stereotype is a bit outdated.
No. China built 1.75 million LSEV this year. These start at $1000 U.S. These vehicles give China no advantage in the actual automobile market.


those golf cars don't count against the ZEV credit system china introduces in 2019 and generally are not included when you hear that xxx thousand electric cars were sold in china.
Electric cars means that at least the emissions are not important anymore if they want to export it to other countries.


totally depends on the price.


There's a great book called "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton Christianson. Kind of old now but still relevant.
As much as the 'innovator's dilemma' has been written and talked about it's still very difficult for large companies to deal with. There is always conflict between bringing in the revenue with the old technology and then investing it in new technology intended to obsolete the old. Company culture is often one of the toughest obstacles to overcome. You often find that some employees can't make the transition, while others actively try to sabotage it. Good companies will eventually figure it out but it's by no means easy.


Yeah, I anthropomorphize it as a parent giving away its dreams to invest in its offsprings even though they don't really understand.
In the case of Kodak, they had skills and prototypes before almost everybody. What they (and honestly nobody) could anticipate is how computers would become the center of medias and that digital storage/display would become the norm.
And as a tiny side note, there was a news segment last week on millenials giving up on digital cameras and smartphones to go back to film. Digital drawbacks (subtles like obsession with count and perfection) started to show and people are wishing for less quantity and more physical things. Will Kodak brought back from the dead ? Polaroid certainly was.


I am not convinced that ICE technology is a hindrance to traditional OEMs. How does an EV cannibalize an ICE vehicle? They are both cars at the end of the day. A large percentage of Kodak's revenue came from selling and developing film. Car manufacturers don't sell oil or run gas stations and they don't even own dealerships (except for Tesla).
What differentiates car manufacturers from each other is product vision (and a good car is more than just its drive train) and manufacturing ability (i.e. quality/reliability/cost), and the incumbents have the upper hand in both areas.


They also have a lot invested in their engines, transmissions and other powertrain components that are destined to become obsolete. How many employees need to be retrained? How many factories closed? How many layoffs? I know some old school "car guys" and the idea of building them with computers, batteries and electric motors is just completely foreign to them.


They also have a lot invested in their engines, transmissions and other powertrain components that are destined to become obsolete.
That will take a long time, and ICE vehicles will most likely remain profitable for as long as they continue to be legal to sell. Obviously they will have to time the deprecation of their old technology correctly, but we are already seeing announcements from OEMs saying they will be electric-only starting 202X.
How many employees need to be retrained?
Startup electric car manufacturers need to train their employees too, so at most this is a wash.
The most difficult to retrain employees are the assemblers and ICE to EV actually makes the assembly process easier, making an experienced workers' job easier probably leads to better outcomes than having to recruit newbies or having to pay up to recruit the competition's.
An electric motor is dead simple compared to an ICE, so I don't think the OEMs will have trouble there.
How many factories closed? How many layoffs?
Unless their sales tank, probably none, and maybe some of the ICE engineers nearing retirement will get layed off.
The thing is that a well designed vehicle platform like Geely/Volvo's SPA or VW's MEB means the incumbents can assemble both ICE, Hybrid, and EV vehicle variants on existing lines.
This means the product mix can be dynamically changed without having to build and ramp up a new plant from scratch which is by far the most difficult part of starting a new car business (as Tesla found out this year).
Having existing factories is a positive not a negative for OEMs.
I know some old school "car guys" and the idea of building them with computers, batteries and electric motors is just completely foreign to them.
It's possible, but it's really not the "car guys" running the car companies, it's business people, and I think most are well aware of which direction the regulatory environment is headed in.
I don't doubt that some existing companies will go down in flames but I think the major players like VW, GM, Nissan/Renault will be just fine.

Parts and maintenance revenue will be lower. EV technology means used cars will last much longer especially when battery prices go down making refurbishments and retrofits much cheaper. An electric engine is a real workhorse compared with the complexity of the ICE.


Part of it is one product line cannibalizing another product line. There would be competition between the different departments, and not necessarily the good kind of competition.
As for ice being a hindrance, change can be very difficult for organizations. While it is still a car at the end of the line it is very different underneath the hood. While it's not impossible for them to change it's certainly more work than they would like to do.


They don't sell gasoline but they do sell maintenance. Oil changes, new breaks, spark plugs and much more.
An electric car has way less part and need way less maintenance.


And it's pushing a disruptive new technology.


and china have the home market to defend it's tech titans from threats. like so what if huawei can't sell phones in the US? it probability makes 80% of it's revenue from China itself.


From all this, it looks to me that the issue is NOT so much if they cannot sell to others, but rather, more if they cannot buy certain items. All the more reason to pursue complete independence throughout the entire supply chain.


Exactly. They need to close the gap soon. This is their weak point. And the people that hold the cards are the US and it's bitches Japan and Korea.


The trade war might be timed right to kill any chance Tesla has in China. NIO's SUV costs half of the Model X, European car review sites are positive about it. Consumers won't accept paying double the price just for protectionism.

这场贸易战的时机或许恰到好处,足以扼杀特斯拉在中国的任何机会。NIO的SUV价格是Model X的一半,欧洲汽车评论网站对此持肯定态度。消费者不会仅仅为了保护主义而付出双倍的价格。

Electric cars pollute the environment 10x than a normal car.


Why do you say that?


Because the energy they are using most of the time comes from coal, or other non-renewable resources. The resources it takes to mine for coal and produce energy from it are far greater than that of oil/gasoline. there’s some more recent studies aswell but I encourage you to research on your own about environmental issues if you claim you care about them, many things today are not being tackled properly.


Because the energy they are using most of the time comes from coal, or other non-renewable resources.
How is it any different from a regular car? They all take energy to build, but EV’s don’t use gas and hopefully use renewables to charge.
The resources it takes to mine for coal and produce energy from it are far greater than that of oil/gasoline. there’s some more recent studies aswell but I encourage you to research on your own about environmental issues if you claim you care about them, many things today are not being tackled properly.
So some power utilities are still coal. This doesn’t mean we should abandon EV’s, it means we should hurry the hell up on solar, wind and pumped hydro or other storage for our grids.


I don't know how you manage to put that much bullshit into one single post. You don't even know what air quality in China means. Did you even visit a Chinese city?


Sounds like they are inner city go karts.
“These best-sellers run between 100-125 miles on full battery, while top speeds log at 60-75 mph.”


More then good enough for the average city commuter.


Yup, exactly. They are designed for the super urban Chinese cities. An average big city probably has more people than your average American state.


Norway has the cheapest hydroelectric power in the world -- much more than they can use. Fortunately their grid is connected to the rest of Europe so they can sell it.
If any country should go all-in on the limits of electric transport, it's Norway.
I'm more surprised all of the Nordic countries aren't considering not a universal basic income, but a universal guarantee anyone at any age can work towards a free equivalent of a PhD education, especially in important technological areas for the future.


America has 10 cities with a million people or greater. China has 100+. Imagine if every city larger than Boise Idaho was suddenly as big as Dallas.

美国有10个人口超过百万的城市。中国有100 +。想象一下,如果每个比爱达荷州博伊西大的城市突然都像达拉斯一样大。

Yeah, even in a large city like LA, it’s still not as urban as your typical large Asian city. Most American cities are very spread out.


100 mile range is a go kart? isnt that what the nissan leaf's range is.


Yes, the original Leaf has about the same size battery as some of the top selling Chinese EV. But Leaf suffered from severe range reduction due to lack of active battery thermal management. And I don’t know if the range advertised is same as the EPA tested range.


How many of them actually last long enough to be worth the money? I'm not buying their cars if the battery only holds a charge for a few hours after a year....


China now makes more propaganda than every other country COMBINED


China also leads the world, by I think an order of magnitude, in the installation of solar water heaters.


So either you breath ICE emissions or you breathe coal fired power plant emissions. Given the universality of smoking and China's age profile, this will manage the problem of their non-existent pensions.
Note that an ICE engine is about 30% efficient, but so is a thermal coal power station. You might as well have coal fired cars.


How can you make a comment like this and completely fail to understand how renewable energy sources will shortly overtake coal?


How can you make a comment that completely fails to note China's current energy economy? It s 62.8% dependent on fossil inputs, 14.1% on new renewables.
The problem with this subReddit is that it is inhabited and patrolled by ideologues such as yourself, rather than people interested in the future but grounded in the realities of the present.


Interesting article. I didnt realize a lot of those factoids such as China having plans for 3x greater battery production vs the rest of the world or that 487 EV based companies were started there (I assume they're talking about the whole supply chain).


No, they’re actually referring to OEMs that claim to release an EV...


[–]Trades46Outlander PHEV/Fusion Energi (Mondeo plug-in hybrid)
You can disagree with the Chinese government and politics, but there's no question they are by far the most supportive in terms of pushing EV to realizing "made in China 2025". Most governments preach about ZEV regulations, but only China is moving quickly to try and achieve it with their own means.
Looking at how good cars like Nio and BYD are, I can't wait to take one for a spin soon in North America.


Yep, they know it’s a way to leap frog all the current automakers into the next big thing, while everyone else is stuck with the legacy companies.


You mean that same "beguiling" friend that started those EV tax incentives that directly led to where we are now and that Trump is now trying to kill? The same one who started funding green energy initiatives that led to drastic reductions in cost?
Sure, not much progress at all.


What he really needed to do, and had the support for, was raise gasoline taxes. Compare with EV numbers now. And why limit the number of EVs? But he sure talked a good line.


Good luck with that Social Credit System.


I believe China is moving so fast in the EV direction due to military reasons. China is preparing for war with the West and knows if their economy is dependent upon oil they can easily be blockaded, but if it's electricity that can be produced domestically in a myriad of ways.


They already manufacture the lions share of the worlds technology and batteries. It only makes sense they could do this.


Yes, and more reason that this is the beginning of the End for the Oil Industry, despite its pathetic political struggle and the US, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Russia trying to postpone the pain, as they did during the last climate change common announcement.
The Social and Political consequences are colossal and OPEC is only there in name.


Cars are a significant contributor to the demand for oil, but fossil fuels provide the high energy output necessary for industrial application. Development of the EV market will considerably weaken it, but won't kill it.



China was no good at cars. Then EVs came along.
China still isn't particularly "good at cars". Flooding the local market with ~100km-range EVs is hardly taking the world by storm. Of course the article completely ignores other western startups like Bollinger and Rivian.
