What would happen if all Indian politicians become honest and ethical?
如果印度所有的政治人物都变成实诚人 - 诚实且有道德,印度会变得更强大吗?
1. Balaji Viswanathan
Balaji Viswanathan, Indian by Birth. Indianby Thought.
Answered May 18 · Upvoted by Tushar Sharma,lives in India (1995-present)
There is a chance that the system mightwork better, but most likely they will screw up the country. Imagine an honestIndian PM who discloses a key defense secret or the awareness of a key enemynuclear plant — screwing up the country forever[1]. We try to overemphasizehonesty and underemphasize effectiveness.People keep writing about how honestpoliticians lost out in Karnataka elections. They talk about the honesty, butthey didn’t talk how well these losers have performed in leadership. What havethey done? Have they done any substantial benefit to the society — that shouldbe the metric, not just honesty. Talk about those — because honesty alone isnot going to bring water to your house, make the poor rich or women safe. Let’ssay we have the world’s most honest cricketer. Will just honest alone help himget the victories? If you believe in that you should make me the captain ofTeam India — I have never been involved in any match fixing, ever.You say youare an honest coder. Will that alone help you build the next Google? Willhonesty alone get you on top of Mt Everest or make you the world’s bestdoctor?If honesty alone is not a key differentiator in sports, business orscience, arts, why do you think we should look for honest politicians[forgetting all other abilities]?
2. Aaditya Vadnere
Aaditya Vadnere, Indian
Updated Jan 10, 2014
If you are imagining that un-corruptpoliticians will magically transform the country to a super power, you arewrong.We had honest, God-fearing politicians at the helm of leadership justafter we achieved independence. However, due to their naivety, they adoptedpolicies that were detrimental to growth. Nehru imagined government as theentrepreneur rather private entrepreneurship, which instilled license raj andstifled economic growth.Nehru declined US offer to give India a permanent seaton UNSC in 1953, which would have given us veto power
Morarji Desai, often lauded as a leader,shut down RAW, India's foreign intelligence agency. He even removed JRD Tatafrom Air India due to some petty feud with Indira Gandhi.Moral of the story isthat educated, honest well meaning politicians can commit blunders almost asbad as the corrupt ones. Corruption is a character flaw but lack of vision andwisdom from a leader is unforgivable.
2.1 Sooraj Swain
Apr 17, 2015 · 1 upvote
I dont know exactly about your beliefs,butmy opinion is that nehru was one of the worst or you can say wrost PM.He was sopower hungry that he even accepted the partition(lets not argue whether itresult was good or bad).Jinnah was favourite among muslims and even manyhindus.Many wanted him as PM,thats the reason Nehru opted for Partition.Afterall jinnah would have died after 2-5 years.Nehru wanted to be 1st pm.During histenure he took 40 lakhs and bought C-grade jeeps and wasted money on hisfriends.my point is corruption is not just accepting bribes
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