美国称中国威胁远超俄罗斯遭怒怼(下) [美国媒体]


"Threat from Russia paled in comparison to China"


You must be very naive if you believe the US governmentcannot get access to data from the private sector.


The whole world is facing a dire threat fromthe Anglo-Saxon hedgemony through USA/UK/Canada/Australia.. the grand plan bycecil rhodes in full motion, but god will intervene and beat the illuminaticabal


Hrabia Srul Radziwiłł
America is not safe. We need more wars to makeAmerica safe again. These bloody jewmericans need constant war to be safe.


The racist and barbaric Anglo-Saxon still don'tbelieve that one day all the people across the world will hunt them down.


"A lot of its success has been predicatedupon the theft..." Interesting how things turn out, now it's America andEurope "threatened" about "the theft" supposedlyperpetrated by China against them, when historically it's the direct opposite:Europe and North America perpetrated "the theft" against Asian,African, and Latin-American societies, doing every sort of the most gruesomeand inhumane atrocities imaginable, subjugating those societies into variousdifferent kinds of servitude (including de facto slavery!).


Now they're the ones "threatened" bywhat?! The success of a finally unbound civilisation with millennia of history,culture, wisdom, technology, at last not under the thumb of de facto historicalsuperpowers like the US or the UK, with enough military and economic means andideological makeup to go about subduing and forcing their imperialistic goalsdown the throat of any other nation on Earth! And you're the ones supposed tofeel threatened?! How dare you! No, really — how dare YOU!


YOU, not China, were the expansionist andmilitaristic imperialists of this world when you could. Never China, all they(tried) to do in the ENTIRE history was to defend themselves from externalconquering invaders (like YOU). They'd suffered from the 19th century on themost humiliating procession of disgraces that any once proud civilisation hadsuffered before them. It can only be some major brain damage not to see thatclearly written in the annals of Chinese history. Or maybe just a cluelessAmerican/European.


To go about thinking that China is out there toenslave you (like you did them) isn't perceiving actual reality: it's ratherthe suppressed guilt and fear that, regardless of whether you admit it or not,you know you deserve to get from the world, one no longer bound to yourcapricious will, the same barbaric kind of treatment you, and especially you,so self-righteously proclaimed "civilised", have otherwise inflictedupon everyone else.


Understand this: China is MUCH better than youwere, are and could've ever hoped to become! To your luck, China may well be aneconomic superpower on its own right and through very, very, very arduouslabour and ingenuity of the CHINESE people (and it's the most degrading insultto diminish their ancient, proud and abundantly rich culture with a mocking,derisive, contemptuous "communist"; that's utterly outrageous!). ButChina is most absolutely NOT an ideological superpower — again, to your luck,that isn't and never was in the Chinese makeup, "DNA".

你们要知道:现在的中国比你们过去、现在以及可能的未来,都要好太多了!你们很幸运,中国是靠着中国人的勤奋和智慧来成为经济超级强国(你们通过 “共产主义者”来侮辱中国那悠久而又自豪的文化,这种行为真是可耻)。然而,中国并不是一个意识形态超级强国——算你们走运,中国人的血液中从来都没有这种意识形态。

So NO: China is NOT "out there to getyou". That's a self-projection upon China, since you know that YOU woulddo just that again if you could trade places with them. But NO: China ISN'TYOU, and it's an insult to the face of the Chinese people thinking you have theright to project yourselves and your expansionist, militaristic, supremacistideology of subduing those overpowered by your "might". China hasnever been that low of a state, a society, or a civilisation, and it's yourignorance of that fact that dictates this absolutely preposterous outrage of anightmarishly ABSURD line of thought.


Michael Hensley
US bureaucrats keep looking for bureaucraticsolutions because their marketable goods are no longer competitive (due toprice). So portray the Chinese as sinister villains. It works on TV! So what isChina's secret and sinister weapons ? People willing to work for wages lowerthan the developed western countries. What is there highly complicated anddeviant strategy? Undersell the competition with lower prices resulting fromlow labor cost. China is winning economic wars and will continue to do so aslong as their labor rate is 1/10 the US.


Михаил Мурсеев
The trouble with the United States is that theyonly see enemies everywhere, not friends.


Stan Field
BBC news just a load of spew propaganda lol...lits a persone of low intelligence who believes the tripe from BBC


Hot Wings
China: Great Peaceful Country!!
US: War Criminal Shithole Corrupt country =Garbage!!


David Boson
Donald has no planned investments in China -biggest threat. Donald and family have investments and receiving wealth fromRussia - no threat.


Little Wing Jhendrix
The BBC apperas willing to sacrifice itsintegrity and credibility as a neutral and objective news org in this report.Its clear this interview is a propaganda piece rather than a report on factssimply by observing the interviewer's question.... he's dishing out softballquestions, leading questions, akin to questions a prosecutor would ask aprosecution witness in a trial (i.e. both are on the same side).


The entire interview appears so scripted asthough the Q&A are rehearsed in advance to fit into the Dotard's adminnarrative in their latest campaign to demonise China by sowing hatred and fearabout China (and even Chinese people -- mentioning students &businesspersons). To allay any doubts if this a disinformation campaign, thiswas even posed as a question in the interview. But the response and follow-upis so lame , its laughable. BBC, not only is your integrity gone, so is yourjournalistic standards which has just hit rock bottom with such a sham andshameful report. I use to believe in reports by the BBC, but not anymoreespecially when it comes to report on CHina.


George Akpalu
yes USA is fighting hard to find a premise tostage war against China yes. not possible because USA is going down .


SelahAhmed IbnMalachi
the USA that China is the greatest threatbecause China is a rising Global power well Russia is a military power buttheir influence isn't global, China on the other hand has influencedfinancially, militarily and economically. Amerikkka is a declining Empire anddon't want to sit down.So China,Russia MUST kill them

