"Threat from Russia paled in comparison to China"
Zack Haan
Threat to national security = countries who areoutperforming the US.
Nevermore(回复Zack Haan)
True. US has concentrated all the wealth at thetop. What do they think will happen? Increasingly Americans are just too poorto afford kids so they don't have them. That's a good strategy to cripple anation.
Bli Bla(回复Zack Haan)
In that case he would mention Germany, Switzerland,Japan or South Korea.
90’s JDM Boyo(回复BliBla)
None of their economies are growing at the rateof China’s
The are using this oppurtunity to villianisedChina because the current internal politics is under so much external espionage(specifically Russian, Turkey and who know whom else). They are trying tocreate a new enemy of the State to distract us from real issues that they arefacing.
Why is China a target?
1) Can you immagine, the current White Housewith so much investigations and indictments, shut down due to argument overbuilding some stupid wall (it's now a non wall/barrier/steel slates/fence)whilst China continue to soar ahead. They are trying to stop China from growingwhile the try to resolve their own internal issues.
2) Regardless of how liberal/democratic Westerncountries say they are, generally, still very closeted white supremist.The very thought of a non white culture/country being number 1 globbally scaredthem like hell. Honestly, probably only countries like Sweden / Norway are freefrom the White Supremist culture.
3) Honestly, it's so corrupt in the States now,you don't know who is in the Russion's oligard pocket. These politician anddefense/intelligent personnel could very well be paid to villianised China tocreate an illusion of a "bigger problem" (that US is no longer incontrol by true Americans). If Africa or India or South America is in China'sposition today, these countries will also be treated the same way as China ifyou retaliate and say please stay out of my business. So please wake upeveryone, just because you are not China doesn't mean US will not do these toyou when the time suit them.
4) Japan by geographical nature, land size,natural resource, population resource drawf against China. They will never be athreat to US just from the sheer volume of the US market and wealth (even ifthese wealth are mainly at the top end population). Even then, the US hadapplied their strategic resource military and politics to surpress Japan.Difference is Japan didnt retaliate. They knew how US would behave otherwiseand that they are unlikely to win long term so might as well step back and letUS take the driver seat.
5) Unlike Japan, China has the potential tooutgrow US. And historically, the western world has screwed with China A LOT,especially towards the end of Qing dynasty with colonising major chinesecities, creating the Opium War to dilapidate the countries system and people.And despite their "oh we are so for human right" attitude, during theWW2, the way chinese were treated when Japan invaded China, the killing ofChinese were actually worse than the holocoust in the west. Yet, all westernpowerhouse did back then was stand back and watch. No one (globally) didanything for China except the internal Chinese revolution.
rogers owen
America is the greatest threat to the wholeworld
SelahAhmed IbnMalachi(回复rogersowen)
America is a totalitarian state meanwhilegiving high respect to the rich.L ook how they've treated the African Americansthe black Americans in your country and how they tax the hell out of you andyou paid 2 times in your retail and the police beat the hell out of thecitizens they have no respect I've been to your country and seeing what they doand recorded what they do so as far as one pointing the finger to say Chinaauthoritarian state America needs to look at themselves and atrocities theycause around the world
Warren Mundell
Too bad USA deficit is 22 trillion, you buriedyourself in debt, now scream when other country is doing better . 20 years agoUS was happy to use cheap Chinese labor, you lived like a kid that inherited aload of money, and didn't know how to keep it.
joshua mcnab
They’re frightened because others are doingwell.
Maqbool Ahmed
Which country get develop that will become bigthreat for US national security
Aziz Mujawar
It seems like BBC didn't like the comments, sothey've reuploaded this video by unlisting the previous one. I'll repost mycomment on previous video: With the rise of China & Russia, the US islosing its global hegemony, and just can't stop crying about it.
David Boson
The most aggressive nation on Earth? USA!!!!and they demand no challengers.
Gobind Rawat
So sad that America instead of competing withChina now doing scaremongering. Sad really sad
OMG I seriously can't stand the softballquestions, the level of propaganda and deliberate misinformation and collusionbetween BBC and their american masters are just unbearable. Can any americanshere explain how can CHina coerce someone to hand over technologies when theycome to China to give a presentation? as the guy said at 2:30 ? can someone also explain how "forcetech transfer" work? did the Chinese hold a gun to someone's head? or didChina Kidnap the daughters of the CEO of a major tech company, like Huawei?Also at 4:30 , so it's stealing if a Chinese student wentto an US university and if they apply what they've LEARNT in China is calledstealing?
Zavi Zavi
Always a new boogie man. America stole Germanscientists without them wouldn't have a rocket or stealth tech, no morals.
Clarissa Gafoor
The USA is the most terrifying country in theworld. Never forget how this country has - since WW2 - pretty much pushed everyother country down, Japan seriously comes to mind. China are simply playing thegame their own way, rather than playing the US way, which is why America is nowgoing after them hard, hard core.
Lars Rasmussen
When it comes to doing business in China, noone has put a gun to any of the Western businesses and forced them to enter themarket in China. If one doesn't like the policy in China, one can simply walkaway. Why all these whining, bickering and slandering? If a business wants themarket in China and made a decision to enter in compliance to China's laws andpolicies, then that's a fair play. If the West insists on China opening themarket and she also has to play by the terms and rules of the West, howdifferent are we from the colonial days in the no-too-distant past?
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...