特朗普的中国战略不起作用,美国准备不足 [美国媒体]

The administration’s scattershot approach is ineffective, if not harmful to U.S. interests. And it’s only amplifying Beijing’s nationalist tune.


The administration’s scattershot approach is ineffective, if not harmful to U.S. interests. And it’s only amplifying Beijing’s nationalist tune.

政府漫无目的的做法即使不会损害美国的利益,也是无效的。 这只会放大北京的民族主义论调。

The Trump administration’s willingness to push the Chinese harder on trade. Beijing is listening. So far, so good. Now the question is what the U.S. wants to achieve. Answer: the total destruction of China as a competitor.

特朗普政府在贸易问题上加大向中国的施压力度。 北京正在倾听。 到目前为止,一切顺利。 现在的问题是美国想要实现什么。 答: 中国作为一个竞争对手的彻底毁灭。

That isn't a trade goal, and the demands being made contradict one another. This aim also unnecessarily awakens Beijing’s deepest nationalist fears.

这不是一个贸易目标,所提出的要求相互矛盾。 这一目标也不必要地唤醒了中国最深层的民族主义担忧。

Unsure what to offer next – and convinced that the U.S. effectively persuaded Canada to take an executive at Huawei Technologies Co. hostage – China is falling back on familiar jingoistic strategies and rhetoric. Things are likely to get much worse from here.

不知道下一步该如何,确信美国有效地说服加拿大扣押了华为技术公司的一名高管——中国又回到了熟悉的强硬外交的战略和言辞上。 从现在开始,情况可能会变得更糟。

Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is incurring pain that the Trump administration seeks to alleviate with a $12 billion bailout program to aid farmers. Pain may be worth enduring. But the only likely outcome is a reduction in trade and more expensive Chinese products. In other words, fat taxes on the American consumer.

与此同时,美国经济正在遭受痛苦,特朗普政府试图通过120亿美元援助农民计划来缓解这种痛苦。痛苦也许是值得忍受的。 但唯一可能的结果是贸易减少,中国产品价格上涨。 换句话说,对美国消费者征收高额税收。

Over the past few months, Chinese imports from the U.S. have dropped sharply, declining 25 percent in November, even as its exports to the U.S. continued to rise. The big falloff started in July, after Washington implemented the first list of China-specific tariffs.

在过去的几个月里,中国从美国的进口急剧下降,11月份下降了25% ,同时中国对美国的出口持续增长。 这一大幅度的下降始于7月份,华盛顿实施了第一份针对中国的关税清单后。

The majority of U.S. firms polled by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai reported that the trade war has hurt their profits and that non-trade barriers have increased. The policies, if anything, have supported more offshoring: 31 percent of the respondents said they were looking to assemble or source components outside the U.S. There is no evidence that cybersecurity or intellectual-property protections have improved for U.S. companies.

上海美国商会调查的大多数美国公司报告说,贸易战损害了他们的利润,非贸易壁垒增加了。 如果说这些政策有什么作用的话,那就是支持了更多的离岸外包: 31% 的受访者表示,他们希望在美国以外的地方组装或采购零部件。 没有证据表明美国公司的网络安全或知识产权保护有所改善。

That's a big turnaround in sentiment from years past. So why the change of heart?

与过去几年相比,这是人们情绪的一个重大转变。 那么,为什么会改变主意呢?

China started its economic opening with an all-fronts offensive to charm foreign businesses. Beijing and Shanghai built luxurious hotels at the end of highways that led straight from their airports: Foreign investors never needed to encounter the inconveniences of China proper.

中国在开始经济开放之初就展开了全方位的攻势,以吸引外国企业。 北京和上海在高速公路的尽头修建了豪华酒店,这些酒店直接从他们的机场出发: 外国投资者从来不需要遭遇中国本土的不便。

By the 1990s, every third-string corporate delegation from the U.S. hoping to manufacture ball bearings or Barbie dolls in China was given an audience with the top political leadership, and those of us working there met constantly with government representatives. It's no wonder that American corporations believed the country was on a trajectory toward better market access, more transparency and fairer competition.

到了20世纪90年代,每一个希望在中国生产滚珠轴承或芭比娃娃的美国三线企业代表团都得到了最高领导层的接见,我们在那里工作的人经常会见政府代表。 难怪美国公司相信美国正走在一条更好的市场准入、更透明和更公平竞争的道路上。

A key turning point came when China discovered public markets. The decade between 2000 and 2010 was a heyday for Chinese IPOs – especially for state-owned enterprises, for which public markets seemed like a bottomless and benevolent well of cash.

当中国接触公开市场时,一个关键的转折点出现了。 2000年至2010年这十年是中国 ipo 的鼎盛时期——对国有企业来说尤其如此,对国有企业来说,上市就像是一口无底洞的慈善现金井。

Another decisive moment was 2008, when the nation’s measures to secure an optically triumphant Olympics established the machinery for tighter information control. That came in handy as the global financial crisis hit. With infrastructure stimulus appearing to rescue the economy, Beijing became convinced of the country's exceptionalism – a hubris that only affirmed the success of China’s authoritarian model, and led to a new era of assertiveness.

另一个决定性的时刻是2008年,当时中国采取措施确保奥运会获得成功,建立了更严格的信息控制机制。 在全球金融危机爆发之际,这种做法派上了用场。 随着基础设施刺激措施似乎拯救了经济,北京开始相信中国的例外主义——这种傲慢只会肯定中国模式的成功,并导致一个自信的新时代。

Initially, it was startling and encouraging that a U.S. administration was finally willing to call China’s bluff. Problems in bilateral trade genuinely run deep, and Beijing has a coordinated strategy of stealing U.S. technology and evading American export-control laws. Market access has in many ways deteriorated since the country joined the World Trade Organization in 2001 and made sweeping commitments to open up. The country subsidizes industries that then gain unfair advantages against competing foreign products.

最初,美国政府最终愿意向中国摊牌,这是令人吃惊和鼓舞的。 双边贸易中的问题确实根深蒂固,而且北京有一个偷窃美国技术和规避美国出口管制法律的协调战略。 自从该国于2001年加入世界贸易组织并全面承诺对外开放以来,国家补贴工业,然后获得不公平的优势。

But the Trump administration’s attempt to address these problems isn't working. Its trade positions conflict with one another, and despite various theories, no one is entirely sure who speaks for the U.S. President Donald Trump started off by demanding that China reduce its trade surplus with the U.S. by $200 billion and threatened a series of tariffs on its goods. The U.S. trade representative is pushing forward a Section 301 action to address intellectual-property theft, while also claiming to be working to encourage “reshoring” by U.S. firms. The Department of Defense is focused on cyber-strategy; the Department of Commerce on export controls; the FBI on non-traditional espionage. In other words, there is a litany of complaints whose basic target is the whole Chinese economic and political system.

但特朗普政府解决这些问题的努力并没有奏效。 它的贸易立场彼此冲突,尽管有各种各样的理论,但没有人能完全确定谁能代表美国。总统唐纳德· 特朗普开始要求中国减少对美贸易顺差2000亿美元,并威胁对其商品征收一系列关税。 美国贸易代表正在推动一项301条款的行动,以解决知识产权盗窃问题,同时也声称正在努力鼓励美国公司"回流"。 国防部专注于网络战略,商务部专注于出口控制,联邦调查局专注于非传统的间谍活动。 换句话说,有一连串的抱怨,其基本目标是整个中国的经济和政治制度。

Many of these goals are incompatible. Enforcing U.S. export controls will necessarily decrease its shipments to China and therefore increase the trade deficit. U.S. tariffs, and the inevitable retaliation, are a disincentive to reshoring, as they raise costs. Enforcing intellectual-property laws promotes import substitution. None of this is to say that the laws shouldn't be enforced; the administration just needs to be clear on its goals.

这些目标中有许多是不相容的。 加强美国的出口管制必然会减少对中国的出口,从而增加贸易逆差。 美国的关税,以及不可避免的报复行为,随着成本的上升,抑制了海外市场的回流。 执行知识产权法促进进口替代。 所有这些并不是说法律不应该被强制执行; 政府只是需要明确它的目标。

Stupid article. Trump is leveling the playing field and his strategy is working because China's economy is being impacted. Soon they will have to cave to Trump's demands and liberals will spend months screaming at the sky !!!


Dummy .... China can survive a harsher environment than us.... because they don't have to borrow money ...Get that in your head!


Winston Churchill
Apples and Lemons don't compare,the PBoC is a public bank,not private like the FedRes.That's their strength and our weakness right there.Think about that if you're capable of anything


funny how peeps assume china needs USD to build their infrastructure


as long as americans borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars to flip houses, they will never be able to compete in manufacturing globallyas adam smith said, the proconditions for capitalism are land, labor, capital & entrepreneurial spirit.the fed has done nothing to make these factors more affordable for the middle class


Sure, they may have some hard assets on hand, but all of their money is borrowed, and they are at unprecedented debt levels.Imagine financing a nascent global empire, with a promise on a promise on something that doesn't exist - and you will be in the right ballpark.


Davy Crockett
Since their GDP is lower (and faked even more than ours is), that number is still quite high. Funny you didn't realize that.


Bay Area Guy
China’s in debt up to its eyeballs. All that spending on ghost cities that artificially inflated GDP. China’s only claims to fame in its supposed economic miracle are stealing technology from everyone and having lower labor costs. The lower labor costs are now a thing of the past as India, Vietnam and !Myanmar, just to name three, have lower costs and China is seeing an outflow of business to those countries.


If you think China is sitting pretty, why all the sudden military bluster from the admiral the other day and Xi today? Just like the US, you use military bluster to try to identify an enemy outside your borders to unite your people when your people hate you.China is in trouble.....a lot of trouble. Some of the wounds come from the US, but the majority are self-inflicted. The US is in a race to the bottom with them.But to say China doesn’t have to borrow money is simply not true.


If you add up all the assets, China doesn't have to borrow...Some of you guys just look at the debt.... you guys fucken retarded ..economically speaking ...


Garbage article from an obviously China puppet apologist.China has shafted by stealth the USA and they are winning the game for hegemony.This author is an obvious peddler of fake news.


China has now the biggest economy on earth since 2014 measured by the more accurate PPP.In fact China' s economy is 25% bigger than the US today.China couldn't been that much of an economic **** up as the Bloomberg article asserts.


He–Mene Mox Mox
You are very much right. Unlike the author's at Bloomberg, who don't get far from New York, I personally have been to China a number of times since 2007, and I can tell you America's economy looks pretty sickly compared to China's, and unlike America, they have something to show for it too, like good infrastructures, and better health care, etc.,. I often think crack pot authors in America, like Bloomberg, write negative articles about China out of either envy, or lack of knowledge, or kowtow to the politics.


I've only been to Beijing and just the airport alone shocked me.Clean, huge, rooms ventilated for smokers, beautiful architecture: if I hadn't been there I would have sworn I was in Germany!!!


He–Mene Mox Mox
Yeah, Beijing's airport is huge. But, the nicest airport I ever been to anywhere in the world is Guangzhou's. That is definitely a shopper's delight, and everything is so convenient too. What is more, they will put you up in a nice hotel for those long layovers, no costs to you. Try finding an American airport or airline willing to do the same.


I think if they don't write negative nonsense on China, Russia et al, they would out of a job.


He–Mene Mox Mox
Yep! You have a good point. Got to feed Americans what they are accustomed to hearing. They are so "provincial" anyway, and don't know what they are missing.


Canadian Gal
" I'm confused. Where has anyone suggested that we want to destroy China as a competitor? "
It's been the goal from the start. Trump made that clear when, within his stated list of demands to China, he included China putting an end to their 2025 plan, an end to their goals of becoming the top tech powerhouse in the world and a curtailing of the Belt and Road trade initiatives.Considering these things make up China's entire economic plans for future growth, yeah, I'd say Trump was pretty blatant in his wishes to end them as competitors.


francis scott falseflag
the Chinese as they only care about moneycontrasted to Americans who only care about RULING THE WORLD


Regardless the amount of anti-China propaganda by all Rothschild media trying to foment public opinions against them, China will NEVER handover their money supply and control to Team Rothschild.

