哪些习惯是中国人特有的? [美国媒体]

quora网友:能接受不同民族之间的诧异,不会把中国人的价值观强加到到其他民族和其他文化上。 如果其他民族如越南人、韩国人和日本人自愿采用了中国文化中的特性,那是他们自己的事情,大多数情况下,中国人并不强迫别人接受中国的价值观......

Which Chinese habit do you consider exceptional?


Paul Denlinger, Proudly blocked by FFW
The ability to accept differences among peoples without trying to project their own Chinese values onto other peoples and cultures.
If other people like the Vietnamese, Koreans and Japanese adopt certain features of Chinese culture of their own volition, that is their business, but for the most part, the Chinese don’t force others to adopt Chinese values.
In Chinese, it is called 求同存异 or “seek common ground while respecting the differences.”


John Koh
Chinese,even down to the uneducated Chinese person , have an exceptional tolerance of religions other than their own. They are hard wired into thinking that other people’s religion is just like their skin or hair colour ! They will not think their Chinese skin or hair colours are superior or try to change other’s to theirs .


Manoj Namboodiri, former Lived 3 Years in Shanghai and 2 in HK
The tendency to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables at every meal – very lightly cooked . I see more leaves in a traditional Chinese meal than many other diets. Very healthy.


It’s amazing to witness it in action, while the reason appears to be on account of their resilience to remain patient and silently hopeful under all circumstances.
The Chinese just wait, wait and wait until something better comes along and if not they continue waiting and bear it in silence. I’m from the USA and while growing up and coming of age in my native country, I was not patient, not expected to be so and nearly everyone else I knew was impatient by nature.


That’s because as Americans we are taught to be go-getters, pro-active, not reactive, to seize the day, to be the master of your own fate.
We Americans are brilliant at marketing so I can add a few more slogans, such as : Yes, we can, do it now not later, and so many other buzz phrases that would give validation and the moral stamp of approval for being impatient.


Yes indeed, I learned that from watching TV commercials for Heinz Ketchup when I was a kid. I mention this because a “Made in the USA” marketing campaign to encourage patience was catchy, but had failed to deliver the desired result of making Americans more patient.
I never learned true patience until I had come to China. And ironically, whenever I met American expats newly-arrived here, the most noticeable habit they all seem to have as newcomers would be an over-abundance of impatience.


When they want something, they want it now, not later and insist that if their demands are not met, they will confront others with fire and fury that the world has never seen before. I often have to explain that their impatience and creating a sense of urgency will not help them to adapt to China.
Hence, the ones who heed my advice usually stay in the country for a long while and feel happy, but those who ignore my common sense suggestions never last more than a year in China as they leave both feeling angry and of course still impatient.


Sam Arora,Traveled/visited China several times,IndoChina,Thailand
Trust: To gain Chinese trust you must be born/brought up in China. Non Chinese can almost never gain trust of a Chinese.
The Chinese never forget their roots, land, and attachment to their country/ soil/culture and their food even after several generations from their country.


Tai Chi: A Chinese may be a deathbed but daily exercise is part of his/her life.


Conventional Wisdom: The older generation is very smart in conventional wisdom.


Gardening: Gardening is in their blood, they have to have it. Even they grow one plant, but they cannot stay away from it.

