你怎么预测2019年的中国经济(上) [美国媒体]


What are your predictions for China's economy in 2019?


Clément Renaud, who knew I will end up there?
Answered Wed
The difficulty to predict what is going to happen in 2019 in China shows that we have entered very uncertain times.
The economic outlook of the coming year depends on how political tensions will resolve, both internally and globally.
The national Chinese economy itself has some problems but they are reasonably under control. Chinese people are working hard. The strategic industrial planning looks good. Businesses still flourish, even if many of the craziest opportunities are beyond already.


Elephants are not bunnies. “External enemies” are not the key issues for them. Good self management is the key. Countries like China and the US are elephants, not bunnies. Thus for both countries, their economy next year is very much dependent on their own domestic policies. This should be the baseline understanding for both countries (which is why President Trump’s endless ‘countries A,B, C. D, E, F, G,… are keeping us down’-talking points are mostly baseless distractions).


But there the similarity ends. While the US economy is similar to the African Safari, the Chinese economy is more similar to a manicured farm. The US can only directly affects the economy with the Fed’s interest rate adjustment (which is like, do you want rain or drought? Pick one ’cause that all what I can do for you), so you, as an investor, need to worry about the potential for drought, flood, tornado, and avalanche. In China, that’s the Chinese government’s job to make sure those things are managed, which is why China started forcing companies to de-leverage for the past two years, forcing housing prices to stabilize, and control the exchange rate to keep other people’s troubles out. Inducing local avalanches to lower the risks of big, unplanned avalanches. China can say, I want industries 1 - 3 to reduce their outputs by 10%, and I want industries 4 - 10 to increase their outputs by 5 - 15%, and I want 2 new industry on so-and-so by the end of this year. So predicting the US economy is like predicting the weather. Predicting the Chinese economy is like predicting a construction project. They are, let’s just say, a bit different.

但是二者的相似之处也仅止于此。美国经济类似非洲狩猎旅行,而中国经济更像一个修剪整齐的农场。美国只能通过美联储的利率调整来直接影响经济(就像你要下雨还是干旱?选一个,因为我能为你做的就这么多),所以作为投资者的你需要担忧干旱,洪水,龙卷风和雪崩的可能性。在中国,中国政府的职责就是确保这些东西得到管理,这也是过去两年来中国开始强迫企业去杠杆化的原因所在,迫使住房价格稳定,通过控制汇率来抵挡他人的麻烦。诱导地方雪崩以降低意外大雪崩的风险。中国可以说,我想产业1-3降低产能10%,产业4-10增加产能5-15%,到年底要建立起两个新产业。所以预测美国经济就像预测天气,预测中国经济就像预测一个建筑项目。二者是存在 差异的。

Which means that predicting the Chinese economy is actually quite a bit easier, if you assume that the Chinese government has a competent engineering team. You just need to pull out China’s current Five-year plans of China as the blueprint, figure out where the current base is, then look up on the goals and targets. The Plan for 2016 - 2020 includes 24 goals and 13 binding targets. 6.5% average GDP growth target. These will be done. The only uncertainty is the exact timing. In fact, the US government keeps a close eye on China’s five-year-plans. Here is the one with the latest update, posted on the US Government’s site: https://www.uscc.gov/sites/defau...


Ming Huang Chai
I like your bunny and elephant analogy. Thanks for sharing your insights once again. Happy New Year!

