中国最大的影视城内部 [美国媒体]


Inside China’s largest film studio


The town of Hengdian in eastern China’s Zhejiang province has been called the Hollywood of China. It is home to China’s largest film studio, which produces more than 1,800 movies and TV series each year, and census figures show a quarter of the town’s population are actors. But after a two decade boom, business is slowing down in Hengdian, because of a government crackdown on corruption within the film industry.


seven henson
Wow didn't know that it was a replica. Thought the show got a licence to shoot part of the scenes at the real palace!


Me too!!


Ann Liu
Hardware is indeed greater. However, it takes time for the software... and investors. Hollywood level software isn’t easy to get.


Raman Tiwari
I hate bollywood they only show love story


Almost every movie made in any country features love stories.


What's the correlation to this context video anyway? Bollywood has its own industry.


Good Old Days
Rei Kun Bollywood is still a shit


Hussain Bharmal
Crackdown on Chinese actors and restrictions on their salary is unfair. Crackdown for illegal activities is ok but to harass them or for freedom of speech is sad..


Amy Ding
Hussain Bharmal it’s unfair to crackdown on celebrity tax evasion?


Crazy Lee
Hussain Bharmal are you serious? Actors are getting payed by a ton and still tries to evade taxes. I would rather have better quality productions than over priced actors…


Sun Wu
Worshipping senseless celebrities like a nice little sheep you are. Good for you


Hussain Bharmal
@Sun Wu I don't worship them at all. But when someone harasses someone because they r famous I don't agree with that..


Sun Wu
@Hussain Bharmal In case you dont know. In china, the laws apply to the poors as well as to the rich the same way. Unlike in other countries.


Cash Cash
Those pollutions were created by western countries sending their garbage to China for recycling. China refused to recycle your trash as of January 2018 and now Malaysia is fed up with it also. Lets hope all Asian countries do the same. That is why all these white trash countries are now going nuts of trying to figure what to do. Soon, the wild wild west will look and smell like shit!!!


Dinil Dinesh
Every city is polluted actually, not just in China or India. Simply buy the air quality meter from Amazon and check it yourself, there is a bigger chance that from where you are might have higher pollution than Chinese cities. Trust me! 🙄

其实每个城市都被污染了,不仅仅是在中国和印度。去买 一个空气测量仪吧,你会发现自己的城市极有可能比中国城市更污染。相信 我。
