关于任何一个国家,有哪些惊人的事实? [美国媒体]

quora网友:让我们了解一些关于中国的事实。中国正在引领世界走向未来。1. 中国刚刚成为世界上最大的太阳能生产国。2. 中国正在向可再生能源发电领域投入3640亿美元。3. 中国提前三年实现了2020年的太阳能发电目标......

What are some mind-blowing facts about any nation?


NadeemMirza, B.E. Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi ProudyogikiVishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (2016)
Updated Dec 4, 2017
Let us know some facts about China.
China is now leading the world into thefuture.
The country just became the world’s largestsolar power producer.
China is pouring $364 billion intorenewable power generation.
The country reached its 2020solar power target three years early.
At this rate, itwill fulfill its goals of cutting greenhouse emissions by 2020.
Atleast 40hospitals in China have deployed IBM’s Watson. They areusing Al to improve healthcare and speed up diagnoses.
Chinese scientists have invented ricethat can grow in saline water.
That can feed over 200 million people.
They also discovered a way to turnsand into fertile soil.
That will help them convert desert landinto lands rich with crops.
China signed a $300m deal to buylab-grown meat from Israel.
With the hope of reducing the impact ofmeat industry on the climate.
Atleast 1 billion Chinese could beusing 5G mobile networks by 2023.
Most Chinese consumers are nowusing mobile payment instead of cash.
China and Europe are teaming up to build a baseon the moon. The nation will also send an unmanned probe to Mars by the end of 2020.
China has built the world’slargest telescope to study the universe.
China is also constructing verticalforest buildings.
Thanks for reading.

1. 中国刚刚成为世界上最大的太阳能生产国。
2. 中国正在向可再生能源发电领域投入3640亿美元。
3. 中国提前三年实现了2020年的太阳能发电目标。

Nov 15, 2017 · 11 upvotes including NandishMashru


Nov 15, 2017 · 25 upvotes including NadeemMirza
Atheismis the solution.


Mar 1, 2018 · 5 upvotes
Thsolution is critical thinking and objectivity.
Believewhatever you want personally, just don't be an idiot about it.
Now, Idon't think most people have the ability to do that, so, sadly, I'm starting tobelieve you are right.



ChintanGangwal, Newbie Writer and CuriousReader!! (Quora-one of my hobbies)
Updated Dec 21, 2017
India s the world'slargest, oldest, continuous civilization.
India is the world'sLargest democracy.
India never invaded any country in herlast 1000 years of history.
India invented the number system.Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
When many cultures were only nomadicforest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappanculture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization)
Sanskrit is the mother of all the EuropeanLanguages . Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computersoftware - a report in Forbes magzine July 1987.
Chess (Shataranja orAshtaPada) was invented in India.
India has the second largestpool of Scientist and Engineers in the World.
India is the second largestEnglish speaking nation in the world.
India is the only country other than USand Japan, to have built a super computer indeigenously.
India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world
One of the largest employer in the worldis the Indian Railways , employing over a million people
India was one of the richestcountries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century.Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a searoute to India when he discovered America by mistake.
The Baily Bridge is the highestbridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Drasand Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army inAugust 1982
The Vishnu Temple in the city ofTirupathi built in the 10th century, is the world's largest religiouspilgrimage destination. Larger than either Rome or Mecca, an averageof 30,000 visitors donate $6 million (US) to the temple everyday.
Varanasi, also known as Benaras, wascalled "the Ancient City", When Lord Buddha visitedVaranasi city in 500 BC, it was already 1,300 years old! This makes it theoldest continuously inhabited city in the world.
Martial Arts were firstcreated in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist missionaries.
Yoga has its originsin India and has existed for over 5,000 years.
The world’s first garden-tomb wasconstructed in India. The structure, known as Humayun’s Tomb was constructed inmemory of Mughal emperor Humayun.




The country is home to the largestpopulation of vegetarians in the world.
India is home to the largest populationof cattle in the world and not surprisingly the largest milk producer inthe world is also India.
Chail, a picturesque hill station inHimachal Pradesh is home to the highest cricket ground in the world.A whole hill was levelled to build the ground, which is nearly 2,500 metersabove sea level.
Oldest university in the world: The firstuniversity in the world was set up in Takshilla in the year 700 BC. Studentsfrom around the world studied a number of different subjects.
The mid-day meal scheme is the world'slargest school lunch programme.
The Tata Nano isthe world's cheapest car designed to carry four people insupreme comfort.
India has the cheapest callrates in the world and for this reason alone millions are able toafford owning a mobile phone and making calls.
With two-wheelers the primary mode ofcommuting for Indians, India is the top producer of motorcycles,scooters and mopeds.
Largest oil refinery in the world: With a capacityof refining 1.24 million barrels a day, Reliance' refinery atJamnagar (Gujarat) is the largest in the world.
World's largest producer ofbutter: India leads the world in the production and consumptionof butter.
Tejas, which is onthe verge of entering service with the Indian Air Force is the world'ssmallest and lightest 4th generation fighter aircraft.
First country to consume sugar: India was thefirst in the world to extract and purify sugar.

Chail是喜马偕尔邦(Himachal Pradesh)一个风景如画的山地车站,是世界上最高的板球场所在地。整座山被夷为平地,地面高出海平面近2500米。

午餐计划(The mid-day meal scheme)是世界上最大的学校午餐计划。



UdayFotedar, M.Sc Distributed Systems,Technical University of Darmstadt (2016)
Answered Oct 29, 2017
Let’s talk about RUSSIA. Hereare the facts about the country I love :-
1.Russia is the largest countryin the world in terms of territory,with a total area of 6,601,668 square miles(17,098,242 square kilometers) and is bigger than the 9th planet in our solarsystem Pluto.
2. Beer was not considered an alcoholic beverage in Russia until2013.We all know they love drinking Vodka.
3. Russia has the 2nd most powerful Military in the world.
4. The country is home to the largest McDonalds restaurant inthe world.
5. There are approximately 10 million more women in Russia thanthere are men. The imbalance was initially believed to the result of so manymen dying during World War II.

8. 俄罗斯占世界森林面积的20%。
9. 莫斯科是全球亿万富翁最集中的城市之一。
10. 俄罗斯跨越9个时区,使用协调世界时(UTC) +2到+11小时,不包括+4时区。在夏季,俄罗斯人使用UTC +3到+12小时,不包括+5时区。
11. 俄罗斯的天然气储量相当于132亿个奥运会规模的游泳池。

13. 据说每天有900万通勤者乘坐莫斯科地铁,比伦敦和纽约的总和还要多。
14. 俄罗斯的贝加尔湖拥有世界五分之一的淡水
15. 1868年,俄罗斯以720万美元的价格将阿拉斯加卖给了美国。
